Check by other similar documents

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Check by other similar documents」(2016/12/23 (金) 19:28:07) の最新版変更点



#image(Similar documents.png, width=100, height=100) Hiro was in charge of the operation of the financial system for many years but was ordered to transfer abroad. As a result of confirming handover materials to successors, there was no manual for periodic inspection for the financial system which is carried out once every six months. Therefore, Hiro decided to prepare a manual. As for the inspection, only Hiro understands the work content. Therefore, Hiro has to confirm the content without review from a third party. On the other hand, the reviewer's own review tends to be subjective. &bold(){How should the predecessor creates document content and ensure objectivity without review from third parties?} By using a model, it becomes easier to think about what to write and how to write it when creating a document. Also, you can check objectively whether all required items are listed. &bold(){Search for documents that would serve as an example and to prevent omission of necessary knowledge.} Joe is in charge for the operation of estimate creation system. The system uses the same server as the financial system. Hiro decided to prepare a procedure for the manual while referring to the procedure manual for the estimate creation system. Hiro borrowed a manual from Joe and created a procedure manual. Thanks to the model, Hiro could create the manual covering all the necessary procedures. When using this pattern, it is necessary to select an appropriate similar document. It is necessary to focus on attention such as "what kind of scene do you use the document?", "Device configuration" and so on, and select the appropriate document. It is also possible to reuse similar documents You must use this pattern when the [[Review for the documents of handover]] can not be carried out for some reason . Also, a request to a [[Professional writer]] is a pattern to ensure the objectivity of the document when the review can not be made,
#image(Similar document.png, width=100, height=100) Hiro was in charge of the operation of the financial system for many years but was ordered to transfer abroad. As a result of confirming handover materials to successors, there was no manual for periodic inspection for the financial system which is carried out once every six months. Therefore, Hiro decided to prepare a manual. As for the inspection, only Hiro understands the work content. Therefore, Hiro has to confirm the content without review from a third party. On the other hand, the reviewer's own review tends to be subjective. &bold(){How should the predecessor creates document content and ensure objectivity without review from third parties?} By using a model, it becomes easier to think about what to write and how to write it when creating a document. Also, you can check objectively whether all required items are listed. &bold(){Search for documents that would serve as an example and to prevent omission of necessary knowledge.} Joe is in charge for the operation of estimate creation system. The system uses the same server as the financial system. Hiro decided to prepare a procedure for the manual while referring to the procedure manual for the estimate creation system. Hiro borrowed a manual from Joe and created a procedure manual. Thanks to the model, Hiro could create the manual covering all the necessary procedures. When using this pattern, it is necessary to select an appropriate similar document. It is necessary to focus on attention such as "what kind of scene do you use the document?", "Device configuration" and so on, and select the appropriate document. It is also possible to reuse similar documents You must use this pattern when the [[Review for the documents of handover]] can not be carried out for some reason . Also, a request to a [[Professional writer]] is a pattern to ensure the objectivity of the document when the review can not be made,

