"Cotton Drifting" Chapter Day 10: Rika's House(3)

「"Cotton Drifting" Chapter Day 10: Rika's House(3)」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

"Cotton Drifting" Chapter Day 10: Rika's House(3)」(2011/12/23 (金) 23:18:26) の最新版変更点



<p>Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Is this all my fault?</font><br /><br /> Rena:<font color="#FF6600"><br /> Are you OK, Keiichi?</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">It's me. It's all because of me.<br /> I'm the one who did this.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Keiichi, they are saying that all the kids should go home now.</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">It's all my fault that they disappeared.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">What makes you say that, Keiichi? What?<br /> I know you, Keiichi, and I know you care about your friends a whole lot.<br /> Guess what.<br /> There is a few other things that you don't think I know but I do.<br /> Like how I know that it's not your fault for sure.</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">How do you know that?<br /> I didn't tell Rena anything.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Let me guess.<br /><font color="#000000">You're thinking to yourself all know something (   ) might disappear on me too.<br /></font>But don't worry about that.<br /> I won't disappear. I promise.</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">But how do you know that for sure?<br /> There is no telling who's gonna go next.<br /> It could be any one of us.<br /><br /></font></p>




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