タグ &tags()

|bounty_hunter.stf|31|already_being_hunted|You cannot do that because someone is already attempting to collect a bounty on that target.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|30|already_have_target|You cannot do that because you are already attempting to collect the bounty on a target.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|35|bounty_failed_hunter|You have failed to collect the bounty on %TT.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|36|bounty_failed_target|"You have defeated %TT, spoiling %PT attempt to collect the bounty on your head."||
|bounty_hunter.stf|45|bounty_incomplete|BOUNTY MISSION INCOMPLETE: Your bounty mission has been cancelled because it is no longer valid.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|33|bounty_success_hunter|You have defeated %TT and collected the bounty on %PT head worth %DI credits.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|34|bounty_success_target|%TT has defeated you and collected the bounty on your head worth %DI credits.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|58|dont_have_skill_needed|You don't have the skills required for this mission!||
|bounty_hunter.stf|38|mail_notify_body|"Dear Sir or Madam, The Galactic Bounty Network wishes to inform you that the bounty that you placed on the head of %TU has been claimed by the bounty hunter, %TT. Thank you for your patronage, and have a nice day."||
|bounty_hunter.stf|37|mail_notify_subject|Bounty Claim Notification||
|bounty_hunter.stf|42|max_bounty|This person is already worth the maximum bounty possible.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|47|no_bounty_player|You cannot use this ability on another player.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|59|null_mission|"Error, SpyNet contact failed. SpyNet couldn't determine if you had the mission or not."||
|bounty_hunter.stf|32|player_bounty_reward_fail|A glitch has occurred in the intergalactic bounty network payment system. No credit has been assigned for this bounty kill.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|29|pp_notify|%TT is attempting to collect the bounty on your head! You are now cleared to engage %OT in combat.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|28|pp_player|I have good news. %TT does indeed have a bounty on %PT head of %DI credits. You are now cleared to attack this target.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|46|setbounty_cap|The bounty you are setting has been reduced to the maximum amount possible of 1000000 credits.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|26|setbounty_invalid_number|That is not a valid number.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|24|setbounty_prompt1|Do you want to take out a bounty against||
|bounty_hunter.stf|25|setbounty_prompt2|"If so, enter how many credits you would like to place on his or her head, and press 'OK'. Otherwise, press 'CANCEL'. Minimum Bounty: 20,000 credits Maximum Bounty: 1,000,000 credits Your Funds:"||
|bounty_hunter.stf|23|setbounty_title|Set Bounty||
|bounty_hunter.stf|44|setbounty_too_little|You must set a bounty of at least 20000 credits.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|27|setbounty_too_much|You do not have that much money.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|53|sm_bounty_amount_target|You have a bounty of %DI credits on your head.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|52|sm_bounty_amount_target_no_bounties|"While you have a bounty of %DI credits, nobody is hunting you."||
|bounty_hunter.stf|56|sm_bounty_amount_target_with_bounties|You have a bounty of %DI credits on your head and someone is after you!||
|bounty_hunter.stf|57|sm_bounty_hunter_distance|One of the bounty hunters after you was last seen around %DI meters away from your position.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|54|sm_bounty_notified_target|You turn over the bounty information to %TT.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|48|sm_calling_contact_too_often|Wait a minute before calling your contact again.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|55|sm_calling_contact_too_often_target|Your target has been checked within the last ten minutes.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|51|sm_no_bounty_self|Your contact notifies you that you do not have a bounty.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|50|sm_no_bounty_target|Your contact notifies you that your target does not have a bounty.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|49|sm_no_bounty_target_player|%TT checks for a bounty on you and finds no bounty is being offered.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|43|target_collecting_bounty|"You cannot establish a connection to the Galactic Bounty Network right now, and are not able to Bounty Check this target. Please try again later."||
|bounty_hunter.stf|41|time_expired|The time limit on this bounty collection attempt has expired.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|39|time_expired_hunter|The time limit on your attempt to collect this bounty has expired.||
|bounty_hunter.stf|40|time_expired_target|The time limit on this attempt to collect the bounty on your head has expired.||

