

Distribution」(2021/11/26 (金) 18:05:50) の最新版変更点



---- *I published 「Japanese Whisky Product List」.(2020/12/4) It is a book on which all whisky manufactured in Japan which was found to date was published. Currently being issued, ***(1) All Japanese Whisky Version.(English/378pages/752g/5,000Yen./until 2019.12)(in Stock) ***(2) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Chinese/378pages/752g/5,000Yen./until 2019.12)(in Stock) ***(3) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Japanese/388pages/773g/5,000Yen./until 2019.11)(in Stock) ***(A) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(Japanese/388pages/ , g /15,000Yen./until 2019.12) ***(B) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(English/378pages/ 1,184g /15,000Yen./until 2019.12) ・The price of the color version depends on the number of copies produced. The price will be lower if you order in bulk. ・If you place your order on a weekday, we will reply to you as soon as possible, but if you place your order on Friday afternoon or later, we will reply to you on Monday or later due to stock confirmation. ***In case of shipping to Japan. ・Shipping fee is 200 yen per book. (The maximum is 1,000 yen.) ・The settlement method is bank transfer (Mitsubishi UFJ) or paypal. ・Payment and settlement fee will be borne by the purchaser. ・If you are interested, please contact the following e-mail address according to the format below. We will send you an e-mail containing the transfer amount, transfer place etc. from here. ***In case of shipping to overseas. ・Shipping fee will be consulted. ([[it will be an EMS flight from Japan>>https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems_all_en.html]]) ・Some packing materials will be added to the weight. ・The settlement method is paypal. ・Payment and settlement fee will be borne by the purchaser. ・If you are interested, please contact the following e-mail address according to the format below. We will send you an e-mail containing the transfer amount, transfer place etc. from here. ***Note by COVID-19.(2020/6/3) ・Currently, EMS delivery from Japan is no longer accepted. For more information, please visit the following webpage. I accept orders from countries where EMS can be dispatched. [[JapanPost>>https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/index_en.html]] ---- Mail Example E-mail:lcmoraramq (atmark) gmail.com Title:Japanese Whisky Product List Desired number of books(Please erase what you do not need). (1) All Japanese Whisky Version.(English) ( )Number of notes (2) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Chinese) ( )Number of notes (3) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Japanese) ( )Number of notes (4) Nikka Whisky Version. ( )Number of notes (A) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(Japanese) ( )Number of notes (B) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(English) ( )Number of notes Contory: Zip: Address: Phone number: Name: Payment Method:Bank/paypal ---- *sample ---- **All Japanese Whisky Version.(English) &ref(alle.png)&ref(alle2.png) ***Recording Company(Added) ・All Company ---- **All Japanese Whisky Version.(Chinese) &ref(allc.png)&ref(allc2.png) ***Recording Company(Added) ・All Company ---- **All Japanese Whisky Version.(Japanese) &ref(all.png)&ref(all2.png) ***Recording Company(Added) ・All Company ---- **Nikka Whisky Version. &ref(nikka1.png)&ref(nikka2.png) ***Recording Company:Nikka Whisky ---- #comment
---- *I published 「Japanese Whisky Product List」.(2020/12/4) It is a book on which all whisky manufactured in Japan which was found to date was published. Currently being issued, ***(1) All Japanese Whisky Version.(English/378pages/752g/5,000Yen./until 2019.12)(in Stock) ***(2) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Chinese/378pages/752g/5,000Yen./until 2019.12)(in Stock) ***(3) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Japanese/388pages/773g/5,000Yen./until 2019.11)(in Stock) ***(A) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(Japanese/388pages/ , g /15,000Yen./until 2019.12) ***(B) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(English/378pages/ 1,184g /15,000Yen./until 2019.12) ・If you place your order on a weekday, we will reply to you as soon as possible, but if you place your order on Friday afternoon or later, we will reply to you on Monday or later due to stock confirmation. ***In case of shipping to Japan. ・Shipping fee is 200 yen per book. (The maximum is 1,000 yen.) ・The settlement method is bank transfer (Mitsubishi UFJ) or paypal. ・Payment and settlement fee will be borne by the purchaser. ・If you are interested, please contact the following e-mail address according to the format below. We will send you an e-mail containing the transfer amount, transfer place etc. from here. ***In case of shipping to overseas. ・Shipping fee will be consulted. ([[it will be an EMS flight from Japan>>https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems_all_en.html]]) ・Some packing materials will be added to the weight. ・The settlement method is paypal. ・Payment and settlement fee will be borne by the purchaser. ・If you are interested, please contact the following e-mail address according to the format below. We will send you an e-mail containing the transfer amount, transfer place etc. from here. ***Note by COVID-19.(2020/6/3) ・Currently, EMS delivery from Japan is no longer accepted. For more information, please visit the following webpage. I accept orders from countries where EMS can be dispatched. [[JapanPost>>https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/index_en.html]] ---- Mail Example E-mail:lcmoraramq (atmark) gmail.com Title:Japanese Whisky Product List Desired number of books(Please erase what you do not need). (1) All Japanese Whisky Version.(English) ( )Number of notes (2) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Chinese) ( )Number of notes (3) All Japanese Whisky Version.(Japanese) ( )Number of notes (4) Nikka Whisky Version. ( )Number of notes (A) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(Japanese) ( )Number of notes (B) All Japanese Whisky "Color" Version.(English) ( )Number of notes Contory: Zip: Address: Phone number: Name: Payment Method:Bank/paypal ---- *sample ---- **All Japanese Whisky Version.(English) &ref(alle.png)&ref(alle2.png) ***Recording Company(Added) ・All Company ---- **All Japanese Whisky Version.(Chinese) &ref(allc.png)&ref(allc2.png) ***Recording Company(Added) ・All Company ---- **All Japanese Whisky Version.(Japanese) &ref(all.png)&ref(all2.png) ***Recording Company(Added) ・All Company ---- **Nikka Whisky Version. &ref(nikka1.png)&ref(nikka2.png) ***Recording Company:Nikka Whisky ---- #comment

