新緑の女魔術師/Verduran Enchantress

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新緑の女魔術師/Verduran Enchantress - (2015/12/03 (木) 02:58:52) のソース

>Some say magic was first practiced by women, who have always felt strong ties to the land.
>&small(){&u(){リミテッド アンリミテッド リバイズド}}

>Some say magic was first practiced by women, who have always felt strong ties to the land.

>"Weave the magic so that it sings to you, and will always fly home . . . ."
>――Verduran teaching

>Some say magic was first practiced by women, who have always felt strong ties to the land.

>Each spell has its own song, and the enchantress knows the dance for each.

>"Graceful? Yes. Beautiful? Absolutely. Harmless? Definitely not."
>――Fyndhorn elder
>&small(){&u(){第8版 第9版}}

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/新緑の女魔術師/Verduran Enchantress}

