「ASA 17-048-2007 北京五輪開発被害代弁者=楊春林氏に拷問と虐待の恐れ」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

ASA 17-048-2007 北京五輪開発被害代弁者=楊春林氏に拷問と虐待の恐れ - (2007/12/29 (土) 12:28:06) のソース

2007年12月24日以降の累計アクセス数=&counter(); 今日のアクセス数=&counter(today); 昨日のアクセス数=&counter(yesterday)
AI INDEX:ASA 17/048/2007

(UA240/07[第1号、ASA 17/042/2007、2007年9月7日]http://www.amnesty.org/en/report/info/ASA17/042/2007の追加情報)

- 国名:中華人民共和国
- ケース:拷問と虐待の恐れ


* 対象者
- 楊春林(ようしゅんりん、Yang Chunlin)、男性、人権擁護活動家、52歳

* 事案の概要
人権擁護活動家の楊春林は、7月6日に拘禁され、中国東北部の黒龍江省 佳木斯(ジャムス)市の黒通警察署で拷問を受けたとのことである。楊は、拘禁が3ヶ月を過ぎたが、依然として隔離拘禁されたままであり、アムネスティは、彼がこれからも拷問や虐待を受けるおそれがあると憂慮している。




* 要請される行動:

- 当局に、楊春林さんが警察の拘禁下で拷問を受けたとの情報に憂慮を表明する。
- 当局に、楊春林さんが拷問や虐待を受けないように介入して、独立した公平な調査を始めるよう要請する。
- 当局に、楊春林さんは表現の自由の権利を行使しただけで捕らえられたのであるから、直ちに無条件に釈放するよう要請する。
- 当局に、楊春林さんが拘禁中に必要な治療を受けられるように要請する。
- 当局に、楊春林さんに家族や弁護士との定期的な面会を直ちに許可するよう要請する。

** <宛先>
*** 中国首相
中華人民共和国 100032
北京市 西黄城根北街9
温家宝 総理 收
Fax: +8610 6596 1109 / +8610 6596 2260 (c/o 外交部)
英文の場合の書き出し: Your Excellency

*** 黒龍江省公安庁長
中華人民共和国 150001
哈爾濱市 南崗区 中山路145
王東華 庁長 收
ファックス:+86451 2696218
      +86451 2622132
英文の場合の書き出し: Dear Director

** <コピーの送り先>
*** 佳木斯(ジャムス)市公安局長
中華人民共和国 154002
黒龍江省 佳木斯市
蒋志芳 局長 收
ファックス:+86454 8298012
英文の場合の書き出し: Dear Director

*** 駐日中国大使
〒106-0046 港区元麻布3丁目4-3
崔天凱 閣下
メール: info@china-embassy.or.jp


* 英語原文

PUBLIC AI Index: ASA 17/048/2007
08 October 2007

Further Information on UA 240/07 (ASA 17/042/2007, 07 September 2007) 
Fear of torture or ill-treatment

CHINA Yang Chunlin (m), aged 52, human rights activist

Human rights activist Yang Chunlin, who was detained on 6 July, is said to have been tortured in Heitong Police Station in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang province. He is still held incommunicado after more than three months in detention. Amnesty fears he is at further risk of torture and ill-treatment.

Yang has reportedly been subjected to a form of torture commonly used in China: his arms and legs were stretched and chained to the four corners of an iron bed, so that he could not move, and he had to eat, drink and defecate in that position. People subjected to this experience intense pain all over their body. He is believed to have suffered this treatment twice, for six days in early August and one day in September, and to have been forced to watch other people being subjected to this punishment and then clean up their defecation.

Yang is believed to have been tortured in this way partly because he has refused to confess to the crime of "subversion of state power" for his involvement in collecting signatures Yang Chunlin was detained for his involvement in collecting signatures for a petition entitled "We Want Human Rights, not the Olympics". He has reportedly also been teaching other inmates about their human rights.

Yang Chunlin had been active before his detention in supporting a legal action brought by more than 40,000 local farmers whose land had been confiscated without adequate compensation. In 2006 Yang was detained four times for his involvement in this case, and for his participation in a hunger strike organized by Beijing human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng.

Earlier this year he is said to have launched a campaign behind the slogan "We Want Human Rights, not the Olympics" to capture the frustration of local farmers, who feel that the Bejing Olympics is being used to distract attention from violations of their human rights, such as the confiscation of their land. Later the slogan was adopted by other groups around the country.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Chinese, English or your own language:
- expressing concern at reports that Yang Chunlin has been tortured in police custody;
- calling on the authorities to intervene to stop the torture and ill-treatment of Yang Chunlin and order an independent, impartial, investigation;
- calling on them to release him immediately and unconditionally, as he 
has been detained solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression;
- while he remains in custody, urging the authorities to guarantee that Yang Chunlin will have access to any medical treatment he may require;
- calling on them to immediately allow him regular visits from his family and lawyers.


Prime Minister
WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli
The State Council
9 Xihuangcheng Genbeijie
Beijingshi 100032, People's Republic of China
Fax: +8610 6596 1109
+8610 6596 2260 (c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Salutation: Your Excellency

Director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Public Security
WANG Donghua Tingzhang
Heilongjiangsheng Gong'anting
145 Zhongshanlu
Ha'erbinshi 150001
People's Republic of China
Email: hljga@163.com
Fax: +86451 2696218
+86451 2622132
Salutation: Dear Director


Director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Jiamusi City Department of Public Security
Jiang Zhifang Juzhang
Jiamusi Shi Gong'anju
100 Baoweilu
Jiamusi shi 154002
People's Republic of China
Fax: +86454 8298012
Salutation: Dear Director

and to diplomatic representatives of China accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 19 November 2007.
