RuneQuest SRD > 7-冒険する > 1-移動



The Movement table shows how far characters with a variety of Movement scores can travel over various periods of time.
Groups of characters travelling together will move at the speed of the slowest member.

Time Period Movement 1m Movement 2m Movement 3m Movement 4m Movement 5m Movement 6m
.期間 .移動力1m .移動力2m .移動力3m .移動力4m .移動力5m .移動力6m
Combat Action 1m (2m if running) 2m (4m if running) 3m (6m if running) 4m (8m if running) 5m (10m if running) 6m (12m if running)
.戦闘行動 .1m(走れば2m) .2m(走れば4m) .3m(走れば6m) .4m(走れば8m) .5m(走れば10m) .6m(走れば12m)
Minute 12 (24m if running) 24m (48m if running) 36m (62m if running) 48m (96m if running) 60m (120m if running) 72m (144m if running)
.分 .12m(走れば24m) .24m(走れば48m) .36m(走れば62m) .48m(走れば96m) .60m(走れば120mも) .72m(走れば144m)
Hour 0.7km 1.4km 2.2km 2.9km 3.6km 4.3km
.時間 .0.7キロ .1.4キロ .2.2キロ .2.9キロ .3.6キロ .4.3キロ
Day (12 hours) 8.4km 16.8km 26.4km 34.8km 43.2km 51.6km
.日(12時間) .8.4キロ .16.8キロ .26.4キロ .34.8キロ .43.2キロ .51.6キロ

Movement in combat assumes a character is moving as fast as possible given his particular Combat Action.
Movement over any period other than combat (Minute or longer) assumes a character is walking at a sustainable rate, though it is possible to run instead.
This sustainable walking is considered light activity, though a full day (12 hours) of walking will count as medium activity.

Running is easy enough for short periods; a character can run for a number of minutes equal to his CON before suffering from any tiredness. Once this time period has elapsed, the running counts as medium activity.

Terrain & Weather
Movement rates can be hindered by terrain and other adverse conditions such as wind, rain and hail. These conditions are divided into three categories, Slight, Moderate and Great Adversity.

Slight Adversity: Reduce the character’s distance moved by 25%.

Moderate Adversity: Reduce the character’s distance moved by 50%.

Great Adversity: Reduce the character’s distance moved by 75%.

Chases & Pursuits

If a character succeeds at a Difficult (–20%) Athletics test, they may treat their Movement as one higher than normal for a single Combat Action or minute.

Sprinting is very tiring when chasing and counts as heavy activity.

If mounts are being used by characters in a pursuit, then the Athletics skill of the mount should be used rather than that of the character.

Illumination & Darkness
Environment is… Example Effects
.環境は…です .例 .効果
Brightly Illuminated Blazing summer day, shrine holding a rune of Light. +10% to Perception tests to spot hidden characters or items
.明るく照らされている .照りつけるような夏の日、光のルーンを持っている社(やしろ)。 .隠れたキャラクターやアイテムを見つける知覚判定に+10%
Illuminated Heavily candlelit room, overcast day, within radius of illuminating item. None.
.照らされている .激しくろうそくに照らされた部屋、曇りの日、照明器具の半径内。 .なし。
Partial Darkness Cavern mouth, misty day, within 3 x radius of illuminating item. –20% to vision-based Perception tests.
.部分的な暗闇 .洞窟の入り口、霧の日、照明器具の半径の3倍内。 .視覚に基づいた知覚判定に-20%。
Dark Large cavern illuminated only by embers, foggy day, within 5 x radius of illuminating item. –40% to vision-based Perception tests. Movement penalised by –1m.
.暗闇 .燃えさしによって照らされただけの大きな洞窟、霧が濃い日、照明器具の半径の5倍内。 .視覚に基づいた知覚判定に-40%。 移動力に-1mのペナルティ。
Pitch Black Sealed room with stone walls, cavern many miles underground, mountaintop whiteout, shrine holding a rune of Darkness. Perception tests reliant on vision impossible, as are ranged attacks. –60% to close combat attacks. Movement halved.
.漆黒 .石の壁で閉鎖された部屋、何マイルも地下の洞窟、山頂での猛吹雪、暗闇のルーンを持っている社(やしろ)。 .遠隔攻撃のように視覚に依存した知覚判定は不可能。 近接戦闘攻撃に-60%。 移動力は半分。

Dark Sight
Allows the character to treat pitch black conditions as dark. Normally possessed by subterranean creatures and trolls.

Night Sight
Allows the character to treat partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness. Normally possessed by nocturnal creatures.
.キャラクターは部分的な暗闇を照らされた状態として、暗闇を部分的な暗闇として扱うことができます。 夜行性のクリーチャーが持っています。

Illuminating Items
Example Radius
.例 .半径
Candle or embers 1m
.ろうそくあるいは燃えさし .1m
Flaming brand or lantern 3m
.燃えているたいまつあるいはランタン .3m
Campfire 5m
.キャンプファイアー .5m
Bonfire 10m
.大かがり火 .10m
Light spell 10m, but unlike natural light sources, the Light spell only illuminates a 10m radius and does not provide partial darkness or darkness to areas beyond this radius.
.光の呪文 .10m、ただし自然光源と異なり、光の呪文は10m半径を照らすだけであり、この半径を越えた範囲に部分的な暗闇あるいは暗闇を作り出すことはありません。


  • ああ、誤植でしょうねぇ。確認してきまーす。 -- (なゆた) 2009-09-25 07:36:45
  • 移動力3mの分速(走り)は72mだと思うんですが原文はどうなってますでしょうか。 -- (xhfuy) 2009-09-24 21:18:27

最終更新:2009年09月29日 21:07