「クリスさんの真実 Kris Allen Facts」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

クリスさんの真実 Kris Allen Facts」(2010/06/30 (水) 19:41:29) の最新版変更点



[[@krisallenfactsさんの引用です。>http://twitter.com/krisallenfacts]] ソースなどが見つかりましたら、追記していただけるとありがたいです。 ---- -&bold(){Fact Number 246: Kris says he could watch the movie 'Step Brothers' everyday. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 245: Kris says that embarrassing moments show that he is just a normal person, too. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 244: Kris has a silly band of a giraffe. (@froggylvr21)} -&bold(){Fact Number 243: Kris keeps a pony tail holder around his wrist, just in case Katy needs one. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 242: Kris has a silly band of a cross. (@MarilynArchie)} -&bold(){Fact Number 241: One of Kris' favorite songs is 'Whataya Want From Me' by Adam Lambert. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 240: One time when Kris was meeting fans, a girl stuck her tongue inside his mouth when taking a photo with him. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 239: Kris loves Chik-Fil-A's milkshakes. (@Marko_po_ako)} -&bold(){Fact Number 238: Chick-Fil-A is Kris' favorite fast food joint, while his favorite restaurant is Stoby's. (@marko_po_ako)} -&bold(){Fact Number 237: Kris gets sick a lot while he is on tour. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number 236: Even though Kris said that he wasn't the smartest kid, he was smart enough to be a university student. (@sahsouha1)} -&bold(){Fact Number 235: When Kris went to Rwanda, only 4 people knew who he was. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 234: Kris likes buses more than planes. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 233: Kris' brother Daniel set him and Katy up. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 232: Kris drinks Nestle. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 231: Kris and his band's sound equipment is by Pedaltrain. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 230: On Memorial Day, Kris ate Brats and Cheese Curds, which didn't agree with him in the morning. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 229: When Kris and Katy broke up in high school, their lockers were right next to each other. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 228: Dancing is not Kris' cup of tea. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 227: When Kris was younger, he had really big thighs. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 226: Girls always used to talk about Kris' butt. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 225: If you mess with Kris' dad, he will get you back. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 224: Kris loves his fans. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 223: Kris hates the question 'Is Simon mean?' (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 222: Kris loves amusement park rides that drop. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 221: When Kris was younger, he really wasn't the smartest kid. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 220: When Kris was younger, he always wore baggy jeans. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 219: Kris is convinced that he looks like Freddie Prinze Jr. (@sahsouha1)} -&bold(){Fact Number 218: When Kris was younger, he weighed over 200 pounds. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number 217: Kris and Katy just announced that they have recently moved back to Arkansas. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 216: Kris' latest cover is 'Maybe' by Allison Kraus. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 215: Kris debuted 'Bring it Back' and 'Lifetime' during a concert in Arkansas on May 29, 2010. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 214: After getting his Ford from Idol, Kris and Katy gave their old cars to Katy's twin sisters. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number 213: Before Kris got his Ford from American Idol, he had a REALLY bad car. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 212: Kris went to Murrell Taylor Elementary School and Fuller Middle School. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 211: Last year, Kris' birthday was on a Sunday, and this year, it's on a Monday. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 210: Kris' debut album was released on Tuesday, November 17, 2009. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 209: Kris likes to watch 'Sex In The City'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 208: During Hollywood Week, Kris was in a Group called "White Chocolate" with Matt Giraud, Justin, and India. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 207: This summer, Kris is going on tour with The Bare Naked Ladies. (@garth360)} -&bold(){Fact Number 206: Kris did missionary work in Morocco, Spain, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, and Burma.} -&bold(){Fact Number 205: Kris became an All-State Viola player in high school, and he received an opportunity to play in college.} -&bold(){Fact Number 204: Kris is a fan of the Packers and the Braves.} -&bold(){Fact Number 203: (Edited) Kris WAS a business major at UCA. (@orgyz)} -&bold(){Fact Number 202: Kris has a Shetland Sheepdog named Elvis.} -&bold(){Fact Number 201: Kris' favorite restaurant is 'Chik-Fil-A'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 200: Kris hates spiders. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 199: Sometimes, Kris likes to sing 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' in the shower. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 198: (Edited) On May 20, 2009, Kris kicked ass on the American Idol season 8 finale. (@_badfish)} -&bold(){Fact Number 197: Kris loves the TV show 'Criminal Minds'. His favorite character is Gideon, while Katy's is Reid. (@cooktastrophe27)} -&bold(){Fact Number 196: Last year, Kris tweeted '#adamfarted'. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 195: During their free time, Kris and Cale love to go to John Mayer concerts. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 194: If Kris could choose ANOTHER super power that he wish he had, it would be the ability to not have to shower. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 193: If Kris sees you pee your pants while laughing, he'll pee his pants while laughing as well. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 192: Kris once said, "I like wearing robes. It makes me feel so fancy... But only at night in hotels by myself." (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 191: Kris believes that Leeds is following him everywhere. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 190: Kris' pimp name is 'Papa Allen G'. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 189: Kris' worst nightmare was when he dreamt that Winnie The Pooh was chasing him with an axe. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 188: Kris' parents are his role models. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 187: Kris loves the TV show 'Scrubs'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 186: Kris hasn't bench pressed in a really long time. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 185: Kris' favorite TV shows are 'Saved By The Bell', 'Power Rangers', and any other cheesy sitcoms. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 184: Kris has always wanted to play the Cello. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 183: Before 2009's AI Tour, Kris had been to more countries than states. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 182: Kris' dream is to tour with Paul McCartney. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 181: If Kris could have any super power of his choice, he would choose to be invisible. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 180: Kris dunks his Oreos in milk. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 179: If Kris could be any cartoon character of his choice, he would choose to be Mighty Mouse. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 178: Kris one time scared his mother by showing her a snake. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 177: Kris loves his mom's 'Dump Cake'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 176: Kris experienced his first California earthquake on March 16, 2010. (@_badfish)} -&bold(){Fact Number 175: Kris' most famous quote is "kick awesome".} -&bold(){Fact Number 174: One of Kris' nicknames is K-Sizzle.} -&bold(){Fact Number 173: Kris is very picky when it comes to what clothing he wants to wear.} -&bold(){Fact Number 172: Once while sleeping, Kris left his Twitter open, and Daniel took it over. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 171: For his debut album, Kris took part in writing all of his songs, except LLWD, The Truth, and WAOMF. (@xxmelx9)} -&bold(){Fact Number 170: Kris says that he would never text and drive. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 169: Kris doesn't like talking on the phone. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 168: One time, Kris fell asleep while talking to Katy on the phone. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 167: Kris has a Transformers t-shirt. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 166: Kris is the first ever American Idol alum to have his debut single be on 3 charts in the Top 10. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 165: If Kris could name a street one day, he would name it Dingleberry Dr. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 164: Sometimes, Kris wears GAP clothing. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 163: Kris looks HAWT without a shirt! (@ReneeIdolPI)} -&bold(){Fact Number 162: Kris Allen has a very nice butt. (@AdamsJizz)} -&bold(){Fact Number 161: If Kris was going to die, he said he would want to go skydiving with a donut in his mouth. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 160: Katy's mom was one of the best school volunteers, before she went back to teaching once Katy got older. (@risalea)} -&bold(){Fact Number 159: (This fact is related to fact number 133) That person is decided by who can make the best paper airplane. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 158: The only reason why Kris chose to play the Viola was because his friends chose to play it first. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 157: Kris once walked out of a bathroom with toilet paper sticking out of his pants. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 156: Kris' favorite group performance during Hollywood Week was 'Don't Stop Believing'. (@sahsouha1)} -&bold(){Fact Number 155: If Kris had to choose another Kanye West song to sing, he'd choose 'Robo Cop'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 154: Before Kris and Katy got married, Katy's last name was O'Connell. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 153: Kris was born to Kimberly and Neil Allen. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 152: Kris and Katy have known eachother since elementary school. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 151: Kris' full name is Kristopher Neil Allen. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 150: (Edited) Kris chooses MAC over PC. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 149: Kris' favorite quote is, "We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 148: Kris was born in Jacksonville, Arkansas. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 147: (Edited) Kris is 5'7, NOT 5'8. (@garth360)} -&bold(){Fact Number 146: AI's PR team told Kris that he couldn't say 'benches' on TV because his accent made it sound like he was saying 'bitches'.} -&bold(){Fact Number 145: Kris Allen is AWESOME. Enough said. (@TaraKeely93)} -&bold(){Fact Number 144: Kris used to be a substitute teacher. (@imnotcaroline)} -&bold(){Fact Number 143: While on stage, Kris always sings with one foot up, and he's always bouncing around. (@IcE_cReAm101)} -&bold(){Fact Number 142: Kris got his first kiss at age 5. It was with a girl who had just eaten a pickle. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 141: One time while singing with Lady Antebellum, Kris' fly was open. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 140: Two of Kris' main goals in life are to be a great husband to Katy, and a great father to his future children. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number 139: When Kris brushes his teeth, he uses either Crest toothpaste or Spongebob toothpaste. (@MarilynArchie)} -&bold(){Fact Number 138: Kris would have demanded more money to sing at Khloe Kardashian's wedding, than at Simon's b'day party. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 137: Kris learned how to play the electric guitar before he learned how to play the acoustic. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 136: (Edited) Kris would rather wrestle a bear, than outrun a cheetah. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 135: Kris considers himself a horrible actor. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 134: Kris doesn't have a workout routine. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 133: Only one person in Kris' band is allowed to wear plaid at one time. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 132: Kris wants a t-shirt that has Adam on it. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 131: Kris' first kiss was by a girl who had just eaten a pickle. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 130: 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum is one of Kris' favorite songs. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 129: At one point, Kris really wanted to do a duet with Matt Giraud. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 128: (Edited) Kris hated all of his group NUMBERS during Hollywood Week of American Idol. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 127: Kris' most embarrassing moment was when he made a video, and his brother found it. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 126: Kris would really love to duet with Kelly Clarkson one day. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 125: At one point, Kris was very close to giving up on his career in music, so he could go back to college.} -&bold(){Fact Number 124: Kris was praised by all of the AI judges for his orignal arrangements of such well-known songs.} -&bold(){Fact Number 123: Kris played gigs at night, and worked as a salesman at Hibbert Sporting Goods during the day.} -&bold(){Fact Number 122: Kris' recorded version of 'No Boundaries' reached No. 1 on one of the iTunes charts.} -&bold(){Fact Number 121: After Kris and Katy's honeymoon, they both flew to Hollywood to see if Kris could get some TV time to create a fanbase.} -&bold(){Fact Number 120: Kris and Katy got married right after Kris survived the first round of AI auditions in September '08. (@noellebuenaflor)} -&bold(){Fact Number 119: Kris' first job was at a yogurt shop. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 118: Kris was one of the last people to sign up for the Louisville, Kentucky auditions for AI8.} -&bold(){Fact Number 117: Kris reads a lot when he's on the road. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 116: Kris' song 'Red Guitar' was written for Katy. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 115: When Kris was younger, he would sing and dance in front of his bedroom mirror. He wanted to be Michael Jackson.} -&bold(){Fact Number 114: Kris realized that he wanted to play music professionally around the same time he enrolled in college.} -&bold(){Fact Number 113: All of Kris' guitar skills are self taught.} -&bold(){Fact Number 112: Kris started to play the guitar because he was home alone most of the day, and he needed something to do.} -&bold(){Fact Number 111: Kris learned how to play the Viola in the 4th grade, and joined the school orchestra that same year.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Ten: When Kris was 7, he listened to a cassette of Michael Jackson's "Dangerous", and his life changed forever.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Nine: Kris' talent has been apparent since the 4th grade.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Eight: Kris had 5 songs on the Billboard chart at one time.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Seven: Kris recorded a CD right after he left college in the middle of his junior year.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Six: Kris became hooked on Americal Idol while living with his parents during season 7.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Five: Kris and Katy don't own a TV.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Four: Kris played his first gig at a local bar during his sophomore year of college.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Three: Kris started writing songs when he was a freshman in college.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Two: When Kris was younger, he would stand in front of his mirror and try to moonwalk.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-One: In school, Kris tried to play baseball to seem more cooler.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred: Kris played the Viola until he enrolled in college} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Nine: Kris enjoys listening to his father's record collection.} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Eight: Kris chooses tattoos over piercings. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Seven: Kris chooses Kelly Clarkson over David Cook. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Six: Kris chooses Ryan Seacrest over Simon Cowell. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Five: Kris chooses tattoos over piercings. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Four: Kris loves to taste food. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Three: Instead of boxers, Kris would rather wear briefs. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Two: Kris broke up with Katy when he was 17, but they got back together, and now they are married. (@marilyn_yang)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-One: Kris has Justin Bieber in his phone as "The Bieb". (@MarilynArchie)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety: Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, and Paul McCartney are just a few of Kris' musical influences. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Nine: When Kris was a child, his dad one time caught him dancing to Michael Jackson. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Eight: Kris says that he really likes Kate Beckinsale's accent. (@marilyn_yang)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Seven: Kris' favorite actress is Kate Beckinsale. (@marilyn_yang)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Six: Kris said that the best moment of 2009 was getting to sing with Adam Lambert and Queen.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Five: Kris says that the proudest moment of his life was marrying Katy.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Four: Before American Idol, Kris was a worship leader at a Pentecostal church.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Three: Kris says that he wouldn't redo any moment of his life.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Two: Kris says that he wants to make music that moves people.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-One: Reba McEntire was Kris' first concert.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty: Kris said that would really love to meet Will Smith one day.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Nine: Kris believes that mistakes are a learning opportunity.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Eight: Kris' goal is to be respected in the music industry.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Seven: Kris says that music always takes him to another place.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Six: Garth Brooks is one of Kris' musical influences.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Five: Kris Allen just pwned you. (@cooktastrophe27)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Four: Kris listens to Britney Spears on his iPhone. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Three: Kris would really like to go skydiving one day. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Two: Kris said that he likes Britney Spears more than Lady Gaga, but he still listens to her anyway. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-One: The day Kris was born, he put all the other babies born on that day to shame. (@cooktastrophe27)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy: Kris wishes that he had chest hair. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Nine: If Adam Lambert wanted to kiss Kris, Kris most likely wouldn't stop him. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Eight: Kris got to perform with Keith Urban during the AI8 finale.} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Seven: When Kris was asked 'What performer would you love to perform with', he answered with Paul McCartney.} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Six: A few years ago, Kris was sent to jail for a speeding ticket. He was only jailed for a couple of hours. (@makotoyv)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Five: When Kris was a young boy, his ambition was to become a taxi-cab driver. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Four: Kris' favorite color is green. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Three: According to Kris, he's the shortest male winner of American Idol. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Two: Kris owns Heartless. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-One: Kris' celebrity crush is Shakira. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty: On one of his mission trips, Kris gave his Takamine guitar to a girl at a refugee camp in Thailand. (@K10885)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Nine: Kris is the first married winner of American Idol. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Eight: Kris' wedding band has a small crack in it. (@makotoyv)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Seven: Kris' trademark is his crooked smile. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Six: The name Kris used to use to check into hotels with was "Bow Chica Wow Wow". (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Five: Kris and Katy were high school sweethearts. (@LovelyLambert)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Four: Kris went to the University Of Central Arkansas, where he majored in business. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Three: Kris played the viola in the Mills University Studies High School orchestra. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Two: Kris knows how to blow spit bubbles. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-One: Kris' real name is Kristopher. Krissifer is just a nickname, and it's what everyone calls him.} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty: Daniel (Kris' brother) made Kris audition for American Idol.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Nine: Kris' favorite American Idol winner is Kelly Clarkson.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Eight: Paula Abdul was Kris' favorite American Idol judge.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Seven: Kris deals with stage fright by stretching.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Six: Kris Allen is adorable. (@LovelyLambert)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Five: Kris one time ate 14 plums in one sitting. (@kickyfeet)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Four: Kris teared up while watching 'Marley And Me'. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Three: Kris hates Durians. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Two: Kris tried to bungee jump during his trip to Singapore. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-One: Kris performed at the Zirca Mega Club in Singapore, on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty: Kris got Katy's favorite plaid shirt from Urban Outfitters. Picture- http://twitpic.com/1qd7rf . (@thkevinlee)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Nine: Kris used to work as a shoe seller, and he can tell your shoe size by just looking at your feet. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Eight: Kris was born on a Saturday. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Seven: Kris drank his first ever Guava Juice while flying to Malaysia in February. (@kickyfeet)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Six: One time in Morocco, Kris became ill with a rare case of Hepatitis. He was sick for a year. (@PandaRemi)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Five: Kris sang the national anthem at the NBA finals on June 8, 2009. (@StefA28)} &italic(){真実その35: Krisは、2009年6月8日にNBA決勝で国歌を歌いました。} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Four: Kris and Katy were married on a Friday. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Three: Kris went to other countries for missionary work. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Two: Kris' star sign is a Gemini. (@DanielChaji)} &s(){-&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-One: Kris released an album named 'Brand New Shoes' in 2008. (@DanielChaji)}} Fact Number 31: (Edited) Kris released an album named 'Brand New Shoes' in 2007, NOT 2008. (@DanielChaji) -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty: Kris and Katy got married near the Arkansas river. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Nine: Kris was born on June 21, 1985. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Eight: Kris and Katy got married on September 26, 2008. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Seven: 'A Song For You' was the song that Kris sang to Katy at their wedding. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Six: Kris sang 'A Song For You' during his American Idol audition. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Five: Kris had Bronchitis at his American Idol audition. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Four: Kris learned how to play the piano just 2 years before he auditioned for American Idol. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Three: Kris swears that he'll never eat a Balut again. (@gastonj)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Two: Kris and Katy began to date in 2001, when Kris was just 16 years old. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-One: Kris starting learning how to play the guitar when he was 13 years old. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Two: Kris and Katy began to date in 2001, when Kris was just 16 years old. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-One: Kris starting learning how to play the guitar when he was 13 years old. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty: Kris' favorite television program is 'Boy Meets World'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Nineteen: Kris has family in Michigan. (@K10885)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighteen: Kris has hairy feet. (@makotoyv)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventeen: Kris' favorite movie is 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixteen: Kris doesn't like onions. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifteen: Kris and Katy's song for their last dance at their wedding was 'Beautiful Mess' by Jason Mraz. (@noellebuenaflor)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fourteen: Kris can play the guitar, the piano, the viola, and the ukulele. (@Annis_Kheel)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirteen: According to Katy, her and Kris' favorite movie is 'Remember The Titans', because they both love football. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twelve: Kris owns plaid. (@sydnieeeeee)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eleven: Kris' first tweet was, "This is the official Kris Allen Twitter account. Not fake ya'll...". (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ten: Kris joined Twitter on June 25, 2009. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Nine: One time while walking down the street, Kris was hit in the head with a salsa jar. (@adamfacts)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eight: Kris has been to 8 different countries. (@adamfacts)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seven: Kris had a rib removal at the age of 13. (@adamfacts)} -&bold(){Fact Number Six: Kris likes plaid shirts. (@Freak4Kradommy)} &italic(){真実その6: クリスはチェック柄のシャツが好きだ。} -&bold(){Fact Number Five: Kris is the most amazing Idol ever. No Exceptions. (@sydnieeeeee)} -&bold(){Fact Number Four: Kris Allen also puts the "ass" in Arkansas (Minus one 's'). (@Kradamisreal)} -&bold(){Fact Number Three: Kris loves Twizzlers. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Two: Kris Allen puts the "sass" in Arkansas (Minus one 's'). (@AMadWorldIndeed)} -&bold(){Fact Number One: KRIS IS SMOKIN' HOT! (@cooktastrophe27)}
[[@krisallenfactsさんの引用です。>http://twitter.com/krisallenfacts]] ソースなどが見つかりましたら、追記していただけるとありがたいです。 ---- -&bold(){Fact Number 246: Kris says he could watch the movie 'Step Brothers' everyday. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 245: Kris says that embarrassing moments show that he is just a normal person, too. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 244: Kris has a silly band of a giraffe. (@froggylvr21)} -&bold(){Fact Number 243: Kris keeps a pony tail holder around his wrist, just in case Katy needs one. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 242: Kris has a silly band of a cross. (@MarilynArchie)} -&bold(){Fact Number 241: One of Kris' favorite songs is 'Whataya Want From Me' by Adam Lambert. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 240: One time when Kris was meeting fans, a girl stuck her tongue inside his mouth when taking a photo with him. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 239: Kris loves Chik-Fil-A's milkshakes. (@Marko_po_ako)} -&bold(){Fact Number 238: Chick-Fil-A is Kris' favorite fast food joint, while his favorite restaurant is Stoby's. (@marko_po_ako)} -&bold(){Fact Number 237: Kris gets sick a lot while he is on tour. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number 236: Even though Kris said that he wasn't the smartest kid, he was smart enough to be a university student. (@sahsouha1)} -&bold(){Fact Number 235: When Kris went to Rwanda, only 4 people knew who he was. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 234: Kris likes buses more than planes. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 233: Kris' brother Daniel set him and Katy up. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 232: Kris drinks Nestle. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 231: Kris and his band's sound equipment is by Pedaltrain. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 230: On Memorial Day, Kris ate Brats and Cheese Curds, which didn't agree with him in the morning. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 229: When Kris and Katy broke up in high school, their lockers were right next to each other. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 228: Dancing is not Kris' cup of tea. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 227: When Kris was younger, he had really big thighs. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 226: Girls always used to talk about Kris' butt. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 225: If you mess with Kris' dad, he will get you back. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 224: Kris loves his fans. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 223: Kris hates the question 'Is Simon mean?' (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 222: Kris loves amusement park rides that drop. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 221: When Kris was younger, he really wasn't the smartest kid. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 220: When Kris was younger, he always wore baggy jeans. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 219: Kris is convinced that he looks like Freddie Prinze Jr. (@sahsouha1)} -&bold(){Fact Number 218: When Kris was younger, he weighed over 200 pounds. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number 217: Kris and Katy just announced that they have recently moved back to Arkansas. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 216: Kris' latest cover is 'Maybe' by Allison Kraus. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 215: Kris debuted 'Bring it Back' and 'Lifetime' during a concert in Arkansas on May 29, 2010. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 214: After getting his Ford from Idol, Kris and Katy gave their old cars to Katy's twin sisters. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number 213: Before Kris got his Ford from American Idol, he had a REALLY bad car. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 212: Kris went to Murrell Taylor Elementary School and Fuller Middle School. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 211: Last year, Kris' birthday was on a Sunday, and this year, it's on a Monday. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 210: Kris' debut album was released on Tuesday, November 17, 2009. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 209: Kris likes to watch 'Sex In The City'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 208: During Hollywood Week, Kris was in a Group called "White Chocolate" with Matt Giraud, Justin, and India. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 207: This summer, Kris is going on tour with The Bare Naked Ladies. (@garth360)} -&bold(){Fact Number 206: Kris did missionary work in Morocco, Spain, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, and Burma.} -&bold(){Fact Number 205: Kris became an All-State Viola player in high school, and he received an opportunity to play in college.} -&bold(){Fact Number 204: Kris is a fan of the Packers and the Braves.} -&bold(){Fact Number 203: (Edited) Kris WAS a business major at UCA. (@orgyz)} -&bold(){Fact Number 202: Kris has a Shetland Sheepdog named Elvis.} -&bold(){Fact Number 201: Kris' favorite restaurant is 'Chik-Fil-A'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 200: Kris hates spiders. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 199: Sometimes, Kris likes to sing 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' in the shower. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 198: (Edited) On May 20, 2009, Kris kicked ass on the American Idol season 8 finale. (@_badfish)} -&bold(){Fact Number 197: Kris loves the TV show 'Criminal Minds'. His favorite character is Gideon, while Katy's is Reid. (@cooktastrophe27)} -&bold(){Fact Number 196: Last year, Kris tweeted '#adamfarted'. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 195: During their free time, Kris and Cale love to go to John Mayer concerts. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 194: If Kris could choose ANOTHER super power that he wish he had, it would be the ability to not have to shower. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 193: If Kris sees you pee your pants while laughing, he'll pee his pants while laughing as well. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 192: Kris once said, "I like wearing robes. It makes me feel so fancy... But only at night in hotels by myself." (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 191: Kris believes that Leeds is following him everywhere. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 190: Kris' pimp name is 'Papa Allen G'. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 189: Kris' worst nightmare was when he dreamt that Winnie The Pooh was chasing him with an axe. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 188: Kris' parents are his role models. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 187: Kris loves the TV show 'Scrubs'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 186: Kris hasn't bench pressed in a really long time. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 185: Kris' favorite TV shows are 'Saved By The Bell', 'Power Rangers', and any other cheesy sitcoms. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 184: Kris has always wanted to play the Cello. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 183: Before 2009's AI Tour, Kris had been to more countries than states. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 182: Kris' dream is to tour with Paul McCartney. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 181: If Kris could have any super power of his choice, he would choose to be invisible. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 180: Kris dunks his Oreos in milk. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 179: If Kris could be any cartoon character of his choice, he would choose to be Mighty Mouse. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 178: Kris one time scared his mother by showing her a snake. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 177: Kris loves his mom's 'Dump Cake'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 176: Kris experienced his first California earthquake on March 16, 2010. (@_badfish)} -&bold(){Fact Number 175: Kris' most famous quote is "kick awesome".} -&bold(){Fact Number 174: One of Kris' nicknames is K-Sizzle.} -&bold(){Fact Number 173: Kris is very picky when it comes to what clothing he wants to wear.} -&bold(){Fact Number 172: Once while sleeping, Kris left his Twitter open, and Daniel took it over. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 171: For his debut album, Kris took part in writing all of his songs, except LLWD, The Truth, and WAOMF. (@xxmelx9)} -&bold(){Fact Number 170: Kris says that he would never text and drive. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 169: Kris doesn't like talking on the phone. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 168: One time, Kris fell asleep while talking to Katy on the phone. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 167: Kris has a Transformers t-shirt. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 166: Kris is the first ever American Idol alum to have his debut single be on 3 charts in the Top 10. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 165: If Kris could name a street one day, he would name it Dingleberry Dr. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 164: Sometimes, Kris wears GAP clothing. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 163: Kris looks HAWT without a shirt! (@ReneeIdolPI)} -&bold(){Fact Number 162: Kris Allen has a very nice butt. (@AdamsJizz)} -&bold(){Fact Number 161: If Kris was going to die, he said he would want to go skydiving with a donut in his mouth. (@iluvkallen)} -&bold(){Fact Number 160: Katy's mom was one of the best school volunteers, before she went back to teaching once Katy got older. (@risalea)} -&bold(){Fact Number 159: (This fact is related to fact number 133) That person is decided by who can make the best paper airplane. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 158: The only reason why Kris chose to play the Viola was because his friends chose to play it first. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 157: Kris once walked out of a bathroom with toilet paper sticking out of his pants. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 156: Kris' favorite group performance during Hollywood Week was 'Don't Stop Believing'. (@sahsouha1)} -&bold(){Fact Number 155: If Kris had to choose another Kanye West song to sing, he'd choose 'Robo Cop'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 154: Before Kris and Katy got married, Katy's last name was O'Connell. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 153: Kris was born to Kimberly and Neil Allen. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 152: Kris and Katy have known eachother since elementary school. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 151: Kris' full name is Kristopher Neil Allen. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 150: (Edited) Kris chooses MAC over PC. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 149: Kris' favorite quote is, "We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 148: Kris was born in Jacksonville, Arkansas. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number 147: (Edited) Kris is 5'7, NOT 5'8. (@garth360)} -&bold(){Fact Number 146: AI's PR team told Kris that he couldn't say 'benches' on TV because his accent made it sound like he was saying 'bitches'.} -&bold(){Fact Number 145: Kris Allen is AWESOME. Enough said. (@TaraKeely93)} -&bold(){Fact Number 144: Kris used to be a substitute teacher. (@imnotcaroline)} -&bold(){Fact Number 143: While on stage, Kris always sings with one foot up, and he's always bouncing around. (@IcE_cReAm101)} -&bold(){Fact Number 142: Kris got his first kiss at age 5. It was with a girl who had just eaten a pickle. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 141: One time while singing with Lady Antebellum, Kris' fly was open. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 140: Two of Kris' main goals in life are to be a great husband to Katy, and a great father to his future children. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number 139: When Kris brushes his teeth, he uses either Crest toothpaste or Spongebob toothpaste. (@MarilynArchie)} -&bold(){Fact Number 138: Kris would have demanded more money to sing at Khloe Kardashian's wedding, than at Simon's b'day party. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 137: Kris learned how to play the electric guitar before he learned how to play the acoustic. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 136: (Edited) Kris would rather wrestle a bear, than outrun a cheetah. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number 135: Kris considers himself a horrible actor. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 134: Kris doesn't have a workout routine. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 133: Only one person in Kris' band is allowed to wear plaid at one time. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 132: Kris wants a t-shirt that has Adam on it. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 131: Kris' first kiss was by a girl who had just eaten a pickle. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 130: 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum is one of Kris' favorite songs. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 129: At one point, Kris really wanted to do a duet with Matt Giraud. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 128: (Edited) Kris hated all of his group NUMBERS during Hollywood Week of American Idol. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 127: Kris' most embarrassing moment was when he made a video, and his brother found it. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 126: Kris would really love to duet with Kelly Clarkson one day. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 125: At one point, Kris was very close to giving up on his career in music, so he could go back to college.} -&bold(){Fact Number 124: Kris was praised by all of the AI judges for his orignal arrangements of such well-known songs.} -&bold(){Fact Number 123: Kris played gigs at night, and worked as a salesman at Hibbert Sporting Goods during the day.} -&bold(){Fact Number 122: Kris' recorded version of 'No Boundaries' reached No. 1 on one of the iTunes charts.} -&bold(){Fact Number 121: After Kris and Katy's honeymoon, they both flew to Hollywood to see if Kris could get some TV time to create a fanbase.} -&bold(){Fact Number 120: Kris and Katy got married right after Kris survived the first round of AI auditions in September '08. (@noellebuenaflor)} -&bold(){Fact Number 119: Kris' first job was at a yogurt shop. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 118: Kris was one of the last people to sign up for the Louisville, Kentucky auditions for AI8.} -&bold(){Fact Number 117: Kris reads a lot when he's on the road. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number 116: Kris' song 'Red Guitar' was written for Katy. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number 115: When Kris was younger, he would sing and dance in front of his bedroom mirror. He wanted to be Michael Jackson.} -&bold(){Fact Number 114: Kris realized that he wanted to play music professionally around the same time he enrolled in college.} -&bold(){Fact Number 113: All of Kris' guitar skills are self taught.} -&bold(){Fact Number 112: Kris started to play the guitar because he was home alone most of the day, and he needed something to do.} -&bold(){Fact Number 111: Kris learned how to play the Viola in the 4th grade, and joined the school orchestra that same year.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Ten: When Kris was 7, he listened to a cassette of Michael Jackson's "Dangerous", and his life changed forever.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Nine: Kris' talent has been apparent since the 4th grade.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Eight: Kris had 5 songs on the Billboard chart at one time.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Seven: Kris recorded a CD right after he left college in the middle of his junior year.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Six: Kris became hooked on Americal Idol while living with his parents during season 7.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Five: Kris and Katy don't own a TV.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Four: Kris played his first gig at a local bar during his sophomore year of college.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Three: Kris started writing songs when he was a freshman in college.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-Two: When Kris was younger, he would stand in front of his mirror and try to moonwalk.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred-One: In school, Kris tried to play baseball to seem more cooler.} -&bold(){Fact Number One Hundred: Kris played the Viola until he enrolled in college} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Nine: Kris enjoys listening to his father's record collection.} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Eight: Kris chooses tattoos over piercings. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Seven: Kris chooses Kelly Clarkson over David Cook. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Six: Kris chooses Ryan Seacrest over Simon Cowell. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Five: Kris chooses tattoos over piercings. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Four: Kris loves to taste food. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Three: Instead of boxers, Kris would rather wear briefs. (@kickawesomefan)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-Two: Kris broke up with Katy when he was 17, but they got back together, and now they are married. (@marilyn_yang)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety-One: Kris has Justin Bieber in his phone as "The Bieb". (@MarilynArchie)} -&bold(){Fact Number Ninety: Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, and Paul McCartney are just a few of Kris' musical influences. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Nine: When Kris was a child, his dad one time caught him dancing to Michael Jackson. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Eight: Kris says that he really likes Kate Beckinsale's accent. (@marilyn_yang)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Seven: Kris' favorite actress is Kate Beckinsale. (@marilyn_yang)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Six: Kris said that the best moment of 2009 was getting to sing with Adam Lambert and Queen.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Five: Kris says that the proudest moment of his life was marrying Katy.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Four: Before American Idol, Kris was a worship leader at a Pentecostal church.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Three: Kris says that he wouldn't redo any moment of his life.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-Two: Kris says that he wants to make music that moves people.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty-One: Reba McEntire was Kris' first concert.} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighty: Kris said that would really love to meet Will Smith one day.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Nine: Kris believes that mistakes are a learning opportunity.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Eight: Kris' goal is to be respected in the music industry.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Seven: Kris says that music always takes him to another place.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Six: Garth Brooks is one of Kris' musical influences.} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Five: Kris Allen just pwned you. (@cooktastrophe27)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Four: Kris listens to Britney Spears on his iPhone. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Three: Kris would really like to go skydiving one day. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-Two: Kris said that he likes Britney Spears more than Lady Gaga, but he still listens to her anyway. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy-One: The day Kris was born, he put all the other babies born on that day to shame. (@cooktastrophe27)} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventy: Kris wishes that he had chest hair. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Nine: If Adam Lambert wanted to kiss Kris, Kris most likely wouldn't stop him. (@S1ngPianoGuitar)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Eight: Kris got to perform with Keith Urban during the AI8 finale.} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Seven: When Kris was asked 'What performer would you love to perform with', he answered with Paul McCartney.} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Six: A few years ago, Kris was sent to jail for a speeding ticket. He was only jailed for a couple of hours. (@makotoyv)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Five: When Kris was a young boy, his ambition was to become a taxi-cab driver. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Four: Kris' favorite color is green. (@amoruk)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Three: According to Kris, he's the shortest male winner of American Idol. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-Two: Kris owns Heartless. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty-One: Kris' celebrity crush is Shakira. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixty: On one of his mission trips, Kris gave his Takamine guitar to a girl at a refugee camp in Thailand. (@K10885)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Nine: Kris is the first married winner of American Idol. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Eight: Kris' wedding band has a small crack in it. (@makotoyv)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Seven: Kris' trademark is his crooked smile. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Six: The name Kris used to use to check into hotels with was "Bow Chica Wow Wow". (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Five: Kris and Katy were high school sweethearts. (@LovelyLambert)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Four: Kris went to the University Of Central Arkansas, where he majored in business. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Three: Kris played the viola in the Mills University Studies High School orchestra. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-Two: Kris knows how to blow spit bubbles. (@NoorOmnaya)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty-One: Kris' real name is Kristopher. Krissifer is just a nickname, and it's what everyone calls him.} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifty: Daniel (Kris' brother) made Kris audition for American Idol.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Nine: Kris' favorite American Idol winner is Kelly Clarkson.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Eight: Paula Abdul was Kris' favorite American Idol judge.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Seven: Kris deals with stage fright by stretching.} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Six: Kris Allen is adorable. (@LovelyLambert)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Five: Kris one time ate 14 plums in one sitting. (@kickyfeet)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Four: Kris teared up while watching 'Marley And Me'. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Three: Kris hates Durians. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-Two: Kris tried to bungee jump during his trip to Singapore. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty-One: Kris performed at the Zirca Mega Club in Singapore, on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. (@huitinggg)} -&bold(){Fact Number Forty: Kris got Katy's favorite plaid shirt from Urban Outfitters. Picture- http://twitpic.com/1qd7rf . (@thkevinlee)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Nine: Kris used to work as a shoe seller, and he can tell your shoe size by just looking at your feet. (@sunsetnody)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Eight: Kris was born on a Saturday. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Seven: Kris drank his first ever Guava Juice while flying to Malaysia in February. (@kickyfeet)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Six: One time in Morocco, Kris became ill with a rare case of Hepatitis. He was sick for a year. (@PandaRemi)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Five: Kris sang the national anthem at the NBA finals on June 8, 2009. (@StefA28)} &italic(){真実その35: Krisは、2009年6月8日にNBA決勝で国歌を歌いました。} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Four: Kris and Katy were married on a Friday. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Three: Kris went to other countries for missionary work. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-Two: Kris' star sign is a Gemini. (@DanielChaji)} &s(){-&bold(){Fact Number Thirty-One: Kris released an album named 'Brand New Shoes' in 2008. (@DanielChaji)}} Fact Number 31: (Edited) Kris released an album named 'Brand New Shoes' in 2007, NOT 2008. (@DanielChaji) -&bold(){Fact Number Thirty: Kris and Katy got married near the Arkansas river. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Nine: Kris was born on June 21, 1985. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Eight: Kris and Katy got married on September 26, 2008. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Seven: 'A Song For You' was the song that Kris sang to Katy at their wedding. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Six: Kris sang 'A Song For You' during his American Idol audition. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Five: Kris had Bronchitis at his American Idol audition. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Four: Kris learned how to play the piano just 2 years before he auditioned for American Idol. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Three: Kris swears that he'll never eat a Balut again. (@gastonj)} &italic(){クリスはバルトを二度と食べないと心に決めている。} [[※balutを食べるクリス。>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auBA2B3hHCk]] -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-Two: Kris and Katy began to date in 2001, when Kris was just 16 years old. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty-One: Kris starting learning how to play the guitar when he was 13 years old. (@DanielChaji)} &italic(){クリスは13歳の時に、ギターの練習を始めた。} -&bold(){Fact Number Twenty: Kris' favorite television program is 'Boy Meets World'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Nineteen: Kris has family in Michigan. (@K10885)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eighteen: Kris has hairy feet. (@makotoyv)} &italic(){クリスはもじゃ足。} -&bold(){Fact Number Seventeen: Kris' favorite movie is 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'. (@DanielChaji)} -&bold(){Fact Number Sixteen: Kris doesn't like onions. (@DanielChaji)} &italic(){クリスはたまねぎが嫌い。} -&bold(){Fact Number Fifteen: Kris and Katy's song for their last dance at their wedding was 'Beautiful Mess' by Jason Mraz. (@noellebuenaflor)} -&bold(){Fact Number Fourteen: Kris can play the guitar, the piano, the viola, and the ukulele. (@Annis_Kheel)} &italic(){クリスはギター、ピアノ、ヴィオラ、ウクレレが弾ける。} [[※ヴィオラを演奏するクリス(3:30より)>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ydu9IrQHog&playnext_from=TL&videos=hH6nHKf_EqM]] -&bold(){Fact Number Thirteen: According to Katy, her and Kris' favorite movie is 'Remember The Titans', because they both love football. (@StefA28)} -&bold(){Fact Number Twelve: Kris owns plaid. (@sydnieeeeee)} &italic(){クリスはチェック柄に取り憑かれている。} -&bold(){Fact Number Eleven: Kris' first tweet was, "This is the official Kris Allen Twitter account. Not fake ya'll...". (@StefA28)} &italic(){最初のツイートは、"これは公式のクリス・アレンのツイッターアカウントだよ。偽者じゃないよみんな..."} -&bold(){Fact Number Ten: Kris joined Twitter on June 25, 2009. (@StefA28)} &italic(){クリスは6/25にtwitterに入った。} -&bold(){Fact Number Nine: One time while walking down the street, Kris was hit in the head with a salsa jar. (@adamfacts)} -&bold(){Fact Number Eight: Kris has been to 8 different countries. (@adamfacts)} &italic(){クリスは今までに8ヶ国に訪れている。} -&bold(){Fact Number Seven: Kris had a rib removal at the age of 13. (@adamfacts)} &italic(){クリスは13歳の時に肋骨を一本なくしている。} [[※ONE LESS RIB>http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/464366/the-5-kris-allen.jhtml]] -&bold(){Fact Number Six: Kris likes plaid shirts. (@Freak4Kradommy)} &italic(){クリスはチェック柄のシャツが好きだ。} [[※どれぐらい好きなの?>ミニコラム FAN COLUMNS/アレンさんのファッションチェック FASHION CHECK/シャツいろいろ HIS SHIRTS]] -&bold(){Fact Number Five: Kris is the most amazing Idol ever. No Exceptions. (@sydnieeeeee)} -&bold(){Fact Number Four: Kris Allen also puts the "ass" in Arkansas (Minus one 's'). (@Kradamisreal)} -&bold(){Fact Number Three: Kris loves Twizzlers. (@StefA28)} &italic(){クリスはTwizzlersが好き。} ※twizzlersはお菓子です。カナダやUSでポピュラーな棒状キャンディー。 -&bold(){Fact Number Two: Kris Allen puts the "sass" in Arkansas (Minus one 's'). (@AMadWorldIndeed)} -&bold(){Fact Number One: KRIS IS SMOKIN' HOT! (@cooktastrophe27)} &italic(){クリスはとってもイケてる!}

