RuneQuest SRD > 7-冒険する > 3-治療



Healing can be performed in one of three ways – using the First Aid skill, a magical spell, or through natural healing, resting while the injuries heal themselves.
.治療には三つの方法があります - 応急手当技能の使用、魔法の呪文、傷が癒えるまで休む自然治癒。

Natural Healing


A character’s injured locations (any location that has 0 hit points or more) regain one hit point per 24 hours, as long as the character does not engage in anything more than light activity.

A character’s badly injured locations (any location that has –1 or fewer hit points or more) regain one hit point per location per day, as long as the character does not engage in anything more than light activity, and the character succeeds at a Resilience test.

Natural healing will not heal a Major Injury until that location has either been treated with a successful Healing test or magical healing has been applied.

Magical Healing


However magical healing is achieved, whether from a spell, prayer or potion, it has an instantaneous effect.

In addition to the restoration of hit points, any location suffering a Major Wound that receives even a single hit point’s restorations through magical healing immediately stops bleeding and is healed sufficiently to benefit from natural healing.

If a character has been knocked unconscious due to a Serious or Major Wound, the restoration of a single hit point to the wounded location that caused the unconsciousness will revive the character.

Unless specifically stated, magical healing cannot re-attach severed limbs or revive the dead.



最終更新:2009年10月06日 20:57