PFS > 作成済みキャラクター > ミーディアム


Once tormented by the voices in his head、Erasmus has come to realize that they are the spirits of his murdered family、and now seeks to avenge them.


イニシアチブ +4; 感覚 〈知覚〉+4
AC 17、接触14、立ちすくみ13(+3鎧、+4【敏】)
hp 10(1d8+2)
頑健 +3、反応 +4、意志 +2; (魅惑)および(強制)に対して+1
移動速度 30フィート
近接 銀製スターナイフ=+6(1d4+4/×3)
遠隔 銀製スターナイフ=+6(1d4+4/×3)
修得ミーディアム呪文 (術者レベル1; 精神集中+3)
基本攻撃 +0; CMB +2(武器落とし、武器破壊、足払い+6); CMD 14
特技 《武器の妙技》*、《霊熟練:《チャンピオン》》*
技能 〈言語学〉+5、〈交渉〉+6、〈真意看破〉+4、〈知覚〉+4、〈呪文学〉+5、〈はったり〉+6; 鎧による判定ペナルティ -1
特徴 Varisian tattoo*、〔報復〕
言語 ヴァリシア語、共通語、天上語、奈落語
その他の特殊能力 チャンピオンの武威(ボーラ)、霊(チャンピオン)*、霊の活性1d6、霊ボーナス+2*
戦闘用装備 ポーション・オヴ・キュア・ライト・ウーンズ、酸; その他の装備 銀製スターナイフ、スタデッド・レザー、背負い袋、ボーラ、ろうそく(10)、お香(10)、呪文構成要素ポーチ、陽光棒、水袋、木製聖印(ファラズマ)、3gp
* この能力の効果はエラスマスのデータに算出済みである。
チャンピオンの武威 エラスマスのチャンピオンの霊はエラスマスに全ての軍用武器およびボーラの習熟を与える(特殊武器の種類は、チャンピオンの霊を降ろすたびに選択する)。彼のヴァリシアの刺青はスターナイフの習熟を与える。
チャンピオンの霊 上記のエラスマスのデータは闘技場、戦場、修練場、やその他の暴力の場を好むチャンピオンの霊を下ろしているものとする。影響力を少なくとも3ポイント受けた場合、エラスマスは【知力】判定と全ての【知力】に基づく技能判定に-2ペナルティを負い、自分の呪文を発動できなくなる。
 If he instead channels a trickster spirit、which favors alleys、mazes、taverns、and trap-filled locations、his statistics are 頑健 +1、反応 +6、近接 スターナイフ=+4(1d4/×3)、遠隔 スターナイフ=+4(1d4/×3)、【敏捷】判定+2、CMB +0(+4足払い、武器落とし、武器破壊); 技能 【敏捷】に基づく技能判定に+2、+1 to one skill and it becomes a class skill、その他の特殊能力 remove champion's prowess (ボーラ)、add trickster's edge: choose any two skills to become class skills、and treat them as if Erasmus had 1 extra rank in them.
 Additionally、if the trickster spirit gains at least 3 points of influence、Erasmus never counts as an ally for purposes of gaining benefits from another's abilities、and he is not a willing target for spells. All touch spells require a melee touch attack (although Erasmus can forgo his saving throws against harmless spells). Erasmus cannot benefit from aid another attempts.
 For a list of all spirits Erasmus can channel、see Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 33~36.
呪文 エラスマスは下記の呪文を発動できる。呪文の完全な詳細は Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 第10章、または Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 第4章を参照。
Once per day、Erasmus can invite a spirit into his body after conducting a seance that takes 1 hour and requires his concentration. The spirit must be channeled in an appropriate location、and it grants Erasmus a seance boon and lesser seance power for 24 hours.
 In addition to granting Erasmus power、a channeled spirit can influence him. By channeling a spirit、Erasmus allows it to gain 1 point of influence. If this point is lost、Erasmus loses contact with the spirit、and he is unable to perform a new seance until the normal 24-hour period has elapsed since his last seance. When the spirit leaves after the 24-hour duration and before the next seance、its influence resets to 0. If the spirit gains at least 3 points of influence、Erasmus takes a -2 penalty on initiative checks and a specific penalty tied to the spirit. However、he also gains a +4 bonus against possession effects and a +2 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects not related to possession. If the spirit ever gains 5 or more influence、it takes over Erasmus、who becomes an NPC under the GM's control until the next day、when he awakens with the spirit gone.
霊ボーナス When Erasmus channels a spirit、he gains a +2 bonus to certain things、depending on the spirit. While the champion spirit inhabits him、this bonus applies to attack rolls、non-spell damage rolls、Strength checks、Strength-based skill checks、and Fortitude saves. The champion's seance boon also grants Erasmus a +2 to all non-spell damage rolls.
霊の活性 After failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus (see above)、Erasmus can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence to add 1d6 to the check's result without taking an action. Erasmus must be conscious and aware to use this ability and can only do so once per round.
〔報復〕 過去24時間以内にエラスマスにダメージを与えた最後のクリーチャーに攻撃をするとき、そのクリーチャーに対するダメージ・ロールに+1の特徴ボーナスを得る。
戦闘用装備 エラスマスの戦闘用装備は次の通り。

Erasmus was born the youngest scion of a minor noble house in Caliphas、Ustalav's capital. Along with his five older siblings、he enjoyed the benefits of a fine education and practice in horsemanship、swordplay、and tutelage in the arcane arts. Yet he understood he had little hope of ever claiming ancestral holdings or heirship. He spent his early life in the cosmopolitan pursuits of the idle rich、and he seemed destined for some opportune marriage to secure his family's comfort、with the resulting life likely to be one of bored leisure.
As Erasmus left his teenage years behind、though、the heirs of his family began to mysteriously die. Authorities discovered Nissa、his eldest sister―a cunning duelist―slain in some underground fighting pit by an opponent she severely outmatched. His uncle、a skilled magic-user、was torn apart by a summoned creature in his own occult library、while the corpse of his son was found broken below his high tower. His second sister、Veldira、choked to death on porridge in the Pharasmin cathedral where she served. Erasmus's closest confidant、his sly older brother Baylock、was found hanged in a dark alley in what authorities ruled a suicide. Amid the turmoil of the deaths、Erasmus's father began to waste away in his council chamber、while the family's eldest surviving heir、Erasmus's brother Vinn、took control of the family affairs.
It wasn't long before the voices started.
At first they were the faintest whispers、which Erasmus dismissed as sleep-deprived hallucinations or echoes bouncing through the corridors of his family's estate. But with each new death、the whispers grew stronger and their message clearer: “Murder.” Erasmus ignored the ghostly mutterings as best he could、quietly writing them off as the lunacy of grief. But、with his suspicions aroused、he began to investigate the whispers' claims. Erasmus told no one of the subtly altered summoning circle he found in his uncle's chambers、or of the oily residue that hadn't been washed from his father's used silverware. The more he discovered、the more intense the chorus of voices grew in his crowded mind. Servants concealed Erasmus's late-night wanderings as best they could、or dismissed his mutterings and ravings as overwhelming grief.
It all came to a head when one of Erasmus's episodes interrupted his own father's funeral. Snapping his head back and forth、Erasmus railed against a chorus of unseen phantoms. Amid the outburst、he howled that his family was victim of his eldest brother's deceit.
None who heard truly listened、though、all convinced that grief had pushed Erasmus past the brink of insanity. Vinn、Erasmus's only remaining family member、committed him to Havenguard Lunatic Asylum.
For nearly a year、Erasmus languished at the asylum、baffling his well-intentioned wardens as they sought to heal the man's troubled mind. But on the anniversary of his father's death、another voice called through the darkness. From a neighboring cell、a new prisoner calling himself “the King” counseled the troubled man. With gruff kindness、the stranger with the accent of a northern barbarian taught Erasmus not to fight the chorus、but rather to accept and welcome it、opening his mind and body to its words. Erasmus gradually identified each mysterious voice in turn、and finally understood they were the shades of his family―the spirits of his deceased brothers、father、and uncle―who endlessly dwelled upon the circumstances of their deaths. Over time、he learned to sit in quiet communion with the voices、and to allow them to exercise their influence upon his mortal shell.
With the aid of his uncle's mastery of magic、Erasmus easily retrieved the keys to his cell to secure his escape. Under the control of his battle-eager eldest sister、the asylum's guards had no hope of restraining him. But when he gratefully burst open the King's cell、he found it empty. Too harried to ponder the implications of his friend's disappearance、Erasmus fled、relying on the influence of his roguish brother Baylock to slip through the shadows to freedom.
Yet、the world had not changed for the better during Erasmus's absence. Vinn had used his brother's madness to legally disown him from any claim to his family's titles or lands. His murderous brother had also married into a prestigious noble family、solidifying his holdings and winning him considerable influence in Caliphas's royal court. Seeing little chance at justice、Erasmus knew he'd need living allies to retake his birthright. He boarded a ship crossing Lake Encarthan、the restless spirits of his ancestors following close behind.

“I may look fragile、but the spirits who follow me are not. Consider yourself warned.”


Once tormented by the voices in his head、Erasmus has come to realize that they are the spirits of his murdered family、and now seeks to avenge them.


イニシアチブ +4; 感覚 〈知覚〉+7
AC 20、接触14、立ちすくみ16(+5鎧、+4【敏】、+1外皮)
hp 35(4d8+12)
頑健 +6、反応 +6、意志 +5; (魅惑)および(強制)に対して+1
弱点 禁忌
移動速度 30フィート
近接 高品質のスターナイフ=+11(1d4+8/×3)
遠隔 高品質のスターナイフ=+11(1d4+4/×3)
特殊攻撃 共有降霊会、霊障との交信
修得ミーディアム呪文 (術者レベル4; 精神集中+6)
基本攻撃 +3; CMB +5(足払い、武器落とし、武器破壊+11); CMD 17
特技 《斬撃の優美:スターナイフ》、《武器熟練:スターナイフ》*、《武器の妙技》*
技能 〈言語学〉+5、〈交渉〉+9、〈真意看破〉+4、〈知覚〉+7、〈知識:宗教〉+5、〈知識:神秘学〉+8、〈呪文学〉+5、〈はったり〉+6、〈魔法装置使用〉+9; 鎧による判定ペナルティ -1
特徴 Varisian tattoo*、〔報復〕
言語 ヴァリシア語、共通語、天上語、奈落語
その他の特殊能力 チャンピオンの武威(ボーラ)、霊(チャンピオン)*、霊の活性1d6、霊ボーナス+2*
戦闘用装備 スクロール・オヴ・フライ、ワンド・オヴ・キュア・ライト・ウーンズ(5チャージ)、酸; その他の装備 +1ミスラル製チェイン・シャツ、アミュレット・オヴ・ナチュラル・アーマー+1、クローク・オヴ・レジスタンス+1、高品質のスターナイフ、背負い袋、ボーラ、ろうそく(10)、冷たい鉄製スターナイフ、お香(10)、銀製スターナイフ、呪文構成要素ポーチ、水袋、木製聖印(ファラズマ)、5gp
* この能力の効果はエラスマスのデータに算出済みである。
チャンピオンの武威 エラスマスのチャンピオンの霊はエラスマスに全ての軍用武器およびボーラの習熟を与える(特殊武器の種類は、チャンピオンの霊を降ろすたびに選択する)。彼のヴァリシアの刺青はスターナイフの習熟を与える。
チャンピオンの霊 上記のエラスマスのデータは闘技場、戦場、修練場、やその他の暴力の場を好むチャンピオンの霊を下ろしているものとする。影響力を少なくとも3ポイント受けた場合、エラスマスは【知力】判定と全ての【知力】に基づく技能判定に-2ペナルティを負い、自身の0レベル呪文たげしか発動できなくなる(術者レベル2として)。
 If he instead channels a trickster spirit、which favors alleys、mazes、taverns、and trap-filled locations、his statistics are 頑健 +4、反応 +8、近接 高品質のスターナイフ=+9(1d4+4/×3)、遠隔 高品質のスターナイフ=+9(1d4/×3)、【敏捷】判定+2、CMB +3(+9足払い、武器落とし、武器破壊); 技能 【敏捷】に基づく技能判定に+2、+1 to one skill and it becomes a class skill、その他の特殊能力 remove champion's prowess (ボーラ)、add trickster's edge: choose any two skills to become class skills、and treat them as if Erasmus had 4 extra ranks in them.
 Additionally、if the trickster spirit gains at least 3 points of influence、Erasmus never counts as an ally for purposes of gaining benefits from another's abilities、and he is not a willing target for spells. All touch spells require a melee touch attack (although Erasmus can forgo his saving throws against harmless spells). Erasmus cannot benefit from aid another attempts.
 For a list of all spirits Erasmus can channel、see Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 33~36.
霊障との交信 Erasmus can always act on the surprise round against haunts. His touch deals 2d6 points of damage to the haunt and he can ask it a single question (the haunt can answer as it chooses). If Erasmus forgoes his saving throw against a haunt's effects、he suffers its full effects、but it doesn't affect anyone else. The haunt then gains possession of Erasmus's body (once per minute、he can attempt a DC22 Will saving throw to end this possession).
共有降霊会 エラスマスの味方は降霊会に参加し降霊会の恩恵を24時間得ることができる。チャンピオンの場合、この恩恵は呪文以外のダメージ・ロールに+2を得る。トリック・スターの場合、この恩恵は各味方の選んだ技能がクラス技能となり+1ボーナスを得る。【知力】が3以上のクリーチャーだけが降霊会に参加できる。エラスマスと異なり、他の参加者は交礼会の間他の行動をとることができるが、始めから終わりまで他の参加者と身体的なつながりを維持しなければならない。
呪文 エラスマスは下記の呪文を発動できる。呪文の完全な詳細は Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook or Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures を参照。
 ディテクト・アンデッド:Erasmus can detect undead creatures in a 60-foot cone. If he concentrates、he can find out how many undead and the strength of the strongest undead aura. On the round after that、he can determine the strength and location of each undead aura.
Once per day、Erasmus can invite a spirit into his body after conducting a seance that takes 1 hour and requires his concentration. The spirit must be channeled in an appropriate location、and it grants Erasmus a seance boon and lesser seance power for 24 hours.
 In addition to granting Erasmus power、a channeled spirit can influence him. By channeling a spirit、Erasmus allows it to gain 1 point of influence. If this point is lost、Erasmus loses contact with the spirit、and he is unable to perform a new seance until the normal 24-hour period has elapsed since his last seance. When the spirit leaves after the 24-hour duration and before the next seance、its influence resets to 0. If the spirit gains at least 3 points of influence、Erasmus takes a -2 penalty on initiative checks and a specific penalty tied to the spirit. However、he also gains a +4 bonus against possession effects and a +2 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects not related to possession. If the spirit ever gains 5 or more influence、it takes over Erasmus、who becomes an NPC under the GM's control until the next day、when he awakens with the spirit gone.
霊ボーナス When Erasmus channels a spirit、he gains a +2 bonus to certain things、depending on the spirit. While the champion spirit inhabits him、this bonus applies to attack rolls、non-spell damage rolls、Strength checks、Strength-based skill checks、and Fortitude saves. The champion's seance boon also grants Erasmus a +2 to all non-spell damage rolls.
霊の活性 After failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus (see above)、Erasmus can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence to add 1d6 to the check's result without taking an action. Erasmus must be conscious and aware to use this ability and can only do so once per round.
禁忌 During his daily seance、Erasmus can accept a taboo to appease his spirit. If he does、he can use his spirit surge ability twice without incurring influence. Erasmus can only accept a single taboo、and if he breaks it、he takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls、damage rolls、ability checks、skill checks、and saving throws for 1 hour、and his spirit gains 1 influence point. Continuing to violate the taboo extends the penalties but does not add influence. If a spirit gains 5 points of influence because of a violated taboo、it leaves Erasmus immediately、and Erasmus cannot channel spirits of that legend for 1 week.
 The champion spirit's taboos are: Erasmus cannot be the willing target of arcane spells or abilities; Erasmus cannot make a weapon attack unless it's a specific weapon he chooses; Erasmus must accept all challenges to prove his prowess in battle (and abide by all their rules).
 The trickster spirit's taboos are: Erasmus can't reveal his true identity to anyone; he can never tell the truth; he can never pass up a more lucrative offer、even if it requires changing sides.
〔報復〕 過去24時間以内にエラスマスにダメージを与えた最後のクリーチャーに攻撃をするとき、そのクリーチャーに対するダメージ・ロールに+1の特徴ボーナスを得る。
戦闘用装備 エラスマスの戦闘用装備は次の通り。
 スクロール・オヴ・フライ:A touched target gains a 60-foot fly speed and a +7 bonus to Fly checks for 7 minutes. Erasmus must succeed on a DC25 Use Magic Device check to use this scroll.

The youngest son of a minor noble house in Caliphas、Ustalav's capital、Erasmus enjoyed the benefits of his station along with his five older siblings. He had an excellent education and his pursuits were predictably cosmopolitan、but he had none of the promise of an heir.
However、as Erasmus left his teenage years behind him、his family's heirs began dying mysteriously. In the turmoil of the deaths、the mind and body of Erasmus's father wasted away. The eldest surviving heir、Erasmus's brother Vinn、took control of the family's affairs.
Soon afterward、Erasmus began to hear voices that spoke of murder. At his father's funeral、Erasmus howled that his family was victim of his brother's deceit―and Vinn、now a count、had him committed to Havenguard Lunatic Asylum. With the advice of a fellow inmate called the King、Erasmus realized that the voices in his head were the spirits of his slain relatives、and with their help、he escaped the asylum. However、while Erasmus was locked away、Vinn had legally disowned him from any claim to his family's holdings、and the King、though Erasmus tried to rescue him、had seemingly vanished. Erasmus now travels widely、as much to learn about the world―and how to better commune with the spirits who follow him―as to escape his terrible past.

“I may look fragile、but the spirits who follow me are not. Consider yourself warned.”


Once tormented by the voices in his head、Erasmus has come to realize that they are the spirits of his murdered family、and now seeks to avenge them.


イニシアチブ +5; 感覚 〈知覚〉+13
AC 21、接触15、立ちすくみ16(+5鎧、+5【敏】、+1外皮)
hp 59(7d8+21)
頑健 +9、反応 +9、意志 +7; (魅惑)および(強制)に対して+1
弱点 禁忌
移動速度 30フィート
近接 +1ヒューマン・ベイン・スターナイフ=+15(1d4+11/×3)
遠隔 +1ヒューマン・ベイン・スターナイフ=+15(1d4+6/×3)
特殊攻撃 共有降霊会、緊急攻撃、霊障との交信
修得ミーディアム呪文 (術者レベル7; 精神集中+9)
基本攻撃 +5; CMB +8(足払い、武器落とし、武器破壊+15); CMD 20
特技 《技能熟練:知覚》*、《斬撃の優美:スターナイフ》、《武器熟練:スターナイフ》*、《武器の妙技》*、《霊熟練:《チャンピオン》》*
技能 〈鑑定〉+2、〈言語学〉+5、〈交渉〉+12、〈真意看破〉+4、〈生存〉+1、〈知覚〉+13、〈知識:次元界〉+5、〈知識:宗教〉+5、〈知識:神秘学〉+8、〈治療〉+1、〈呪文学〉+8、〈はったり〉+8、〈魔法装置使用〉+12; 鎧による判定ペナルティ -1
特徴 Varisian tattoo*、〔報復〕
言語 ヴァリシア語、共通語、天上語、奈落語
その他の特殊能力 縁者との交信、チャンピオンの武威(ボーラ)、土地との交信(7ラウンド)、霊(チャンピオン)*、霊の活性1d6、霊ボーナス+3*
戦闘用装備 オイル・オヴ・デイライト、ポーション・オヴ・レッサー・レストレーション、スクロール・オヴ・アライン・ウェポン、スクロール・オヴ・フライ、ワンド・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ(6チャージ)、酸; その他の装備 +1ミスラル製チェイン・シャツ、+1ヒューマン・ベイン・スターナイフ、アミュレット・オヴ・ナチュラル・アーマー+1、ベルト・オヴ・インクレディブル・デクスタリティ+2、クローク・オヴ・レジスタンス+2、背負い袋、ボーラ、ろうそく(10)、冷たい鉄製スターナイフ、お香(10)、銀製スターナイフ、呪文構成要素ポーチ、水袋、木製聖印(ファラズマ)、35gp
* この能力の効果はエラスマスのデータに算出済みである。
チャンピオンの武威 エラスマスのチャンピオンの霊はエラスマスに全ての軍用武器およびボーラの習熟を与える(特殊武器の種類は、チャンピオンの霊を降ろすたびに選択する)。彼のヴァリシアの刺青はスターナイフの習熟を与える。
チャンピオンの霊 上記のエラスマスのデータは闘技場、戦場、修練場、やその他の暴力の場を好むチャンピオンの霊を下ろしているものとする。影響力を少なくとも3ポイント受けた場合、エラスマスは【知力】判定と全ての【知力】に基づく技能判定に-3ペナルティを負い、自身の0レベル呪文とディテクト・アンデッド、およびオーナイリク・ホラーOAしか発動できなくなる(術者レベル4として)。
 If he instead channels a trickster spirit、which favors alleys、mazes、taverns、and trap-filled locations、his statistics are 頑健 +6、反応 +12、近接 +1ヒューマン・ベイン・スターナイフ=+12(1d4+6/×3)、遠隔 +1ヒューマン・ベイン・スターナイフ=+12(1d4+1/×3)、【敏捷】判定+3、CMB +5(+12足払い、武器落とし、武器破壊); 技能 【敏捷】に基づく技能判定に+3、+1 to one skill and it becomes a class skill、その他の特殊能力 remove champion's prowess (ボーラ) and sudden attack; add trickster's edge: choose any two skills to become class skills、and treat them as if Erasmus had 7 extra ranks in them; add surprise strike: when Erasmus attacks an opponent that's denied its Dexterity bonus to AC、he deals 2d6 points of extra precision damage、and the target always counts as flat-footed against the first attack he makes against it in a day (the target is then immune to being made flat-footed by this ability for 24 hours).
 Additionally、if the trickster spirit gains at least 3 points of influence、Erasmus never counts as an ally for purposes of gaining benefits from another's abilities、and he is not a willing target for spells. All touch spells require a melee touch attack (although Erasmus can forgo his saving throws against harmless spells). Erasmus cannot benefit from aid another attempts.
 For a list of all spirits Erasmus can channel、see Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 33~36.
霊障との交信 Erasmus can always act on the surprise round against haunts. His touch deals 3d6 points of damage to the haunt and he can ask it a single question (the haunt can answer as it chooses). If Erasmus forgoes his saving throw against a haunt's effects、he suffers its full affects、but it doesn't affect anyone else. The haunt then gains possession of Erasmus's body (once per minute、he can attempt a DC23 Will saving throw to end this possession).
土地との交信 エラスマスは故人が死亡した場所、死者にとって大切な場所、または彼が故人といくらかの繋がりを持つものを憑依させているならどんな場所でも、で特別な降霊会を執り行うことができる。そのようにする場合、その人物の魂を亡骸から呼び起こし、味方はラウンドごとに質問を1つできる。この効果は持続時間は7ラウンドであることを除けばコール・スピリットOAの効果に似ている。同意しない霊は、ミーディアムの霊の知識量、および霊とのつながりに基づ意志セーヴを試みることができる(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 160ページを参照); セーヴに成功した場合、悪意のあるトリックスターがエラスマスに憑りつくが、いずれにせよ、その霊は質問の回答を拒むか騙そうとする。
 The seance's other participants must ask the questions、but Erasmus can substitute an ally's familiarity with the deceased for his own (this affect's the spirit's Will save for call spiritOA). Erasmus can only call the same spirit once every 24 hours. Once per round、he can attempt to end the seance early by making a successful DC24 Will saving throw.
共有降霊会 エラスマスの味方は降霊会に参加し降霊会の恩恵を24時間得ることができる。チャンピオンの場合、この恩恵は呪文以外のダメージ・ロールに+2を得る。トリック・スターの場合、この恩恵は各味方の選んだ技能がクラス技能となり+1ボーナスを得る。【知力】が3以上のクリーチャーだけが降霊会に参加できる。エラスマスと異なり、他の参加者は交礼会の間他の行動をとることができるが、始めから終わりまで他の参加者と身体的なつながりを維持しなければならない。
呪文 エラスマスは下記の呪文を発動できる。呪文の完全な詳細は Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 第10章、または Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 第4章を参照。
 ディテクト・アンデッド:Erasmus can detect undead creatures in a 60-foot cone. If he concentrates、he can find out how many undead and the strength of the strongest undead aura. On the round after that、he can determine the strength and location of each undead aura.
Once per day、Erasmus can invite a spirit into his body after conducting a seance that takes 1 hour and requires his concentration. The spirit must be channeled in an appropriate location、and it grants Erasmus a seance boon and lesser seance power for 24 hours.
 In addition to granting Erasmus power、a channeled spirit can influence him. By channeling a spirit、Erasmus allows it to gain 1 point of influence. If this point is lost、Erasmus loses contact with the spirit、and he is unable to perform a new seance until the normal 24-hour period has elapsed since his last seance. When the spirit leaves after the 24-hour duration and before the next seance、its influence resets to 0. If the spirit gains at least 3 points of influence、Erasmus takes a -2 penalty on initiative checks and a specific penalty tied to the spirit. However、he also gains a +4 bonus against possession effects and a +2 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects not related to possession. If the spirit ever gains 5 or more influence、it takes over Erasmus、who becomes an NPC under the GM's control until the next day、when he awakens with the spirit gone.
霊ボーナス When Erasmus channels a spirit、he gains a +3 bonus to certain things、depending on the spirit. While the champion spirit inhabits him、this bonus applies to attack rolls、non-spell damage rolls、Strength checks、Strength-based skill checks、and Fortitude saves. The champion's seance boon also grants Erasmus a +2 to all non-spell damage rolls.
霊の活性 After failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus (see above)、Erasmus can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence to add 1d6 to the check's result without taking an action. Erasmus must be conscious and aware to use this ability and can only do so once per round.
緊急攻撃 Erasmus's champion spirit grants him an additional attack at his highest bonus whenever he takes a full-attack action. This ability stacks with haste.
禁忌 During his daily seance、Erasmus can accept a taboo to appease his spirit. If he does、he can use his spirit surge ability twice without incurring influence. Erasmus can only accept a single taboo、and if he breaks it、he takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls、damage rolls、ability checks、skill checks、and saving throws for 1 hour、and his spirit gains 1 influence point. Continuing to violate the taboo extends the penalties but does not add influence. If a spirit gains 5 points of influence because of a violated taboo、it leaves Erasmus immediately、and Erasmus cannot channel spirits of that legend for 1 week.
 The champion spirit's taboos are: Erasmus cannot be the willing target of arcane spells or abilities; Erasmus cannot make a weapon attack unless it's a specific weapon he chooses; Erasmus must accept all challenges to prove his prowess in battle (and abide by all their rules).
 The trickster spirit's taboos are: Erasmus can't reveal his true identity to anyone; he can never tell the truth; he can never pass up a more lucrative offer、even if it requires changing sides.
〔報復〕 過去24時間以内にエラスマスにダメージを与えた最後のクリーチャーに攻撃をするとき、そのクリーチャーに対するダメージ・ロールに+1の特徴ボーナスを得る。
戦闘用装備 エラスマスの戦闘用装備は次の通り。
 スクロール・オヴ・アライン・ウェポン:A targeted weapon becomes chaotic、evil、good、or lawful for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. Erasmus must succeed at a DC23 Use Magic Device check to use this scroll.
 スクロール・オヴ・フライ:A touched target gains a 60-foot fly speed and a +7 bonus to Fly checks for 7 minutes. Erasmus must succeed on a DC25 Use Magic Device check to use this scroll.
 ワンド・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ:Erasmus's wand heals 2d8+2 points of damage by touch. He must succeed at a DC20 Use Magic Device check to use the wand himself.

The youngest son of a minor noble house in Ustalav、Erasmus has developed the ability to channel the restless spirits of his murdered family in his quest to escape the same fate.

“I may look fragile、but the spirits who follow me are not. Consider yourself warned.”
最終更新:2023年07月27日 23:19