ゴブリンの洞窟探検家/Goblin Spelunkers

「ゴブリンの洞窟探検家/Goblin Spelunkers」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

ゴブリンの洞窟探検家/Goblin Spelunkers - (2017/01/16 (月) 20:43:51) のソース

>"It only short jump. You go first."
>"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

>Goblins prefer caves to just about anything else. Caves prefer just about anything else to goblins.

>Chimney sweeps, explorers of abandoned buildings, spire climbers . . . goblin spelunkers have found countless niches within Ravnica's metropolis.

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ゴブリンの洞窟探検家/Goblin Spelunkers}}

