Machine Stats? > Principality of Zeon ジオン公国軍

「Machine Stats/Principality of Zeon ジオン公国軍」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Machine Stats/Principality of Zeon ジオン公国軍 - (2014/05/11 (日) 13:26:13) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ZEON Machine Stats 機械データ

List Req Armor Dodge Critical Accuracy
ZEON Hangar Truck Earp 0 1 0 0 0
ZEON Weapon Shop Truck Gaea 0 1 0 0 0
ZEON Bank Truck Farenheit 0 1 0 0 0
HT-01B Magella Attack 0 50 0 7 7
HT-01B Magella Attack Custom 0 60 0 9 9
MS-06V Zaku Tank 0 130 0 8 8
ZEON Attack Helicopter 0 20 2 7 7
DFA-03 Dopp 0 40 6 5 5
P10B Luggun 0 30 8 5 3
Dodai YS 0 80 4 6 6
Gattle-Class 0 30 7 7 2
Jicco-Class 0 40 6 5 5
MPA-02 Oggo 0 80 5 7 6
MAX-03 Adzam 0 220 1 8 7
Apsalus II 0 160 5 5 6
Gallop-Class Land Battleship 0 220 0 8 8
Dobday-Class Land Battleship 0 300 0 10 10
Fat Uncle-Class Gunship 0 180 0 10 6
Gaw-Class Air Battleship 0 220 0 9 7
Musai-Class Space Battleship 0 240 0 10 6
Chivvay-Class Space Battleship 0 260 0 8 8
Zanzibar-Class Space Battleship 0 280 0 6 10
MS-05B Zaku I 0 120 3 10 3
MS-05S Zaku I Commander Type 0 120 7 5 4
MS-06F Zaku II 0 130 4 8 4
MS-06K Zaku Cannon 0 140 3 7 6
MS-06D Zaku Desert Type 0 140 6 5 5
MS-06F-2 Zaku II F-2 Type 0 150 5 6 5
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type 5 130 6 6 5
MS-06F-2 Zaku II F-2 Commander Type 5 150 6 5 6
MS-06RP Zaku II High Mobility Test Type 15 140 6 7 6
MS-06R-1 Zaku II High Mobility Test Type 15 140 6 6 7
MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type 15 140 7 6 6
MS-06R-2P Zaku II High Mobility Test Type 15 140 7 5 7
MS-06R-2 Zaku II High Mobility Type 15 140 8 3 8
MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai 20 170 5 8 7
MS-07B Gouf 10 140 6 3 9
YMS-09 Prototype Dom 10 170 7 8 3
MS-09 Dom 10 170 7 6 5
YMS-09D Dom Tropical Test Type 10 170 6 8 4
MS-09R Rick Dom 10 170 7 6 5
MSM-03 Gogg 5 200 3 10 6
MSM-04 Acguy 0 170 6 6 6
MSM-04G Juaggu 0 180 4 6 8
MSM-04N Agguguy 0 170 8 4 6
MSM-07 Z'Gok 10 180 7 6 7
MSM-07E Z'Gok Experimental Type 20 190 9 4 9
MSM-08 ZoGok 10 180 6 7 7
MS-13 Gasshia 15 190 7 6 8
MS-12 Gigan 0 170 2 8 8
MS-14A Gelgoog 20 160 7 6 7
MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type 30 160 8 8 8
MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type 40 160 9 9 9


  • "Req" refers to the required amount in the Piloting Total Skill Stat.  No other Total Skill Stat is needed to pilot a Machine.

  • Upgrades for Machines are CRT (Critical), ACC (Accuracy), and DGE (Dodge).  Each upgrade is worth +0.625 in that stat, for a total of +5 to your Machine's base Critical, Accuracy, and Dodge.  This is a flat boost independent of that Machine's original statistics.

  • Engines for Machines are BAL (Balanced), CRT (Critical), ACC (Accuracy), and DGE (Dodge).  A Machine with a BAL Engine has the statistics listed here.  A CRT Engine provides +2 Critical, -1 Accuracy, -1 Dodge. An ACC Engine provides -1 Critical, +2 Accuracy, -1 Dodge. A DGE Engine provides -1 Critical, -1 Accuracy, +2 Dodge.  These changes to the base stat total are independent of that Machine's original statistics.  There is also a rare engine, SUP (Super), which provides +1 Critical, +1 Accuracy, and +1 Dodge.
    マシンのエンジンは、BAL(バランス)、CRT(クリティカル)、ACC(確度)、およびDGE(ダッジ)です。 BALエンジンを持つマシンは、ここに記載されている統計情報を持っています。 CRTのエンジンは+2クリティカル、-1精度、-1ダッジを提供しています。 ACCエンジンが提供して-1クリティカル、+2精度を、-1ダッジを。 DGEエンジンが提供して-1クリティカル、-1の精度、+2ダッジを。基本スタット合計に対するこれらの変更は、そのマシンの元の統計とは無関係である。 +1クリティカル、+1精度、+1ダッジを提供稀エンジン、SUP(スーパー)もあります。
  • Machines have many more statistics which are not listed here, such as Manipulator Count, Container Size, Speed, Turning, etc.  More in-depth pages will be made for each individual Machine at a later date.

  • Machines with the designations EXAM, CBHM, or MC after their model numbers also have special properties.  See the bottom of this page for details.


  • "EXAM" Units increase damage dealt as if your Character has extra Tactics and Precision equal to its Machine Damage %.  For example, 50% Machine Damage is a boost equal to an additional 65.0 Tactics and Grit.  However, each attack your successfully land on an enemy will deal damage to the "EXAM" Unit's own Limbs.
    あなたのキャラクターは、余分な戦術を持っているし、その機械の損傷の%に等しい精密かのように、「EXAM」ユニットは、ダメージを増加させる。例えば、50%の機械の損傷は、追加の65.0戦術とグリットに等しいブーストです。 「EXAM」ユニット自体の手足にダメージを取り扱いますが、それぞれの攻撃は成功し、敵に着弾。

  • "CBHM" Units have an additional +25 Armor and +100 Limb Armor.  This means, for example, a GM Light Armor has 135 Armor, but Limb Armor as if it had 210 Armor, making it much sturdier and incredibly difficult to debuff.  However, their Turning, Jump Height, etc. is reduced because of the CBHM's increased weight.

  • "MC" Units have additional Turning, Jump Height, etc., but no drawback or statistical advantage over a unit with no special features applied.

  • Finally - all EXAM / CBHM / MC Units have the same Req, Critical, Accuracy, and Dodge as a normal Machine.  Their bonuses are purely to areas which are untouched by other parts of the Icarus-Server Customization System.
    最終的には - すべてのEXAM/ CBHM/ MCのユニットは、通常のマシンと同じ必須、クリティカル、精度、ダッジを持っています。彼らのボーナスはイカルスサーバのカスタマイズ、システムの他の部分で変更されません地域に純粋である。


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