

発火/Pyrotechnics - (2018/04/02 (月) 04:06:23) のソース

>"Hi! ni! ya! Behold the man of flint, that's me! Four lightnings zigzag from me, strike and return."
>――Navajo war chant

>"Hi! ni! ya! Behold the man of flint, that's me! Four lightnings zigzag from me, strike and return."
>――Navajo war chant
>&small(){&u(){[[第4版]] [[第5版]] [[第6版]]}}

>"Who says lightning never strikes twice?"
>――Storm shaman
>&small(){&u(){[[第7版]] [[第8版]]}}

>"Take inspiration from your enemies, and make their strengths your own."
>――Alesha, Who Smiles at Death

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/発火/Pyrotechnics}

