巨森を喰らうもの/Vastwood Gorger

「巨森を喰らうもの/Vastwood Gorger」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

巨森を喰らうもの/Vastwood Gorger - (2018/03/30 (金) 21:34:06) のソース

>"I've known true ferocity and power. Those brazen ‘planar-walkers' have no idea what wild really means."
>――Chadir the Navigator

>The gorger's insect-like eyes pick up the slightest movement in any direction. Its body then whips toward its prey with startling speed, swallowing it in one engulfing gulp.

>"A long and difficult incision revealed that all vital organs are housed in the head, save for a long chain of stomachs, forty in all, leading from its throat to the end of the tail."
>――Mulak Ffar, Vastwood Biodiversity
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&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/巨森を喰らうもの/Vastwood Gorger}

