「ONE THOUSAND SUNS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

ONE THOUSAND SUNS - (2010/02/24 (水) 14:58:33) の編集履歴(バックアップ)





声:We have less than an hour. What's next?

ALEX:The last person responsible for all of this died tonight.

声:If we make it out of here. Do you think you're ready?

ALEX:I was made for this.

Citadel Command this is Captain Cross.

Mission Accomplished. I hace Colonel Taggart in custody. Ready for extraction.

U.S.S Reagan-CITADEL Command, Offshore Southwest Manhattan


CAPT. CROSS:Taggart's order lead directly to the collapse of the central Blue Zone.


GENERAL RANDALL:Operation Red light is over.

Bay One, U.S.S Reagan-CITADEL Command, Offshore Southwest Manhattan

CAPT. CROSS:What about our men? The ones on the ground in Manhattan...?

GENERAL RANDALL:You didn't think I was that naive, did you? When you have a festering wound, you cauterize it.

GENERAL RANDALL:We'll be saving millions of American lives.

ALEX:I won't let you erase New York like you erased Hope.


GENERAL RANDALL:We're six minutes out. And only I know the code.

ALEX:You were at Hope, Idaho. You took something from Elizabeth Greene.

ALEX:I know what BLACKWATCH has done.

ALEX:Because everyone I've killed--they're in me. They are me.

GENERAL RANDALL:That's how you....

WEB-General Peter Randall

I've stopped this damn thing before. Stopped it dead.
  • 私はこのイカれた状況を止めた事がある。全員殺すことで。

Hope, Idaho, was just a ... sacrificial lamb.A necessary cruelty.
  • アイダホ州Hopeは・・・生贄の様なものだ。必要なことだった。

Shoot anything that moves. No one comes in, nothing gets out.
  • 動くものは全て撃て。誰一人として出入りさせるな。

Sir,the Walkers have sealed themselves in the hospital.
  • Walkerが病院に立てこもりました。

We have orders to liquidate the entire population!
  • 私たちは全住人を消すという命を受けているんだ!

The mother and child are now military assets.
  • あの母子は軍の保護に置く。

...and I just made General Officer.
  • そして私は将官になった・・・。

U.S.S Reagan-CITADEL Command, Offshore Southwest Manhattan

ALEX:You vastard. You could have stopped all this...You let it happen.

CAPT. CROSS:When the weapon detonates, and they think the infection is cleansed, they won't be looking for me.

CAPT. CROSS:And when I consume you, I'll be able to withstand...even this.


BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:All hands on deck, all hands on deck! Intruder alert, zeus is in barn! This is not a drill!

BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:Roll call, roll call, we are all points requests, Reagan deck is hot. If you're in the air and armed, we need you, Now.

BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:Pilots on the deck, scramble, scramble! Get those Birds off the deck and into the fight!

MARINE JET PILOT:Target marked. Ten seconds.

MARINE GUNSHIP PILOT:Winding up. Give us a few seconds here, we're legs open right now.

MARINE JET PILOT:Second Wing on approach, confirmed.

BLACKWATCH TRANSPORT PILOT:This is Ghost Hog One Seven, we are deploying forces on the ground, over.

BLACKWATCH TRANSPORT PILOT:I've lost control, we are going in! This is Ghost Bird Three Seven Niner, we are going down. Three Seven Niner, going down. SAR to our location, SAR!


BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS: This is Red Crown to all crew. We'll remain on station to co-ordinate. Everyone else needs to abandon the Reagan right now. Support vessels to perform pickup duty and retreat to minnimum safety. That is a general order--abandon the Reagan right now.

ALEX:A bomb.

BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:Any helicopters with open spots, please land and pickup crew and injured on the upper deck. Bringthem home, people.


BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:Thirty seconds remaining.

BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

ALEX:Grow that back.

New York

I looked for the truth. Found it. Didn't like it. Wish to hell I could forget it.

Alex Mercer. This city suffered for his mistakes, for what he did at Penn Station. And whoever he was-that's a part of me.

When I close my eyes I see memories of a thousand dead men, screaming as I take their lives. Moments I'll relive forever.

What have I become? Something less than human. But also something more.

ALEX:One virus, Three weels, Millions dead. And I was there. My name was Alex Mercer. And my work is almost done.