墓穴までの契約/Grave Pact

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墓穴までの契約/Grave Pact - (2024/03/28 (木) 20:51:55) のソース

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>"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."

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>"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."
>――Crovax, ascendant evincar

&image(Grave Pact3.jpg,height=315,width=220)

>"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."
>――Crovax, ascendant evincar
>&small(){&u(){[[第9版]] [[第10版]] [[統率者]]}}

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>Denied the peace of the Blessed Sleep, geists lash out at the living, and the cycle of anger and unrest continues unbroken.

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>As the ritual neared its climax, the exultant cultists waited with bated breath, unaware of the looming consequences of the scroll's translation error.

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>"‘Fools,' sneered the witch. ‘I never intended to leave here alive. And thanks to your dogged insistence on following me, neither will you.'"
>――Hexes of Dunbarrow

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/墓穴までの契約/Grave Pact}

