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How Do I Scheme?


God Learner politics might draw the Player Characters into the following adventures:

  • Destroying damaging evidence against a patron or a patron’s political ally.
  • .[自分を支援してくれる]有力者やその味方に不利になる証拠を隠滅する。
  • Recovering damaging evidence against a patron’s rival.
  • .政敵に打撃となる証拠を押さえる。
  • Gaining a treasure or myth to win the friendship of a desired ally.
  • .味方の信望を得るべく、秘宝や秘術を手に入れる。
  • Couriering sensitive communications between political allies.
  • .味方の有力者間の密使を務める。
  • Rescuing a political figure held by enemies.
  • .敵に捕らわれた重要人物を救助する。
  • Assassinating enemies.
  • .敵を暗殺する。
  • Investigating assassinations of allies.
  • .味方に為された暗殺を調査する。
  • Temporarily kidnapping rival politicians to prevent them from taking undesirable action.
  • .政敵による都合の悪い行動を妨害するために、その政敵を攫って一時的に軟禁する。
  • Negotiating an alliance between political figures.
  • .重要人物同士の同盟交渉[の密使を務める]。
  • Raiding rivals’ lands, draining them of operating resources.
  • .政敵の領地を荒らし回って、その資産を台無しにする。
  • Protecting allies’ lands from raids.
  • .[政敵の放った]ならず者たちから味方の領地を守る。

How Do I Trade?


Commercially-oriented groups may wish to set up trading Empires of their own.
To start, they will need to acquire a ship.
They might inherit a derelict vessel during an adventure or win a ship as reward from a grateful patron.
More likely, they can lease a barely seaworthy knorr for 2,000 to 3,000 silver per season and a 20% share of revenues, calculated before profit.
If they go this route, an expendable lackey of the ship’s owner accompanies them on their journeys, tallying up their transactions.

Adventurers are more likely to get involved in trade-based exploits on a one-off basis.
They might serve as ship or caravan guards, launch raids against pirate ships or outposts, explore new potential trade routes or broker trade deals between imperial merchants and isolated cultures.



The Empire’s seafaring mercantilists conduct a bustling trade throughout Glorantha.
Even their sworn rivals, the EWF, benefit from their movement of goods across the world.
Jrusteli trading houses dominate trade, benefiting from their early start in the establishment of shipping fleets.
Other colonies and outposts play catch-up, building their own competing fleets.

Where treasure-laden ships fill the ocean, piracy follows.
Pirates from the Eastern Isles and the northern coast of Pamaltela grow increasingly bold.
The Imperial Navy allocates a small number of ships to the battle against piracy.
. [the Imperial Navy] は海賊の掃討に船を割くことはほとんどなかったので、
Other anti-pirate operations are staffed and underwritten by the Mercantilist’s League.
. [the Merchantilist's League] が海賊掃討の任を自ら請け負い、人手を集めた。
Adventurers and mercenaries, including many ex-pirates seeking a steadier income, man these fast, cheaply-built and highly expendable vessels.

Any trader, whether based on land or sea, can join the Mercantilist’s League, provided that he can present invoices showing at least 10,000 gold pieces of business conducted in the past year.
.陸上交易であれ海上交易であれ、一年間の交易規模が10,000金片以上であることを[ちゃんと]送状[の束]で証明することができれば、誰でも [the Merchantilist's League] に加入することができた。
Once eligible, members need not reestablish their credentials.
In addition to its role in anti-piracy efforts, the league represents commercial interests to the Emperor, controlling a seat on the High Council.
. [the Emperor] は [the Merchantilist's League] に海賊退治だけでなく、[帝室財産による]交易の代行をも委ねており、[彼らの尽力に [the Emperor] は] [the High Council] の議席を与えることで報いた。



The nobility’s demand for land and glory necessitates constant war.
Although the Empire maintains its own standing army and navy, and is augmented by volunteer forces such as the religiously-motivated Rightness Army, it never has as many men under arms as it wants.
.神知者帝国は常設の陸海軍を抱えている上、 [Rightness Army] のような宗教的な情熱に支えられた義勇軍の支援も期待できたが、それでも必要なだけの武装した人間を揃えることはできなかった。
Mercenaries fill the gap, travelling to areas of conflict to sign on with the highest bidder.

Although few Player Characters want to join armies and fight in mass engagements whose results they have little control over, they can find gainful employment in support or mop-up operations.
Martial-themed adventures might include:

  • Bandit suppression in backwater areas.
  • .僻地における盗賊団の掃討
  • Sabotage or reconnaissance missions.
  • .破壊工作ないし諜報活動
  • Military espionage.
  • .[その他、]軍事的なスパイ活動
  • Stealing myths and secrets from rival powers.
  • .敵対する権力者からの神話と秘密(myths and secrets)の奪取
  • Thwarting other adventuring parties working for rebels or foreign powers, whether their objectives are magical, political, commercial or military.
  • .反乱や外国勢力のため、あるいは自分たちの魔術的、政治的、商業的、軍事的な目的のために活動している他の集団の妨害

  • 二期だからルナーはないですw 文脈で言うと神知者帝国ですかね>Efendiさん -- (なゆた) 2008-01-08 00:21:07
  • あ、そうですね。WFEかも。無難に「帝国」ですね。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-08 00:24:17
  • ぬあっ、通を気取って略して間違えた…。EWFでした。ううっ、コメントは修正できないのね。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-08 00:29:08
  • 編集できますよー。「すべてのコメントを見る」を押してから、上のメニューバーの[編集]→[このページの編集]ですー。 -- (なゆた) 2008-01-08 00:30:42
  • 「軍事的なスパイ活動」って何が違うの? と思ったけど、それ以外の暗殺とか誘拐ってことかな、たぶん。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-08 07:05:03
  • 上記、貿易の項より、the Empire は神知者帝国、 the EWF はワームの友邦帝国、とはっきり分けられてるのですね、この本では。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-08 22:21:46
  • Efendiさん精力的に訳していただいてどうもですー。
    編集のガイドラインに書いておきます。 -- (なゆた) 2008-01-09 01:19:50
  • might が「精霊力」という訳語を与えられているとすると、全体的に誤訳の方が多くなると思われます。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-22 00:27:27
  • p. 22、完了。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-22 00:54:14
  • お疲れ様デース。自動翻訳の辞書からはmightをはずしました。ほかにもいくつかあるんですよね。知識精霊とか。。。 -- (なゆた) 2008-01-22 01:04:16


最終更新:2008年01月22日 00:56