サバンナ・ライオン/Savannah Lions

「サバンナ・ライオン/Savannah Lions」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
サバンナ・ライオン/Savannah Lions」を以下のとおり復元します。
>The traditional kings of the jungle command a healthy respect in other climates as well. Relying mainly on their stealth and speed, Savannah Lions can take a victim by surprise, even in the endless flat plains of their homeland.
>&small(){&u(){アルファ ベータ アンリミテッド リバイズド}}

>The traditional kings of the jungle command a healthy respect in other climates as well. Relying mainly on their stealth and speed, Savannah Lions can take a victim by surprise, even in the endless flat plains of their homeland.

>Even the brave are scared by a lion three times: first by its tracks, again by its roar, and one last time face to face.
>――Somali proverb
>&small(){&u(){第8版 第9版}}

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/サバンナ・ライオン/Savannah Lions}


