「High and lifted up」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

High and lifted up」(2008/12/30 (火) 15:02:09) の最新版変更点



High and Lifted up(by Joe Pace) High and lifted up in all the earth is who you are High and lifted up in all the earth is who you are High and lifted up in all the earth is who you are Lord we exalt your na-----ame, Lord we exalt your name Alto oh Lord we praise you x 4 High and lifted up Sop oh Lord we praise you x 4 High and lifted up Ten oh Lord we praise you x 4 High and lifted up O Lord we praise you, x7 Hi and lifted up! We praise, we love ya High and lifted up! your word, x7 High and lifted up! We praise you x 7 High and lifted up! 全地よ 主を高く掲げよ 主よ あなたの御名をあがめます 主よ あなたを賛美します あなたは価値のあるお方 あなたを賛美します &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltKpyphIf6g){300,200}
*High and Lifted up(by Joe Pace) High and lifted up in all the earth is who you are High and lifted up in all the earth is who you are High and lifted up in all the earth is who you are Lord we exalt your na-----ame, Lord we exalt your name Alto oh Lord we praise you x 4 High and lifted up Sop oh Lord we praise you x 4 High and lifted up Ten oh Lord we praise you x 4 High and lifted up O Lord we praise you, x7 Hi and lifted up! We praise, we love ya High and lifted up! your word, x7 High and lifted up! We praise you x 7 High and lifted up! 全地よ 主を高く掲げよ 主よ あなたの御名をあがめます 主よ あなたを賛美します あなたは価値のあるお方 あなたを賛美します &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltKpyphIf6g){300,200}

