ラクドスのギルド門/Rakdos Guildgate

「ラクドスのギルド門/Rakdos Guildgate」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
ラクドスのギルド門/Rakdos Guildgate」を以下のとおり復元します。
> ど んな幻想よりも陰惨な幻想がこ の 中にある。過 ぎ ゆく道を進むがいい。
>Enter and indulge your darkest fantasies, for you may never pass this way again.

>ラクドスの門を越えら れ た 迷路走者は、良心と か なりの皮膚を置いてくる。
>Maze-runners who pass through the Rakdos gate leave behind their scruples and a significant amount of skin.

>Enter and indulge your darkest fantasies, for you may never pass this way again.
>&small(){&u(){[[統率者2013]] [[統率者2017]]}}

>Maze-runners who pass through the Rakdos gate leave behind their scruples and a significant amount of skin.

>"My servants take pains for your pleasure, and take pleasure in your pain!"

>"Slip in the back if you don't want to be recognized. Don't worry—we'll make sure you're never found!"

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/イゼットのギルド門/Izzet Guildgate}


