WoW UI作成ガイド

Writing Your First AddOn



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※このコンテンツはWorld of Warcraft Hell の内容を翻訳した内容になります。原文は2005/3/7に書かれたもので、それを2006/3/28現在の内容に修正しながら訳してあります。

訳者の英語力の拙さをご理解いただいた上で閲覧していただけると幸いです(^ ^; (誤訳はご指摘ください)

Writing Your First AddOn

あなたはBeginners Guideを読んだかUIを少しいじってみましたが、次に何をするか、何ができるかわからないですか?ここでは、短い紹介と初めての例を書きたいと思います。

このHow ToではTelo's ClockからTooltip機能を引いたようなものを作ることになります。デフォルトのミニマップにアンカー表示されるようなものではなく、サーバー時間を表示する新しいWindowを表示します。


1. フォルダとファイルの準備


次はWoWに何を(どのXMLをファイルを)読み込んだらよいか伝えるTable of Contents(目次)です。それは、フォルダ名と同じ名前でならないのでず、ここでは[hellClock.toc]というファイルをテキストエディターで作成して、下記の情報をファイルに記述してください。

## Interface: 11000
## Title: Clock from Hell
## Notes: It's a Clock.. get over it, nothing fancy here.

Beginners Guideを読んでいればこの意味はわかるはずです。読んでなければ読んでみてください。これは、WoWに"hellClock.xml"というファイルをAddOnフォルダから読み込むように伝えます。では、次に何をしましょう。そう、XMLファイルを作成しましょう。

2. The XML: hellClock Windowのインサート


<Ui xmlns="" 
    xsi:schemaLocation=" ..\..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">



<Script file="hellClock.lua" />




<Frame name="ClockFrame" frameStrata="HIGH" toplevel="true" enableMouse="true"
movable="true" parent="UIParent">
<AbsDimension x="128" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="TOP"/>


name :

enableMouse :

parent :

movable :

Inside your <Frame> tag resides other information that would not logically fit into an attribute or clutter it up, like the Anchor (the side of the parent element on which the Frame should be positioned, TOP here will be the top of the screen), the position and the size of your Frame.

AbsDimension here means that it is an Absolute Dimension and the Anchor point, as said above, will position this window relative to the TOP of it's parent (UIParent, the entire screen).

By now, you should be able to save all files and log in to the game with your AddOn enabled. You will not see anything as of now, as there is nothing to see, but if you wish to follow the next steps more "visually" you can log into the game with the AddOn enabled, go on in the How To, and refresh your UI on every step to see what it changes.

3. Raw FrameとBackdrop(背景)の作成

In order to be able to see something, it must have a color or in our case a texture.

In the World of Warcraft Interface you have different methods available to add textures or fonts to a Frame. You could shove a picture (texture) underneath it or you can assign a so called Backdrop. I prefer Backdrops for the most part, because you can resize the window (dynamically or by editing it's properties) any time in development without the need to change the texture that represents your Frame. A Backdrop consists of a background and an edge, here is how we are using it in this sample:

<Backdrop name="$parentBackdrop" bgFile="Interface\TutorialFrame\TutorialFrameBackground"
edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
<AbsValue val="16"/>
<AbsValue val="32"/>
<AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>

Let me explain the various attributes and tags you see above.

The <Backdrop> Tag that is encapsulating it all goes anywhere within the <Frame> Tag, just like the <Anchors> and <Size> tags that we have inserted in it above. Attributes to <Backdrop> used here are:

Obviously, the name for the Backdrop. "$parent" here will be replaced by the name of it's parent element, which is in our case, "ClockFrame". So the name of the Backdrop will be "ClockFrameBackdrop" within the game.

This tells the game which texture to use as the Background. In our case this is the semi-transparent TutorialFrameBackground.blp from the original World of Warcraft Interface Files. Read my Beginners Guide if you want to know how to unpack the original files and see what textures are in there.

This is telling which texture should be used for the edge. Edge textures are special 4x16 or 4x32 wide textures that contain a texture for the sides, and all four corners of a square. In our case, this is UI-DialogBox-Border.blp, which is also used for DropDown boxes for example. Scaled down it makes for a smooth frame for our Clock.

Let's Recap before we move on to page two. We have populated the hellClock.xml with enough data to log into the game and have a Frame display that is not yet draggable and does not yet display any clock value.

On page two you will learn how to make the window draggable and of course how to make it display a clock! Move on..
