
主要アプリ最新情報 - (2011/02/05 (土) 00:58:14) の1つ前との変更点



&sizex(7){PS3*主要アプリ最新情報} #contents(fromhere) ---- *&color(blue,b){BackupManager} オープンソースであるOpenManagerの亜種がいろいろ存在する。 ファイルマネージャー機能、FTPサーバー機能などを含む物など… **[[Rogero Manager v8.0>>http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/rogero-manager-v8-0-a-77494/]] #openclose(show=更新履歴){ ---- -8.0 This version is Compatible with OFW3.41+Dongle/Hermes CFW3.41/CFW3.55/Kmeaw/Waninkoko. Changed from using LV2_patcher/PL3 to Dean's implementation of Syscall36. The Manager can be started with Disc In + USB inserted without any problems. Updated the Payload Auto-Detection to support all types of Payloads/CFWs. Fixed the FTP Server, FTP always on by default, login as "anonymous". Added Auto-Fix Permissions on Game Load, can be Enabled/Disabled from Settings Menu. Fixed the scrolling lag on D-pad Up/Down, now scrolling with any button is fluid. "Protected Mode" now can be Enabled/Disabled by pressing [L2+R2+R3] from the Menu. Added the option to Enable/Disable the Clean History function from Settings Menu. Optimized the Fix-Permissions function,now it outputs the path of the folder being fixed. Added Full Auto-Detection of the Games folder at initial Setup or from Settings Menu. The Games folder will be moved automatically to a safer path if found necessary. Fixed the Copy function to prevent the Abort-Copy error that was encountered by some users. Added A Screensaver after 3 minutes of inactivity,can be Enabled/Disabled from Settings. Simplified the Initial Setup wizard,select [Yes] on all steps for default settings. -7.9c Fixed the integrated Lv2_Patcher compatibility to be exactly the same as the standalone "lv2_v5.pkg". Optimized the memory management at startup to the maximum for best results with the Lv2_Patcher. Removed lV2_Patcher startup notification screen for added compatibility when loading payload. Start the Manager without any USB devices plugged-in & without Game Disc to avoid startup problems. -7.9.b Compatible with Waninkoko/Kmeaw/Wutangrza/Geohot/3.55/3.41 . Built-in the latest version of Kmeaw Payload Loader/Lv2Patcher (LV2_v5/Github 22/01/2011). lv2_Patcher startup notification with option to load custom payload from USB or Cancel loading. On each startup, cleaning of the pushlist files(patch.dat, game.dat) and the boot_history.dat file. Added built-in Fix-Permissions utility for the current selected Games folder with (L1 + R3). Added option to Enable/Disable Background Image Loading from Settings Menu (Skins possibility). Removed duplicate Names in Games List caused by wrong Games folders structure (Credits to Deank). Changed the Game Delete from [Start+Square] to only [Start] to avoid buttons conflict. Improved Copying Speed & functionality especially for games with large number of files > 1000. various bugs fixed with many functions improvement -7.9.a Compatible with Kmeaw or Waninkoko 3.55 CFW, and 3.41 OFW. Built-in the latest version of Kmeaw Payload Loader / Lv2 Patcher. Startup check to load Payload only if it's not already in memory. Option to load Payload.bin file from USB directly into memory. More Games List scrolling improvement. Added Stealth package for safer usage with PSN. Patch Mode will show on GUI as "Disabled" if not supported by the Payload -7.8.0 New Protected Mode to lock Games pre-defined settings & Copy/Delete functions. Scrolling Functions fixed to have a 100% smooth scrolling. Added Page UP/Page Down using D-Pad Left/Right Buttons. Fixed White Background for game titles that don't have the Pic1.png file. Cache folder files will be deleted during setup to remove previous white Backgrounds. Added "dev_hdd0/BDRIPS" & "dev_usb0/BDRIPS" to path options/Gaia Manager compatibility. Show the Number of total Games available on the GUI. Changed the BR-Required option from "Triangle" to "Square" button. Re-Added the Exit option with the "Triangle" button. New XMB Icon. Various bugs fixed. Removed the Stealth version from the package / not useful anymore. -7.7.0 Direct_Boot Mode bug fixed, some code cleanup. Stealth version now uses another Title ID that won't conflict with any known game -7.6.0 Added a Function [L1+□] to Fix corrupted SFO files by the previous version/error "80028F14". Added a Stealth version of the Manager to be used Online for safer operation(BLES01031/CODBO) SFO file patching fixed to work with all games & changed from Automatic to Optional. Fixed a bug that caused "sfo" patched games to start sometimes in PATCH-MODE. [PS3_SYSTEM_VERSION] detection compatibility fixed for all Payloads. Permissions-Fix function changed from Automatic to Optional. Added a new path for the Games folder [/dev_hdd0/game/GAIA01985/BDRIPS]. Last Game Played/Selected will be saved & selected by default on next run. Patch-Mode/Direct-boot/Disc-Required options Disabled when Original Game is selected. Free available Space on HDD is now checked before copying starts to avoid PS3 freezing problem. Fixed a bug that sometimes showed an Empty Games List after Original Game is ejected. -7.5.0 PS3_SYSTEM_VERSION detection improved + user confirmation on first boot. Games Folder detection improved + different path options added for all user-needs. Settings can be changed from Settings Menu Directly (L2+R2+START method removed) Added option to Disable Sound in the Settings wizard/Menu. Fixed Game Background image size to perfectly match GUI . Check/Patch PARAM.SFO much more stable now with the option to RESTORE anytime with [L1+START]. Check Games Eboot.bin file permissions & Auto-fix/notify if needed on Game load. Added check/notify about BR-Disc not present when loading games with non Peek-Poke payloads. Added check/notify about BR-Disc not present when loading games with Disc-Required flag SET. Current Game Selection won't change now when BR-Disc is inserted/removed. Update from version 7.4 to 7.5 is recommended because of un-stability problems with v7.4. -7.4.0 Specific settings file for each Game,the manager will remember the settings saved for each game. user-error management,[Direct-boot] & [BR-Disc Required] usage auto-monitered FTP server re-added, can be Enabled/Disabled from the Settings Menu(L2+R2+Start)/not stable. PS3 IP address shown in device list, also Time/Date added to the Gui. Game Icon and Game Background Animation effects added,Enabled/Disabled from GUI (Credits to Deanrr) some Graphic fixes (Transparancy effect) and Code management. -7.3.0 Displays the detected PS3 version next to the Payload type on the GUI. Check the PS3_SYSTEM_VER then auto-patch PARAM>SFO (3.01/3.10/3.15/3.41) Auto-Search for the Games folder on first boot & GUI option to change it anytime. New Game Delete-Mode protection, Enable/Disable game deletion from settings menu/GUI. New Help/Settings Menu to View/Change settings at will from GUI or from options/ini file. Remember user settings from previous session. Removed free space for Game Disc from devices list that was always showing as 0. Fixed Background loading problem in case of no games available at startup. Added notification sound ( @ Boot, @ Patch-Mode On ) Clears history of loaded games from the PS3 Flash at each boot. Enable Remote-Play attribute in PARAM.SFO for all games. -7.2.0 Payload Auto-Detection method improved for better compatibility. Patch-Mode will only show on GUI when Peek/Poke supported Payloads are used. Dynamic Patching Improved to support more games like "Medal of honor" PARAM.SFO > 3.41 is auto-patched and outputs a message for the user about it. -7.1.0 Patch-Mode now will only show up on GUI in case it is supported by the user's Payload. Direct-Boot will now show a compatibility message when turned on to warn the user. -7.0.0 Payload Auto-Detection and Output Payload Type detected on GUI,all payloads supported. Advanced Patching Mechanism that works according to the current Payload Type detected. Patching only occurs at Game Load, no more List Refresh needed. New Graphical User Interface (With Game BG + Icon) Toggle Show/Hide Games Full Paths with R1. Progress-Bar on Copying Games. Faster Game Files Test/Size. HomeBrew and FTP Functions removed. #endregion } #openclose(show=初期設定方法){ 【how to set up RM for the first time】 &bgcolor(#ffff00){※Credit:These're been translated English into Japanese by redragoonxz who is a wiki writer, you can transfer.} &bgcolor(#ffff00){※クレジット:これらは一人のwiki編集者redragoonxzによって翻訳されています。私は、これらの訳文の転載を許可します。} ①【PS3システムソフトウェアの選択】 The Payload used prevented the program from Auto-Detecting your PS3 version, You will have to set the PS3 version manually. [Option 1] Are you using a PS3 with [SYSTEM_SOFTWARE_VERSION]=[3.55]? Please set your correct PS3 version, if set wrong it can cause Games loading problems. 本問:あなたのPS3はシステムソフトウェア3.55ですか? ――はい ――いいえ ②【RM上で読み込むフォルダの設定】 ※[Option 1]で[No]を選択すると[Option 2]へ、[Option 2]で[No]を選択すると[Option 3]へ...という風に移行します [Option 1] Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/game/LAUN12345/GAMEZ] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/game/LAUN12345/GAMEZを使用したい場合"はい"を選択 [Option 2]Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/game/OMAN45756/GAMEZ] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/game/OMAN45756/GAMEZを使用したい場合"はい"を選択 [Option 3]Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/BDRIPS] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/BDRIPSを使用したい場合"はい"を選択 [Option 4]Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/game/GAMES] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/game/GAMESを使用したい場合"はい"を選択 [Option 5]Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/game/GAMEZ] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/game/GAMEZを使用したい場合"はい"を選択 [Option 6]Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/GAMEZ] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/GAMEZを使用したい場合"はい"を選択【通常はこれを選択】 [Option 7]Do you want to use folder [/dev_hdd0/GAMES] for the Games? →デフォルトで/dev_hdd0/GAMESを使用したい場合"はい"を選択 ③【USBドライブ使用設定】 Do you want to use folder [GAMEZ] with [Z] for Games on the USB drive? 本問:記録端子USBドライブのGAMEZフォルダーを参照しますか? ――はい【通常はこれを選択】 ――いいえ ④【プロテクトモードの使用設定】 Do you want to [Enable] the [Protected Mode] which will prevent any accidental Change to Games Settings and/or accidental Copy/Delete operations? 本問:プロテクトモードを有効にしますか? ――はい ――いいえ【通常はこちらを選択】 ※"はい"を選択した場合RMの設定変更やゲームのバックアップ・削除に特別な操作が必要になります ⑤【FTPサーバーの使用設定】 Do you want to [Disable] the [FTP Server]? 本問:FTPサーバー機能を無効にしますか? ――はい(無効) ――いいえ(有効) ⑥【バックアップタイトルイメージの表示設定】 Do you want to [Enable] the [Background Image] loading for each Game in the Games List? 本問:バックアップゲームリストからゲームを起動する際、ゲームイメージを表示しますか? ――はい ――いいえ ⑦【RMのゲームアイコンアニメーションの表示設定】 Do you want to [Enable] Animation for the [Game Icon]? 本問:ゲームアイコン上でゲームアニメーションを表示しますか? ――はい ――いいえ ⑧【ゲームロード時のゲームアニメーション表示設定】 Do you want to [Enable] Animation for the [Game background]? 本問:バックアップゲームのゲームアニメーションを表示しますか? ――はい ――いいえ ⑨【サウンド設定】 Do you want to [Disable] the [Sound]? 本問:音声入力を無効にしますか?――はい ――いいえ #endregion } **[[Multi Manager v1.15.02>>http://www.logic-sunrise.com/news-228183-multiman-v11502-backup-manager-pour-ps3.html]] **[[Gaia Manager v2.07>>http://www.logic-sunrise.com/news-226736-gaia-manager-v207-backup-manager-pour-ps3.html]] #openclose(show=更新履歴){ ---- V2.01 (3.55 CFW only) Features: It does not try to load the syscall every time you start Gaia Manager, but only the first time. that should be fix some crashes when reopening Gaia Manager. It's reported that if the PS3 crashes sometimes you will need to do an hard power off / power on (detaching cable and reataching)." V2.02 (3.55 CFW only) Fixes: drizztbsd: I changed the payload loader function, it should work also for people with problem with old Gaia V2.04 (3.55 CFW only) Fixes: Increased stability Removed Direct Boot (didn't work properly) Integrated latest lv2 patching V2.05 (3.55 CFW only) Fixes: Add syscall36 support from 2 anonymous people, discless mode is NOT working anymore... V2.06 (3.55 CFW only) Fixes: Change HV_SIZE size to ~3.4MB, it should make no crash anymore Gaia Manager on startup.. Fix 8001003D and 8001003E errors (such as in Fifa 11) #endregion } ---- *&color(blue,b){FileManager} **Comgenie's Awesome Filemanager v0.06 for 3.55 4GB以上のファイルを分割して、外付けHDDに保存可能なファイルマネージャー 分割して保存したファイルはPS3にコピーする際に自動的に結合される http://comgenie.com/filemanager/ -PS3⇒外付けHDD --4GB以上のファイルは自動で分割されて保存される -外付けHDD⇒PS3 --分割されたファイルは結合されてPS3に保存される ---- *&color(blue,b){FTP Server} **blackb0x FTP Server 1.2 -簡易設定(WinSCPデフォルト) --ユーザー名 FTPD12345 --パスワード なし --ポートは21番 **[[openps3ftp-v1.2>>http://www.logic-sunrise.com/telechargement-225791-openps3ftp-v12.html]] Passive mode support Active mode support Multiple worker support (multi-threaded ) -ユーザー名: root -パスワード: openbox ---- *&color(blue,b){その他} **[[Kmeaw LV2 Patcher v8>>http://dukio.com/kmeaws-lv2-patcher-updated-v8.html]] **[[AGU WEBAPP v0.3.5.>http://www.ps3pkg.de.vu/]] PS3向けタイトルのゲームアップデートをPSNを経由せずダウンロードできるWebアプリ -GameIDを入力後、submitをクリックする **[[PS3Win v0.99>http://www.logic-sunrise.com/news-227137-ps3win-v099-organisez-le-contenu-de-votre-ps3.html]] **[[PS3FOXX-GUI v2.5.2>http://www.logic-sunrise.com/telechargement-225533-ps3foxx-gui-v252.html]] WindowsのGUI上で署名付きのPKGコンテナ(FW3.15~3.55対応)を生成できるPCアプリ -復号化されたPKGコンテナから署名付きのPKGコンテナを生成 **[[Simple PS3 Proxy >http://www.logic-sunrise.com/telechargement-226260-simple-ps3-proxy.html]] プロキシを使用して、PSNにバージョン偽装してログインできるツール DNSとは違い、バージョン偽装しているので、正規のログイン方法として認識されます。 -[[参考>http://veta000.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-531.html]] **[[Homebrew PKG Repository>http://www.ps3-hacks.com/file/272]] ネットワーク上からPS3アプリをダウンロードできるツール

