野望の代償/Ambition's Cost

「野望の代償/Ambition's Cost」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

野望の代償/Ambition's Cost - (2022/11/04 (金) 00:16:33) のソース


>"When you give offense to heaven, to whom can you pray?"
>――Cao Cao, quoting Confucius


>"Knowledge demands sacrifice."


>The waters of wisdom are as dust in the mouth of one who thirsts for power.


>"Conquering your first world is the hardest, after all. My power grew as I moved from world to world, taking anything that would make the next taking easier."
>――Ob Nixilis
>&small(){&u(){デュエルデッキ:ニッサvsオブ・ニクシリス [[統率者2017]] [[統率者2020]] [[カルドハイム統率者デッキ]] [[統率者2021]] [[統率者レジェンズ:バルダーズ・ゲートの戦い]] [[団結のドミナリア統率者デッキ]]}}

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/野望の代償/Ambition's Cost}

