旅行者の護符/Traveler's Amulet

「旅行者の護符/Traveler's Amulet」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

旅行者の護符/Traveler's Amulet - (2018/09/16 (日) 20:05:52) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


The rider set off into the eerie mist, swaddled in armor and laden with amulets.


"What we call magic is nothing more than hope crystallized into a destination."
――Perisophia the philosopher


"Why wander in search of a new home when the path is laid out before you?"
――Pytamun, former Nef-crop initiate


"The best kind of treasure is the kind that leads to more treasure!"
――Captain Lannery Storm