「Dark Souls Marathon -The Seven Deadly Sins-」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Dark Souls Marathon -The Seven Deadly Sins- - (2013/03/02 (土) 14:39:59) の最新版との変更点



#divclass(doyouknow){ -&link_anchor(A){Outline} -&link_anchor(H){Schedule} -&link_anchor(J){The Seven Deadly Sins} -&link_anchor(B){Route} -&link_anchor(C){Bonus boss} -&link_anchor(D){Item Bonus} -&link_anchor(E){The hero of ????!} -&link_anchor(I){Result} } **&aname(A,option=nolink){Outline} This is a 3 hour Marathon Race of Dark Souls. The goal is to go fast, but it isn't exactly a speed run. Runners are competing by score, not time. &color(red){Resetting the timer isn't allowed, nor quit+reload.} If the rules are broken, the game must be started anew and all points are lost, but the timer is not reset #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(H.option=nolink){Schedule} March 30, 2013 3PM (in Japan)/ 6AM (GMT): Opening Ceremony 3:30/6:30:Runners starts streaming. &color(orange){4:00/7:00:Marathon Starts!!} 7:00/10:00:Closing Ceremony **&aname(J,option=nolink){The Seven Deadly Sins} This time, the theme of the marathon is "The Seven Deadly Sins". It is prohibited to use these 7 weapons. #divclass(routebox){ ・Sorcery ・Pyromancy ・Black Knight Weapons ・Gravelord Sword ・Dragon Weapon (which you can upgrade with "Dragon Scale") ・Crystal Halberd ・Lightning Weapons(Any weapon with a number 1 or more under "Lightning Damage" in its stats) } To avoid confusion, &color(red){DO NOT EQUIP "Catalyst" and "Pyromancy Flame"} . &color(yellow){*Lightning Weapon includes Blacksmith Giant Hammer, Demon's Spear, and Dragonslayer Spear. You are allowed to use Gold Pine Resin} **&aname(B,option=nolink){Route} Points are obtained in the following way: ・1 Point per Route Boss Kill. ・Bosses must be killed in the following order, without skipping: #divclass(routebox_en){ Asylum Demon > Taurus Demon > Gargoyles > Moonlight Butterfly > Pinwheel > Capra Demon > Gaping Dragon > Quelaag > Ceaseless Discharge > Iron Golem > Ornstein & Smough > Gravelord Nito > Forest Hydra > Gray Wolf Sif > Stray Demon > Priscilla > Gwyndolin > Firesage Demon > Centipede Demon > Bed of Chaos > Seath > Sanctuary Guardian > Artorias > Manus > Four Kings > Gwyn > (Repeat) } ・There are 26 boss encounters in this chain, so the main route will provide 26 points each run. #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(C,option=nolink){Bonus boss} Bonus Bosses: The following bosses can be killed at any point in each run, or skipped entirely: -Hellkite (1 pt) -Ash Hydra (2 pts) -Kalameet (3 pts) #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(D,option=nolink){Item Bonus} Item Bonus: For players with 20 or less other points, bonus points are available for obtaining certain items (only one time per item). -Bonewheel Shield (4 pts) -Balder Side Sword (3 pts) -Channeler's Trident (2 pts) -Painting Guardian Sword (1 pt) #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(E,option=nolink){The hero of long ???} Every 30 minutes 2 players will be chosen randomly. For the next 10 minutes they will use only the ???(a very weak weapon) and no other equipments. Q: Why? A: Because we think it's funny. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(I,option=nolink){Result} #right(){&link_up(pagetop)}
#divclass(doyouknow){ -&link_anchor(A){Outline} -&link_anchor(H){Schedule} -&link_anchor(J){The Seven Deadly Sins} -&link_anchor(B){Route} -&link_anchor(C){Bonus boss} -&link_anchor(D){Item Bonus} -&link_anchor(E){The hero of ????!} -&link_anchor(K){If you want to use PC version} -&link_anchor(I){Result} } **&aname(A,option=nolink){Outline} This is a 3 hour Marathon Race of Dark Souls. The goal is to go fast, but it isn't exactly a speed run. Runners are competing by score, not time. &color(red){Resetting the timer isn't allowed, nor quit+reload.} If the rules are broken, the game must be started anew and all points are lost, but the timer is not reset #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(H.option=nolink){Schedule} March 30, 2013 3PM (in Japan)/ 6AM (GMT): Opening Ceremony 3:30/6:30:Runners start streaming. &color(orange){4:00/7:00:Marathon Starts!!} 7:00/10:00:Closing Ceremony **&aname(J,option=nolink){The Seven Deadly Sins} This time, the theme of the marathon is "The Seven Deadly Sins". It is prohibited to use these 7 weapons. #divclass(routebox){ ・Sorcery ・Pyromancy ・Black Knight Weapons ・Gravelord Sword ・Dragon Weapon (which you can upgrade with "Dragon Scale") ・Crystal Halberd ・Lightning Weapons(Any weapon that deals Lightning Damage inherently) } To avoid confusion, &color(red){DO NOT EQUIP "Catalyst" and "Pyromancy Flame"} . &color(yellow){*Lightning Weapon includes Blacksmith Giant Hammer, Demon's Spear, and Dragonslayer Spear. You are allowed to use Gold Pine Resin} **&aname(B,option=nolink){Route} Points are obtained in the following way: ・1 Point per Route Boss Kill. ・Bosses must be killed in the following order, without skipping: #divclass(routebox_en){ Asylum Demon > Taurus Demon > Gargoyles > Moonlight Butterfly > Pinwheel > Capra Demon > Gaping Dragon > Quelaag > Ceaseless Discharge > Iron Golem > Ornstein & Smough > Gravelord Nito > Forest Hydra > Gray Wolf Sif > Stray Demon > Priscilla > Gwyndolin > Firesage Demon > Centipede Demon > Bed of Chaos > Seath > Sanctuary Guardian > Artorias > Manus > Four Kings > Gwyn > (Repeat) } ・There are 26 boss encounters in this chain, so the main route will provide 26 points each run. #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(C,option=nolink){Bonus boss} Bonus Bosses: The following bosses can be killed at any point in each run, or skipped entirely: -Hellkite (1 pt) -Ash Hydra (2 pts) -Kalameet (3 pts) #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(D,option=nolink){Item Bonus} Item Bonus: For players with 20 or less other points, bonus points are available for obtaining certain items (only one time per item). -Bonewheel Shield (4 pts) -Balder Side Sword (3 pts) -Channeler's Trident (2 pts) -Painting Guardian Sword (1 pt) #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(E,option=nolink){The hero of ???} Every 30 minutes 2 players will be chosen randomly. For the next 10 minutes they will use only the ???(a very weak weapon) and no other equipments. Q: Why? A: Because we think it's funny. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) #right(){&link_up(pagetop)} **&aname(K,option=nolink){If you want to use PC version} This time, runners can join the marathon with the PC version too. But since the PC version loads much faster, there can be a 5 minute difference by the end. Therefore,&color(red){runners with the PC version have to watch all the pre-boss cutscenes. If a runner forgets to see the movie and skips it, they have to use the Darksign.} **&aname(I,option=nolink){Result} #right(){&link_up(pagetop)}

