
Richard Northburgh FINAL


We could deal the Corsairs an almighty blow with the Powder keg on board. It's a pity our Ship would be destroyed at the same time.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] hopes that the Powder keg will give you an advantage over Hassan ben Sahid.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] 火薬樽がハッサン・ベン・サフィッドよりあなたが優位に立てることを望みます。
I have a nasty feeling that I know who Hassan ben Sahid's business partner is... Guy Forcas! If the Corsair has sent for him, we'll find out if I'm right soon enough...
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is even more convinced that Guy Forcas is involved in abducting the children.
Stop! Have you forgotten what's in that Building?!
An agitated [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] tries to stop you demolishing your Warehouse.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は動揺しながら、あなたが港を撤去しようとしているのを止めています。
The Friars at the Mountain monastery have agreed to look after the children, but first the road to the Monastery must be repaved.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] explains that the children cannot be taken to the Mountain monastery until you have built a road to it.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は道を作らないと、子供たちを修道院に連れて行けないと言っています。
Clearly nobody here wants to help us search for the children, but I swear to God, they know more than they're letting on! We should ask the Grand vizier for help...
ここでは誰も子供たちの捜索に手を貸してはくれないな。 神に誓って、彼らは我々に言ったこと以上のことを知っている...
A disappointed [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] suggests asking the Grand vizier for advice.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] はがっかりしながら、 Grand vizier にアドバイスを求めるようにと提案しています。
We haven't looked for those poor children in the South yet. We'd better put that right straight away!
我々は、まだ南では子供たちを探していない。 早速出かけよう!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] suggests looking for the children in the south of the region too.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は南のほうでも子供たちを捜そうと言っています。
We're not making any headway here! Perhaps we'll make some progress at this Mine...
ここではまだ何の進展も無い! この炭鉱で何か情報が手に入ればいいのだが...
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] suggests continuing the search for the children on the Island with the Mines on it.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] はこの島の炭鉱で子供たちの探索を継続しようと言っています。
We should start our search at the cliffs in the North.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] suggests you look for shipwrecked children in the Northeast.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は北東のほうで難破した子供たちを捜そうと言っています。
If we want to win over the Grand vizier, we'd better help him repair his Ship.
Grand vizier を味方につけるには、彼の船を修理するのに手を貸したほうがいいな。
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] advises you to help with Al Zahir's Ship so that you will go up in the Grand vizier's estimation.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は Grand vizier に評価してもらうためには Al Zahir の船に手を貸したほうがいいとアドバイスしています。
Well done! You put up a really good fight against the Corsairs!
よし! いい戦だったぞ!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] remarks triumphantly on your victory over the Corsair ship.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は海賊船に勝利したことを勝ち誇っています。
We should build a small fleet of Warships! I wouldn't want to risk being attacked by the Corsairs unprepared...
我々は戦艦を建造するべきだ! 準備なしに海賊船から攻撃されるというリスクは負いたくはない。
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] advises you to build some Ships to forearm yourself against the Corsairs.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は海賊に対抗するためにあらかじめいくつか戦艦を造っておくようアドバイスしています。
I have made some investigations into this mysterious illness afflicting our Sovereign, and have discovered something truly monstrous! There is a plot afoot ... There is still no concrete proof, but one thing is certain: the Emperor is to be overthrown!
私は陛下の不思議な病気について調査をし、恐ろしい事実を発見してしまった! 恐ろしい陰謀が進行中のようだ... 確かな証拠は無いが、ひとつだけ確かなことがある。 王位が転覆するということだ!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is alarmed to inform you that he has uncovered a plot against the Emperor.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は皇帝に対する陰謀を嗅ぎつけたようです。


Those poor little poppets... They're gradually starting to trust me and tell me about their ordeal... Who in the name of God could inflict all that on them...?
小さくてかわいそうな操り人形たち... だんだんと私を信頼し... 誰が神の名において自分たちにこのような試練を与えているのかを聞いてくるようになった...
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is appalled to hear about the crimes committed against the children.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は子供たちに対する犯罪について耳にし、愕然としています。
Is what I hear true? The Corsairs bought these children? Heavens above! Who could do something like that? WHO in God's name would sell CHILDREN?
私が耳にしたことは本当なのか? 海賊どもが子供たちを連れて行った? なんてことだ! 誰がそんなことを? 神の名を使い、誰が子供たちを売り渡したのだ?
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] expresses his outrage that the Corsairs are involved in child trafficking!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] は子供の密売に海賊たちが関わっていることに激怒しています。
When these children went missing, I said to myself: "Hilarius, there's something very fishy here!" So I followed you and promptly ran into this dreadful Storm! With great difficulty I managed to make it to my brothers' Monastery. And then the rain even washed the Road away!
子供たちが行方不明になったとき、 私はこう思った。「Hilarius、どうも様子が変だ!」 だから貴公に付いて行き、恐ろしい嵐の中を進んできたのだ! そして何とか苦労して同胞がやっている修道院へたどり着いた。 だが、雨が道を洗い流してしまっていたのだ!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] also went off in search of the children and is now trapped in this Monastery.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] もまた子供たちの捜索に駆けつけたが、この修道院で身動きが取れなかったようです。


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最終更新:2009年09月06日 15:04


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