「Love is Music and Peace」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Love is Music and Peace - (2007/07/21 (土) 01:47:10) の1つ前との変更点



*Love is Music and Peace 作詞/41スレ900 Love makes us wonderful, which kind of wonderful? We can treat others kindly Music makes us wonderful, which kind of wonderful? We can understand each other How the world's spinning, and how's the music made from How the world's spinning, and how's the peace was made from Love makes us wonderful it can be medicene of all over the world Music makes us togeather it can be medicene of all over the world How the world is going, and how's our feeling gotten up how the world is goind, and how's our peace gotten up
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A3102]] } ---- *Love is Music and Peace 作詞/41スレ900 Love makes us wonderful, which kind of wonderful? We can treat others kindly Music makes us wonderful, which kind of wonderful? We can understand each other How the world's spinning, and how's the music made from How the world's spinning, and how's the peace was made from Love makes us wonderful it can be medicene of all over the world Music makes us togeather it can be medicene of all over the world How the world is going, and how's our feeling gotten up how the world is goind, and how's our peace gotten up ---- (このページは[[旧wiki>http://www16.atwiki.jp/akatonbo/1274.html]]から転載されました)

