

  • ゲームを起動したら、Option(設定)をクリックし、Keyboard/Mouse(キーボード/マウス)を選択してしてクリック
  • ボタン横にある developer's console(開発者コンソール)にチェックを入れる
  • コンソール起動はページ内をホイールダウンすると一番下に Toggle Consoleの項目があるので、好みのキーに設定する事ができます
  • DONE(終了)をクリックしたら準備完了です
  • 設定したキーを押してコンソールが立ち上がればOK
  • 当たり前だがコマンドが複数行ある物は1行ずつ打つ事。

  • ゲームスタート時に自動でコマンドを実行させたい場合は、autoexec.cfgをメモ帳などを使って作成する。ファイルの場所は
Steam\SteamApps\common\alien swarm\swarm\cfg\
  • また、新しいマップがロードされるたびに設定がリセットされるコマンドがある。

Client Side Commands


mat_grain_enable 0       //デフォルトでは1
mat_grain_scale_override 0   //デフォルトでは1.5

Xbox 360 controller supportを有効にする
WildBill's modified configuration
exec 360_controller_pc.cfg


asw_auto_reload 0      //デフォルトでは1



asw_camera_shake 0       //デフォルトでは1

asw_marine_labels_cursor_maxdist 1000     //デフォルトでは70

asw_fast_reload_under_marine 1        //デフォルトでは0

asw_spinning_stim_cam 0        //デフォルトでは1

bind <key> "cl_emote <アイコンの値>
(例)bind "P" "cl_emote 6"          //Pキーを押すとスマイリーアイコンを表示

0 - Medic call
1 - Need Ammo
2 - Regular Smiley
3 - Stop
4 - Go
5 - Be careful
6 - Anime Smiley
7 - Ready?

alias "+status" "ingamebriefing;net_graph 1;decalfrequency 0"
alias "-status" "ingamebriefing;net_graph 0;pausable 1"
bind "TAB" "+status"

alias "t_firstperson" "t_firstperson1"
alias "t_firstperson1" "firstperson; asw_hide_marine; asw_controls 0; alias t_firstperson t_firstperson2"
alias "t_firstperson2" "thirdperson; asw_hide_marine; asw_controls 1; alias t_firstperson t_firstperson1"
bind "h" "t_firstperson"

Server Side Commands

firstperson mode

firstperson modeを有効にする
asw_hide_marine 1
asw_controls 0


asw_ignore_need_two_player_requirement 1

L4Dの様なAI directorを有効にする
asw_horde_override 1
asw_wanderer_override 1

Enables the AI director to spawn parasites (scary!)
asw_horde_class asw_parasite

Enables mission chapter selection in singleplayer.
asw_show_all_singleplayer_maps 1

Set camera distance.
asw_cam_marine_dist XXX //default 412

Set camera angle
asw_cam_marine_pitch XX //default 60, 0 on the floor, 90 directly above

Enable/disable screen shift.
asw_cam_marine_shift_enable X (1 for on, 0 for off, if you put your cursor toward the edge of the screen the game will let you see further that direction)

Set screen shift distance (note, two different variable for both planes, top-bottom and left-right)
asw_cam_marine_shift_maxx XXX //default 300
asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy XXX //default 200

Used to open the tile generation map editor.
sv_cheats 1

Self explanatory.

Regarding bots in multiplayer games
Originally Posted by fox Unit 01
So, to add a bot to your game:
cl_selectm (marinenum) (slot)
(marinenum) being numbers 0-7 for Sarge, Wildcat, etc. through Vegas, respectively.
(slot) being 0-3, for players 1-4, respectively. Slot number -1 can also be used to add to the first available slot.
To remove a bot from your game:
cl_dselectm (marinenum)
(marinenum) again being numbers 0-7 for Sarge, Wildcat, etc. through Vegas, respectively.
These commands must be used directly from the lobby menu. Using them anywhere else will result in invalid command errors from the console.
For those suspicious of the ability to add bots to a game, let me clarify some points:
    • You do not gain any EXP from bot kills and bots simply share your level.
    • Bots can, unfortunately, be added by public game joiners. However, new players can still join, and once the lobby fills up, all bots will be automatically kicked and none will be able to be added.
    • When a player leaves (or is kicked from) a lobby, his/her bots will leave as well.

There are, of course, some issues with MP bots as well. Anyone giving a "hold" or "go" order will order all bots, regardless of rather he/she "owns" them or not - however, equipment orders and marine switching work as intended. Also, bots sometimes do not leave correctly when new players join until the lobby fills up to 4 players, as mentioned above - this is being looked into, but in the meantime, use the cl_dselectm command to remove bots if you don't have a full lobby joining.

Neat command from valve:
By the way, if you ever want to test how much damage something does, you can spawn an asw_target_dummy which (when attacked) will show you the DPS, total damage and last damage inflicted. To do this, turn on cheats via "sv_cheats 1", point your cursor at a spot on the ground somewhere and type "asw_ent_create asw_target_dummy". Then start whacking away!

If you want to use sv_cheats commands online:
Originally Posted by MachineWraith
You can use it online. Somebody posted it here somewhere...
1. Make a server.
2. Quit to main menu.
3. In the console, type "map lobby".
4. In the console, type "sv_cheats 1"
5. Invite friends
6. ????
7. Profit!

Note: These settings are overriden by the newmapsettings.cfg file:
mat_motion_blur_enabled 0
mat_grain_enable 1
mat_grain_scale_override 1.5
mat_local_contrast_enable 1
ai_no_steer 1

crosshair 1
r_flashlight_topdown 1
r_flashlightscissor 0
fx_glass_velocity_cap 600
cam_idealyaw 0
cam_idealpitch 90
cam_idealdist 412
fov_desired 75
c_maxpitch 360
c_maxdistance 1000
cl_retire_low_priority_lights 1
cl_interp_ratio 2


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最終更新:2010年09月09日 19:49


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