Weapon Skills

Melee 武器や弓などに関するスキル。

Axe Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Axes 片手斧の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Axe A strong precise attack. Axes 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Axe An attack that draws your opponent closer. Axes 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Axe An axe attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Axes 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Axe A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Axes 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Club and Mace Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Clubs and Maces 片手鈍器の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Club A powerful precise attack. Clubs and Maces 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Club An attack that draws your opponent closer. Clubs and Maces 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Club An club attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Clubs and Maces 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Club A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Clubs and Maces 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Archery Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Archery 弓の基本攻撃 - -

Greataxe Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Greataxes 両手斧の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Greataxe A powerful, precise attack. Greataxes 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Greataxe An attack that draws your opponent closer. Greataxes 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Greataxe An greataxe attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Greataxes 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Greataxe A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Greataxes 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Greatclub Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Greatclubs 両手鈍器の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Greatclub A powerful, precise attack. Greatclubs 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Greatclub An attack that draws your opponent closer. Greatclubs 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Greatclub An greatclub attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Greatclubs 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Greatclub A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Greatclubs 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Greatsword Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Greatswords 両手剣の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Greatsword A powerful, precise thrusting attack. Greatswords 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Greatsword An attack that draws your opponent closer. Greatswords 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Greatsword An greatsword attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Greatswords 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Greatsword A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Greatswords 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Knife Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Knives ナイフの基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Knife A powerful, precise thrusting attack. Knives 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Knife An attack that draws your opponent closer. Knives 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Knife An knife attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Knives 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Knife A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Knives 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Polearm Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Polearms ポールアームの基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Polearm A powerful, precise thrusting attack. Polearms 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Polearm An attack that draws your opponent closer. Polearms 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Polearm An polearm attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Polearms 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Polearm A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Polearms 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Sithra Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Sithras Sithra の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Sithras Sithras 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Sithras Sithras 50.0 以上 1000.0gp

Sword Skills

名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Swords 片手剣の基本攻撃 - -
Power Attack Sword A powerful, precise thrusting attack. Swords 25.0 以上 500.0gp
Seize Sword An attack that draws your opponent closer. Swords 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Knockback Sword An sword attack which forcefully pushes your opponent away. Swords 25.0 以上 300.0gp
Whirlwind Attack Sword A spinning attack slashing everyone adjacent. Swords 50.0 以上 1000.0gp


名称 概要 必要スキル 価格
Gank 瀕死のキャラクターに止めを刺す - -
Throwing 衝撃で爆発する battlepike(?) を投擲する - -
Siege Hammer Attack capable of damaging buildings, cannons and vehicles. - 100.0gp



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最終更新:2009年05月22日 16:26