歩く死骸/Walking Corpse

「歩く死骸/Walking Corpse」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
歩く死骸/Walking Corpse」を以下のとおり復元します。
>「望みが無いと? 我らの死者が意思無き肉喰いとなってスレイベンの壁を次から次へと這い上ってくるこの時がか? 奴らを切り伏せ続けねばならぬ今、さような哲学的装いに浸る暇などありはせぬ。」
>"Is it hopeless? When wave upon wave of our dead return as mindless flesh-eaters to claw upon Thraben's walls? We're too busy cutting them down to indulge ourselves in such philosophical foppery."
>――Mikaeus, the Lunarch

>"Feeding a normal army is a problem of logistics. With zombies, it is an asset. Feeding is why they fight. Feeding is why they are feared."
>――Jadar, ghoulcaller of Nephalia

>"Feeding a normal army is a problem of logistics. With zombies, it is an asset. Feeding is why they fight. Feeding is why they are feared."
>――Jadar, ghoulcaller of Nephalia
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>"What does it mean when the dead feed on the dead? When no new life emerges, but only more death? Is it not an endless spiral into annihilation?"
>――Jeddeg, philosopher of graves

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/歩く死骸/Walking Corpse}


