霊魂放逐/Remove Soul

「霊魂放逐/Remove Soul」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

霊魂放逐/Remove Soul - (2016/01/11 (月) 23:16:06) のソース

>Nethya stiffened suddenly, head cocked as if straining to hear some distant sound, then felt lifeless to the ground.

>Nethya stiffened suddenly, head cocked as if straining to hear some distant sound, then felt lifeless to the ground.
>&small(){&u(){クロニクル 第5版 第6版}}

>When your enemies are denied soldiers, they are denied victory.

>When your enemies are denied soldiers, they are denied victory.
>&small(){&u(){第9版 第10版}}

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/霊魂放逐/Remove Soul}

