蠢く骸骨/Drudge Skeletons

「蠢く骸骨/Drudge Skeletons」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

蠢く骸骨/Drudge Skeletons - (2015/11/23 (月) 01:40:15) のソース

>Bones scattered around us joined to form misshapen bodies. We struck at them repeatedly—they fell, but soon formed again, with the same mocking look on their faceless skulls.
>&small(){&u(){アルファ ベータ アンリミテッド リバイズド}}

>Bones scattered around us joined to form misshapen bodies. We struck at them repeatedly—they fell, but soon formed again, with the same mocking look on their faceless skulls.

>"The dead make good soldiers. They can't disobey orders, they never surrender, and they don't stop fighting when a random body part falls off."
>  Necromancer's Handbook
>&small(){&u(){第5版 第6版 第7版 第8版 第9版 第10版 基本セット2010}}

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/蠢く骸骨/Drudge Skeletons}

