

実績名 説明文 備考
Getting Thirsty... Robot arm powered up and ready for action - time for you to make your first hot drink.
RAGE QUIT Clear every object off the table.
Milk does the body good Added milk to a drink
Just a spoonful of sugar... Added sugar to a drink
Obsessive Tea Drinker. Played the game 500 times.
Keep Calm, Make Tea Added a teabag to a drink. BEFORE the water.
Tea! Earl Gray! Hot! Added hot water to a drink. AFTER the teabag.
Smashing! Broke a cup.
Flipping the table Really lose your temper.
You broke it, you pay for it! Broke your arm. Again.
You served. Finally made a perfect cup of tea.


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最終更新:2015年06月07日 14:23