大竜巻/Savage Twister

「大竜巻/Savage Twister」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

大竜巻/Savage Twister - (2018/05/29 (火) 21:19:32) のソース

>"Frozen, we watched the funnel pluck up three of the goats――pook! pook! pook!――before we ran for the wadi."
>――Travelogue of Najat
>&small(){&u(){[[ミラージュ]] 統率者}}

>"Nature is the ultimate mindless destroyer, capable of power and ferocity no army can match, and the Gruul follow its example."
>――Trigori, Azorius senator
>&small(){&u(){[[ギルドパクト]] 統率者2013}}

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/大竜巻/Savage Twister}

