
WEB翻訳 - (2010/02/14 (日) 15:11:48) の最新版との変更点



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DOB 1/1/76. Doctorate Genetics, Rutgers University 7/2/2003. Hired Gentek Special Projects 2/1/2002.} -カレン・パーカー。1976年1月1日誕生。2003年2月7日、Rurgers大学にて遺伝学博士号取得。2002年2月1日、Gentek特別計画へ参加。 &color(#ff9999){Director Genotyping. Level D access. Reported to: Director McMullen, Raymond F. Romantically involved with Mercer Alex J. Wanted for questioning.} -Director:遺伝子検査の主任科学者。レベルDアクセス権保有。Raymond F McMullen所長の報告によれば、捜索中のアレックス・マーサーと親密だったようだ。 &color(#ff9999){Subject has to be detained and transferred to base Six Charlie Alpha One.} -目標(カレン・パーカー)を拘束し、6CA1基地に移送する必要がある。 ---- **Cptn Curtis Blum &color(#ff9999){Sir.The Wisemen team is present and ready for the hunt.} -Wisemanチーム、いつでも出撃できます。 &color(#ff9999){Good.Send in the Captain.} -よし、隊長を送りこめ。 &color(#ff9999){Sir...is it true he caught the last Runner on his own?} -その・・・彼が最後のRunnerを自ら捕まえたというのは本当なのですか? &color(#ff9999){Not caught.Killed.} -捕まえたのではない、射殺だ。 ---- **Cptn Emile Zurta &color(#ff9999){This briefing is Class A One.The Federal Emergency Prosecution Act applies.} -このブリーフィングはA-1クラスだ。合衆国の危機における実行行動に当てはまる。 &color(#ff9999){This is the situation as we understand it:The virus is centering around structures in the city we've designated HIVES} -現状はこうだ。ウィルスは街の建物を中心にして広がっている。その建物を以下「HIVE」と呼ぶ。 &color(#ff9999){The infected gather biological material at these strong-points for unknown reasons,possibly to generate new strains of the outbreak.} -感染者は理由は不明だが生体物質(biological material)をそこを拠点に集めている。そいつを爆発させることで新種の想像も可能かもしれん。 &color(#ff9999){What we do know is this:the integirity of the building is stronger,but not immune to attack.A sustained attack of sufficient force on a Hive should destroy.} -我々に分かっている事は、建物は丈夫になっているが攻撃が効かないわけではない。十分に火力を集中させればHIVEは破壊できるということだ。 ---- **Cptn Raymond Basiti &color(#ff9999){Here's what's known:the subject can shift its body structure to an unknown degree.} -我々が知っている事は、目標はその身体構造をどの程度かは不明だが変形できるということだ。 &color(#ff9999){It can fashion portions of its body into a weapon,change its facial features and perhaps even imitate voices and mannerisms.} -体の一部を武器に変えること、顔立ち、もしかすると声・癖も真似れるかもしれん。 &color(#ff9999){Long and short,it's a security nightmare.} -端的に言えば、警備上最悪の相手だ。 ---- **Dr Henrik Sebring &color(#ff9999){Subject:Greene,Elizabeth M. Codenamed MOTHER.Recovered at Hope,Idaho,7/7/69.Operation AlTRAUISTIC.} -対象:Greene,Elizabeth M.、コードネーム MOTHER。Idaho、Hopeで69年7月7日に確保。AITRAUISTIC作戦中。 &color(#ff9999){Transferred to Ft.Detrick on 8/1/69 for containment.} -69年8月1日に拘束のためFort Detrikに移送。 &color(#ff9999){Held at Detrick,Ward F, for nine years,two months.} -9年と2カ月を過ごした。 &color(#ff9999){10/1/78...transferred to containment at Governer's Island Medical Station,New York.} -78年10月1日・・・ニューヨークのGoverner's Island Medical Stationに移送。 &color(#ff9999){Moved to Gentek midtown facility,1/1/89, for study in Project BLACKLIGHT.} -89年1月1日にGENTEKへと移動。BLACKLIGHT計画のため。 ---- **Dr Jeffery Campbell &color(#ff9999){We knew they were high up.Probably so high up,that to see the officer of the president,you had to lock down.} -彼らが舞い上がっているのは知ってる。その舞い上がりっぷりといえば大統領補佐官を見れば失望するぐらいかもな。 &color(#ff9999){And what did they have you working on?} -一体何を研究しているんです? &color(#ff9999){Viruses.Old viruses.} -ウィルスさ。古いウィルス。 &color(#ff9999){These viruses...would you clasify them as biological weaponry?} -そのウィルスは・・・生物兵器化できると思います? &color(#ff9999){It would be hard not to.} -そうさせない方が難しいだろうな。 ---- **Dr Kyle Flynn &color(#ff9999){Look,the last Runner took three weeks to track down.It hit a podunk turg called Two Blugg,Arizona.No one noticed when the town dried up and blew away.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){They're clever.The worker-bees..the Walkers...they just do as they're told.The Runner are diggerent.They think.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){What about this one?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Her?Hm...She's a runner.With nowhere to run.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- **Dr Patricia Martin &color(#ff9999){It represents the most intriguing human carrier ever discovered to date.Its body produces hundreds of unique strains on a dily basis.Most are harmless,a few are deadly.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){So,what's it doing?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){It's like ut's evolving at a rapid pace.It's war-dying at genetcic level.It's becoming something else.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- **Dr Sean Walker &color(#ff9999){Give me a report on the physical state of Codename MOTHER.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){The subject has been incarcerated for thirty-nine years without ill-effect.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Through this period it has echibited no degenerative effects...no joint-decay,swelling,discomfort or atrophy.Nothing.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){It is quite naturally,un-aging.We have no idea how this is possible.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- **Dr William D Weber &color(#ff9999){Subject escaped at 22:30 hours after murdering three personal.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Shortly thereafter,it is believed it kidnapped an operative.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){It is infected with a variant of the BLACKLIGHT virus.Specifically DK-1118,a substance whose effect on the human body are poorly understood at best.We have no clue what it is capable of.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- **Edmond Harper PHD &color(#ff9999){It's 1964,right?} -1964年、そうだろ? &color(#ff9999){The Army built a town.They told people it's to test a self-sufficient base in case of a nuclear attack.} -軍が街を起こした。住人には原爆が起きた時に自足するための基地だと説明した。 &color(#ff9999){They filled the town with a cross-section of ethnicities.Army families from all over.They told them it was progressive.} -街の住人には様々な人種を集めた。兵隊の家族も集めてな。皆前進的だと言ってたよ。 &color(#ff9999){They told them lot of things.And then something happened that was to test their faith.} -彼らは住人にたくさんの事を説明した。それから何か事件が起きて、彼らは自分の信仰を試される羽目になったのさ。 ---- **GySgt Mark Mead &color(#ff9999){Welcome to the Marine Armor Training Center. There are nineteen major systems in this Marine Armored Personnel Carrier and over 25,000 moving parts.} -ようこそ海兵隊装甲車両訓練所へ。ここには19種の主要な海兵隊装甲車両が25,000以上も運用されている。 &color(#ff9999){In the next eight months, you will learn ALL of them.} -これからの8ヶ月間、諸君にはこれら全てを学んでもらう。 &color(#ff9999){When you're done here, you'll be able to park that vehide on top of an enemy position and blow the shit out of them. It's my job to get your shit in order.} -それが全て済んだ時には、諸君は敵陣地で装甲車を駆り糞ったれをぶちのめせるだろう。それをお前らにご教授してやるのが俺の仕事だ。 &color(#ff9999){It's your job to shut the fuck up and learn.} -で、お前らの仕事はこれを黙って脳味噌にブチ込むことだ。 ---- **Lt Charles Sanders &color(#ff9999){The Redline is drawn.} -レッドラインが引かれた。 &color(#ff9999){Nothing gets on or off the island without permission from BLACKWATCH Command.} -Blachwatchの許可なしに島を出入りすることはできない。 &color(#ff9999){SIR!} -了解! &color(#ff9999){Gentlemen.We've prepared for this moment for forty years.We will not fail.} -諸君、我々は40年間この時のために準備をしてきた。失敗することはない。 ---- **PFC Tyrone Steuben &color(#ff9999){They burned the damn thing to the ground.When the people in it.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Fuck.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){This woman comes out on fire,and they just open up on her.And they're just laughing.I'm telling you,there guys are fucking Naris,man.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- **Robert Arrington &color(#ff9999){On my authority,allow two of the Penn Station bodies to be handed over to...do you have a pen?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Go ahead.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){St.Paul's Hospital.The pathologiest's name is Dr.Ragland} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Director McMullen,you understand I need to report this.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Just do it.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- **SgtMaj Robert Watson &color(#ff9999){As of today, we are folded under control of First Biological Warfare Command out of Ft. Detrick.} -本日より我々はDetrick基地より発令された、第一次生物化学戦争令下におかれることに なる。 &color(#ff9999){They're calling the shots on this. I don't want any fuckin'lip. They tell you to jump, you jump.} -指令権はあちらにある。貴様らに一切の口応えは不要だ。彼らが跳べと言ったら、跳ぶんだ。 &color(#ff9999){Do not mistake these guys for dabblers. They have seen serious shit in the past.} -彼らを素人と思うなよ。過去に地獄を見てきた男たちだ。 ---- #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) *[SEQ4] **1stLt Nathan Haughton &color(#ff9999){I want a curtain of men and armor up the moment the call comes in.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Over-flights on the rivers are ready to pick off civs trying to cross.The bridges are wired and blocked by armor.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Once we're primed,nothing unsanctioned get on or off the island.} -訳 ---- **1stSgt Mark Haughton &color(#ff9999){Sir,I need your signature on these papers.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){McMullen,you can see I'm busy,Stop talking about Mercer like he's the answer to our damn problems.He's a Runner.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){That's where you're wrong...no other Runner in BLACKLIGHT'S history has been male.The fact is, we don't know what he is.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I know what he's not...That's enough.} -訳 ---- **2ndLt Joel Brunner &color(#ff9999){We know Zeus has been spotted multiple times in ths area and we're breaking out some new tech to pin him down.} -Zeus(ALEXのコードネーム)の姿はこのエリアで何回も確認されています。そこで、ヤツを仕留めるために、新たな技術を導入しました。 &color(#ff9999){This Unmanned Aerial Vehicle can detect the virus at less than ten parts per milliion in open air. With it, we should be able to box Zeus in and destroy it.} -この無人飛行体は、大気中の濃度10ppm以下のウイルスを検知できます。これがあれば、Zeusを追い詰めて、仕留められるはずです。 ---- **Brian Zermeno &color(#ff9999){Injecting it into chimps - this was CARNIVAL I, you understand. We got amazing results.} -チンパンジーにそれを注射した。これがCARNIVAL Iだ、知ってるだろう?我々は驚くべき結果を得た。 &color(#ff9999){Boosted intelligence, increased strength. We were all expecting something pretty dramatic in Hope right after we introduced CARNIVAL II.} -知能が増幅され筋力も増えた。我々は皆CARNIVAL Ⅱを注入した後、希望としてさらに劇的な変化が起こること期待していた。 &color(#ff9999){What happened?} -何か起きたのか? &color(#ff9999){Heh -- nothing.} -いや・・何も。 ---- **Colin Noppers &color(#ff9999){Sir,we've got the U.S.S. Reagan on the comm.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){This is Palace Command.What's your status Citadel?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){This is C4adel Command.All hands report stations ready.Just fueled and ready for over-flight of Control Zone.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Stand by for orders CITADEL.} -訳 ---- **Cptn Derrick Kaufman &color(#ff9999){The outbreaks seem to be centered around these areas. The focus, as we've seen, seem to be these buildings.} -集団感染の発生はこのエリアが中心にあるようだ。更に我々が見てきたように、このビルがその中心にある。 &color(#ff9999){Secure all marked areas for possible insertion of Director McMullen for direct study. He won't touch down until all sniffers read nominal, and make sure none are destroyed.} -現地調査のためにMcMullan所長が立ち入る可能性のある全てのエリアを確保せよ。彼は全ての(侵入)探知機が正常であり、かつ破壊されていない事を確認しないと着陸しない。 &color(#ff9999){Engagement Protocols?} -交戦手順は? &color(#ff9999){Anything it takes to clear the ground. When it's all-clear, sound off.} -地上から敵を排除することだ。警戒解除されたら報告しろ。 ---- **Dr.Craig Wight &color(#ff9999){So you place a hundred families with just as many geographic backfrounds in one,isolated locate for one reason..as a cross-section.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Maintained objectivity.It helps if the test subject does not know that he or she is taking part in a test.} -訳 ---- **Dr.Edgar Rulz &color(#ff9999){So,what are we looking at here?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){A computer projection of the vector spread.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){As you can see,fourteen days out,the model explodes.The spread is extremely wide...far greater than the Hope outbreak ever achieved.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What we think we're seeling is this: lower mortality rate and longer incubation period.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){In short,we prepared for a war with the wrong enemy.This is something new.} -訳 ---- **Dr.Mark Katsaounis &color(#ff9999){McMullen is missing the point..he has no idea what this...life from can do.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What do you mean?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){The Parasite he's created be worse than Mercer himself!You can't just...go play God and hope it'll all work out!} -訳 ---- **Dr.Ryan Clevin &color(#ff9999){I don't know.We don't have all the data.Greene seems to be the focus.The others nothing more than puppets.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir,there's no scientific backing to support that.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Look.The centralized control is directed by the focus.It spreads,it thinks,it plans.40 years of science says it can't be so,but tell me that isn't happening.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){A strike against the central carrier can decapitate the infection.i fell that in my gut.I don't need science to know that.} -訳 ---- **Dr.Shane Ivey &color(#ff9999){Getting the sample is just the first step.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What do you think you guys can cook up?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Hm,I have a few ideas,but I think we could do cancer.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){It grows,it replicates.Potentially,with a sample we could engineer something that with throw it off it's game-make it destroy itself.} -訳 ---- **Gerald Burgess &color(#ff9999){Sir,off the record,who the hell are these BLACKWATCH guys?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){All you need to know is you'll be taking your cues from them.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I'm a Marine,sir.I'll do whatever is required,but off the record,what the hell are we dealing with here?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){There's two types of wars Amerika doesn't want to find itself in,Major.One is nuclear and the other is the one we're fighting here and now.} -訳 ---- **James Lyon &color(#ff9999){ZEUS' memory problem might be an advantage we can use.} -ZEUSの記憶の問題は、我々が利用できる利点かもしれない。 &color(#ff9999){Familiar people, objects, places.... These seem to restore memories to ZEUS. This restoration is painful.} -親しい人や物や場所・・・これらはZEUSに記憶を戻させるようだ。この回復は苦痛を伴う。 &color(#ff9999){It can hurt ZEUS?} -それはZEUSを傷つけることができるのか? &color(#ff9999){During these moments, ZEUS is vulnerable. The more we know about it, and the less it can discover, the better off we are.} -これらの瞬間、ZEUSは脆弱になる。我々がより少ないものについて、それが発見することができるということを知っているほど、我々はより良くなる。 &color(#ff9999){We can also get creative. we can lie.} -我々は創造的になることもできる。我々は嘘もつける。 ---- **Michael Hamlin &color(#ff9999){Are you telling me Washington can't do anything?They're declaring Martial Law!Don't they need...?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Listen to me Harvey,they don't need anything.They're in charge.They've been doing this for years.To them this is just status quo.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){This telephone call has been interrupted for national security reasons and the Emergency Powers act.} -訳 ------- **MSgt Matthew Cobb &color(#ff9999){Sir.How much longer do we have to put up with these amateurs?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Since your brain can't fothom why the Marines are here,I'll lay it bare.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){The old man brought brought them in for two reasons:they're he shock troops,they move in,take the losses,point out the enemy and we do the clenup.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Second,they're the pubric face of this occupation.When the city's burned to the ground,they take the fail.} -訳 ---- **Patrick Koehler PhD &color(#ff9999){It's behavior seems to be changing.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){The virus is acting in a manner not consistent with previous outbreaks.We habe no idea why.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I've stopped this damn thing before.Stopped it dead.I'll do it again.We've benn preparing for this moment for forty years.} -訳 ---- **PFC Arthur Coleman &color(#ff9999){Captain,the General is waiting.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){One minute,Corporal.Doctor!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){McMullen,just what the hell is thie thing?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Captain, we don't know enough tosay.Whatever Mercer is,he's more like Greene than not.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){But why are they here? What purpose do they serve?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){All I know is that it the virus achieves control,we won't be aroud to see the outcome.} -訳 ---- **Scott Woodford &color(#ff9999){Subject:MCMULLEN,RAYMOND and RAGLAND,BRADLEY.Time 09:09:22.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Bladley...the corpses from Penn Station are infected with BLACKLIGHT.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I wanted you about bringing it into the city,Raymond.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Take appropriate precautions and remember:you're as culpable as us.We'll be watching.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Raymond?} -訳 ---- #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) *[SEQ5] **1stLt Daniel Eckert &color(#ff9999){So,I swing in behind the plane as it's trying to limp across the Hudson.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Yeah?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){And it's waggling its wings, like, don't shoot! I had tone like a mile out.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Boom.} -訳 ---- **1stLt Darren Alpaugh &color(#ff9999){Just give me rough projections on Marine casualties.} -では、海兵隊被害者のおおまかな見積もりを。 &color(#ff9999){Approximately 1,000 to 2,500.} -おおよそ1,000~2,500人かと思われます。 &color(#ff9999){Total?} -合計でか? &color(#ff9999){No,sir.} -いいえ。 &color(#ff9999){Per week.} -一週間に、です。 ---- **1stLt Steven Yarish &color(#ff9999){Captain Lim!} -Lim隊長! &color(#ff9999){At ease trooper.Get on the horn and tell them we've secured the Penn station bodies.} -楽にしろ。彼らにペンシルバニア駅の死体は確保したと連絡してくれ。 &color(#ff9999){I'm taking the heavy armor to destroy a Hive. Get control points up in this area the rendevous with us at GENTEK.} -私はHIVEを潰すために重装甲車を呼ぶ。この辺りを基点に、GENTEKで合流だ。 &color(#ff9999){Yes Sir!} -了解! ---- **1stSgt Carl Achuleta &color(#ff9999){Parker,Karen.Wait here,please.} -Parker Karen。ここでお待ち下さい。 &color(#ff9999){Um.No need to....I...forgot something. "laughs" I need to grab it begore they lock us out.} -あの、その必要はないわ・・・私・・・少し忘れ物をして。(笑いながら)締め出される前に取ってこないといけないの。 &color(#ff9999){Wait here. "into microphone" Parker,Karen,Employee 2-18,attempting to enter into main labs.} -待って下さい。(無線)Parker Karen 2-18番がメインラボに入ろうとしています。 &color(#ff9999){Hey!Stop.HALT!} -おい!待て、止まれ! ---- **1stSgt Johm McGraw &color(#ff9999){ALTRUISTIC recovered several interesting anomalies from Hope.We'be only let you see some.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I want to access to PARIAH.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I'm gonna forget you know what that is,doctor.You don't have clearance.Always remember:YOU work for US.Escort the Director out...} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir,If you'll just follow me,Dr.McMullen.} -訳 ---- **Arthur Ostorne &color(#ff9999){11:10:01.Subject:MERCER,ALEX J.and PARKER,KAREN I.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){If I'm going down,I'm not going alone.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Alex,listen.,we can work this out.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){It's too late for that.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What do you want,Alex?What I can do?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I want the truth!Where did she come from?} -訳 ---- **Cptn Daniel McCaskill &color(#ff9999){I've seen this footage before.} -この場面は以前にも見ました。 &color(#ff9999){But you weren't paying attention.Watch it again.He uses the code to open the door right after consuming the target.That code was only known to three people.} -しかし注意深く見なかっただろう。もう一度見たまえ。奴は標的を吸収した後コードを使って扉を開けている。そのコードはたった3人しか知らなかったものだ。 &color(#ff9999){What if ZEUS is collecting minds like a collects moths?} -一体何故ZEUSが子供が虫を集めるように心を集めているのか? &color(#ff9999){What it he has access to everything anyone he consumes has seen,done or heard?} -奴は吸収した全員の見て、して、聞いたことを全て知ることができているのか? &color(#ff9999){This would explain several things:its knowledge of BLACKWATCH tactics, its ability to pick aircraft and armor,something Mercer had no training in.} -この説で説明できることがある。BLACKWATCHの作戦を知っているということだ。更にヘリや戦車を奴は操縦できる。Mercerは触ったこともないはずなのにだ。 &color(#ff9999){As well as its uncanny skill in rooling out sleeper personnel.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){This would also be very,very,bad for all of us at BLACKWATCH.} -訳 ---- **Cptn Eric Lim &color(#ff9999){Sir,Director McMullen surrendered the bodies to a civilian.} -McMullen所長が死体を民間人に引き渡しました。 &color(#ff9999){Ragland.} -ラグランドか。 &color(#ff9999){Yes,sir.} -はい。 &color(#ff9999){You did the right thing,son.Your new orders are this:recover ALL samples,bodies and evidence from Dr.Ragland.Bring them to Base AE-One.} -お前が正しい。新しい指令はこうだ、全サンプル、死体、証拠をラグランドから取り戻せ。そしてそれをAE-1基地にまで持ってこい。 &color(#ff9999){Ragland?} -ラグランドは? &color(#ff9999){If he doesn't interfere,leave him be.He's already implicated.He won't talk.} -もし彼が抵抗しなければ放っておけ。あいつは既に巻き込まれてる、しゃべらないさ。 &color(#ff9999){And McMullen,sir.} -McMullen所長はどうしますか? &color(#ff9999){It's time for the Doctor to learn who's in charge of this little excursion.} -この計画を管理しているのが誰なのか知ってもらおうじゃないか。 ---- **Dennis Rickhardt &color(#ff9999){This weapon is to be given the highest priority.I want it in the field...yesterday!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We're producing it as fast as we can.The Harlem facility's getting up to speed as we speak.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Good.We may have just caught a break.Dismissed!} -訳 ---- **Dr.David Chapman &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH is lying,Something besides Elizabeth Greene came out of Hope.} -BLACKWATChは何か隠してる。Elizabeth Greeneがホープから出てきたということ以外に。 &color(#ff9999){You recall her pelvic x-rays?} -彼女のレントゲン写真を見たことがあるかい? &color(#ff9999){No.} -いや、ない。 &color(#ff9999){Her hip bones indicated a pregnancy.} -彼女の骨盤から考えるにどうやら妊娠していたようだ。 &color(#ff9999){There's no record of pregnancy on her charts.Who would have the power to conceal that?} -カルテにはそんなこと書いてなかったぞ。その事を隠したのは誰なんだ? ---- **Dr.Jared Cooper &color(#ff9999){And what if this...parasite gets out of Mercer?What then?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){That's not our concern.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We're supposed to be stopping these things,not manufacturing new ones!} -訳 ---- **Dr.Kendrick Chua &color(#ff9999){What the hell else did they pull out of that place?I mean,she's bad enough,but what else is there?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Um....No one talks about thath,If you don't want to end up in a time pit,I'd shut up.Right now.} -訳 ---- **Dr.Malcolm Fraser &color(#ff9999){You could eat this stuff and it wouldn't do a thing.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){How the hell are they going to field this stuff?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Just like Agent Orange.} -訳 ---- **Dr.Stanley Washington &color(#ff9999){You have no idea what they're planning.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){That doesn't make it right.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Listen...they won't risk it.Even McMullen isn't that stupid.I've got them in check.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Yeah.Problem is,they always struck me more as checkless players,Alex.} -訳 ---- **Dr.William Demeza &color(#ff9999){What's the word on the new round of the test subjects?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir,they're testing off the charts.No ill effects at present.No evidence of the un-modfied virus!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Prep them for field deployment...ASAP.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir,I-I don't think we're ready.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){You're not paid to think.} -訳 ---- **Jonas Philips &color(#ff9999){Everyone except the research staff was exposed.} -研究員が調べ上げてくれることを我々は期待していた。 &color(#ff9999){The effects...whitch most thought would be severe..never appeared.} -結果・・・ほとんどの予想を実現するのは困難だと・・・決してそうならないだろうということが分かった。 &color(#ff9999){No one could understand why,but the virus seemed to be inert in humans.Until the births.} -なぜかは分からないが、ウィルスは人に対して不活性化した。生まれるまでは。 &color(#ff9999){They were wrong,but it took for years for them to realize it.} -彼らは間違っていた。しかしそれを知るのに4年もかかった。 ---- **Lt Armand Melden &color(#ff9999){I've been throught three wars in this tank.I can move through city streets or open desert...ain't nothing that can stop her.} -この戦車で3つの戦場を切り抜けてきた。街道、砂漠、どこでも移動できる。止められるものなんてないさ。 &color(#ff9999){And if anything get in my way...well,damn, "laughs" I just go over it.} -もし何かが道を塞いでるってのなら・・・(笑う)踏みつぶしてやるよ。 ---- **PFC.Daniel Hull &color(#ff9999){Barges will be moved in as temporary storage for the dead.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Strict security is to be kept on these piers.THese are strict no access areas foranyone outside the group.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){When a burge is full,the contents will be incinerated.If this runs its full course,you can expect more than four thousands barges.} -訳 ---- **Paul Evans &color(#ff9999){They'd come in,just as happy as you please.Hell,they'd roll up their damn sleeves for you.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What were you injected them with?And when was this?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){That was...the summer of...um,1963.Damned if I know what it was,All I know is,i didn't want it injected into me.} -訳 ---- **Pvt Damien Loshek &color(#ff9999){Ho,what the hell is this shit?Looks like paprika,stinks like ass.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Stow it and get those tanks loaded on the chopper.Whatever it is,you better get used to it,they're spraying it over the city...and us.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Aw,hell.} -訳 ---- **Pvt Timothy Longoria &color(#ff9999){Sir,are we going to pull this one out of the fire?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I don't give a shit it's Hope,Two Bluff,New York or fuckin' DC.We burn out the infection until it's done.Whatever the cost.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){New York ain't shit in the face of the other option.Just burn it,just fucking burn it.Burn it all until it's clean.} -訳 ---- **Theodore Anderson &color(#ff9999){Sir,we're reestablished contact with the target.} -目標との連絡回線は復旧しました。 &color(#ff9999){You screwed me,McMullen.} -俺を騙したな、Mcmullen。 &color(#ff9999){Is this Alex?End this.Come in.Now.} -アレックスか?終わりにしよう、今すぐ来たまえ。 &color(#ff9999){Why didn't you tell me where this sample came from?} -何故俺にこのサンプルをどこから持ってきたか教えなかった? &color(#ff9999){I couldn't Alex.I couldn't risk it.} -できなかったんだよ、アレックス。そんなリスクは冒せなかった。 &color(#ff9999){Yeah,well,you fucked up.} -あぁそうだろうな糞ったれ。 ---- **Trabis Morgan &color(#ff9999){Karen.Let me help you.We're all in very deep here.There's only one way out:cooperation.} -Karen。君を助けたいんだ。かなり深い所まで関わっているだろう?これがただ一つの脱出法なんだ、協力してくれ。 &color(#ff9999){If you assist us,you're free and clear.A ticket anywhere you want and a top-level assignment.If you don't...There's nothing I can do for you.} -もし我々を手伝ってくれるというなら君は自由の身にしてあげよう。君の好きな所へ行けるチケットとトップレベルの地位も用意できる。もし手伝わないのなら・・・何もしてあげれないけどね。 &color(#ff9999){Listen,Karen.Whatever he is now,he's not the man you knew,he's something else.} -ねぇ、Karen。彼が今何であろうと、もう君が知っている彼ではない。得体のしれない何かなんだ。 &color(#ff9999){Karen:I want a lawyer.} -弁護士を呼んで頂戴。 ----
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