XBOX360 実績解除スレまとめ @wiki 『Batman Arkham Asylum』


|Big Bang|イージーでクリアする|50|
|Bigger Bang|ノーマルでクリアする|50|
|Biggest Bang|ハードでクリアする|50|
|Party Pooper|パーティを台無しにする|10|
|Freeflow Combo 20|コンボを20回続ける|10|
|Freeflow Combo 40|コンボを40回続ける|10|
|Night Glider|100メートル滑空する|5|
|Rope-A-Dope-A-Dope|String up one henchman and drop him to surprise a second (any play mode)|10|
|Freeflow Combo 5|コンボを5回続ける|5|
|Freeflow Combo 10|コンボを10回続ける|5|
|Freeflow Perfection|バットマンが出来る全ての行動を入れたコンボをする|10|
|Freakshow Rodeo|Ride a beast and unleash its power|10|
|Freeflow Bronze|combat challengesで8個メダルを獲得する|10|
|Freeflow Silver|combat challengesで16個メダルを獲得する|25|
|Freeflow Gold|combat challengesで24個メダルを獲得する|50|
|Predator Bronze|predator challengesで8個メダルを獲得する|10|
|Predator Silver|predator challengesで16個メダルを獲得する|25|
|Predator Gold|predator challengesで24個メダルを獲得する|50|
|Invisible Predator|predator challengeを気付かれること無くSilent Takedownsで完了する|10|
|Flawless Freeflow Fighter|combat challengeをダメージを受けることなく完了する|10|
|Crack The E Nigma|島の全ての謎をクリアする|20|
|Arkham Analyst|5%のRiddler challengesをクリアする|20|
|Cryptic Investigator|10%のRiddler challengesをクリアする|20|
|Lateral Thinker|25%のRiddler challengesをクリアする|20|
|Mystery Solver|40%のRiddler challengesをクリアする|20|
|Conundrum Cracker|Solve 55% of Riddler challenges|20|
|Mental Athlete|Solve 70% of Riddler challenges|20|
|Riddle Resolver|Solve 85% of Riddler challenges|20|
|World's Greatest Detective|Arkhamの最大の謎を解決する|20|
|Perfect Knight|100%を達成する|75|

|Shocking Rescue|Take down Zsasz in the Patient Pacification Chamber|10|
|Leave No Man Behind|Rescue the guards and henchman from the Joker toxin in Decontamination|10|
|Malpractice Needs More Practice|Survive the onslaught from the deformed Joker henchman|10|
|Born Free|Escape from Intensive Treatment to the island surface|10|
|Just What The Doctors Ordered|Save all the doctors in Medical|10|
|Daydreamer|Survive the nightmare of the Scarecrow's fear gas|10|
|Baneful Payback|Defeat Bane|25|
|Breaking And Entering|Gain access to Arkham Mansion after it is locked down by the Joker|10|
|Recurring Nightmare|Face your biggest fears and keep your sanity|10|
|Zsasz Cut Down To Size|Save Dr. Young from being killed by Victor Zsasz|10|
|Solitary Confinement|Capture and lock up Harley Quinn|25|
|Double Trouble|Defeat two Titan Henchmen at once|25|
|Resist The Fear|Conquer the effects of the Scarecrow's fear gas|50|
|Crocodile Tears|Venture into Killer Croc's lair and come out alive|50|
|Poisoned Ivy|Defeat the giant Titan Ivy plant|50|




