凄腕の暗殺者/Royal Assassin

「凄腕の暗殺者/Royal Assassin」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

凄腕の暗殺者/Royal Assassin - (2018/04/01 (日) 17:30:32) の最新版との変更点



>Trained in the arts of stealth, the royal assassins choose their victims carefully, relying on timing and precision rather than brute force. > >&small(){&u(){[[リミテッド]] [[アンリミテッド]] [[リバイズド]]}} >隠密行動に長けた凄腕の暗殺者は、注意深く犠牲者を選ぶ。彼らが頼むのは腕っぷしではなく、タイミングと正確さだ。 > >Trained in the arts of stealth, the royal assassins choose their victims carefully, relying on timing and precision rather than brute force. > >&small(){&u(){[[第4版]] [[第8版]] [[第9版]] [[第10版]] [[基本セット2010]]}} >暗殺者は王にとって最も信頼おける使いだ。彼が携える伝言は、最も望まない者にも聞き届けられる。 > >An assassin is a king's most trusted courier, ensuring his messages are heard by even the most unwilling recipients. > >&small(){&u(){[[基本セット2011]] [[基本セット2012]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/凄腕の暗殺者/Royal Assassin} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)
&image(Royal Assassin.jpg,height=315,width=220) >Trained in the arts of stealth, the royal assassins choose their victims carefully, relying on timing and precision rather than brute force. > >&small(){&u(){[[リミテッド]] [[アンリミテッド]] [[リバイズド]]}} &image(Royal Assassin2.jpg,height=315,width=220) >隠密行動に長けた凄腕の暗殺者は、注意深く犠牲者を選ぶ。彼らが頼むのは腕っぷしではなく、タイミングと正確さだ。 > >Trained in the arts of stealth, the royal assassins choose their victims carefully, relying on timing and precision rather than brute force. > >&small(){&u(){[[第4版]] [[第8版]] [[第9版]] [[第10版]] [[基本セット2010]] [[ドミナリア・リマスター]]}} &image(Royal Assassin3.jpg,height=315,width=220) >暗殺者は王にとって最も信頼おける使いだ。彼が携える伝言は、最も望まない者にも聞き届けられる。 > >An assassin is a king's most trusted courier, ensuring his messages are heard by even the most unwilling recipients. > >&small(){&u(){[[基本セット2011]] [[基本セット2012]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/凄腕の暗殺者/Royal Assassin} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)

