Armor Thrull

「Armor Thrull」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Armor Thrull - (2016/02/17 (水) 23:57:41) のソース

>"The worst thing about being a mercenary for the Ebon Hand is having to wear a dead Thrull."
>――Ivra Jursdotter

>"Except for a bare spot at the base of their skulls, Armor Thrulls bear interlocking plates and spikes with the strength of steel. Their design is almost artistic."
>――Endrek Sahr, "Thrulls"

>Occasionally, an ally balked at wearing a dead Thrull as armor. The priests' whips, however, were usually enough to encourage a more practical outlook.

>"They gave their lives to strengthen the Order's armies, until they declined this honor in favor of joining the Thrull Rebellion."
>――Jherana Rure, Counter-Insurgency Commander

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