
翻訳 - (2010/09/15 (水) 22:47:45) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


ようつべから書き起こした字幕 Mafia II Chapter 1.txt
翻訳 Mafia II Chapter 1.txt
フォントテクスチャ & 字幕ファイル
Pass : mafia2

  • テキストファイルをアップロードせよってことだけど、ここウプロダないおw とりあえず、ようつべで拾った第一章の字幕、ダラダラと書き込んでみるお ウプロダ作ってほしいお おっおっおっ(^ω^ ) -- 名無しさん (2010-08-26 06:28:50)
  • 上のメニューバー[編集]からファイルアップロードできますよ -- 名無しさん (2010-08-26 09:09:13)
  • Don Caloってドン カーロじゃないの? -- 名無しさん (2010-08-26 09:14:19)
  • ドン カーロに書き換えたお アップロードのやり方わかったお 翻訳 Mafia II Chapter 1.txt は日本語Shift_JISで表示しないと文字化けするお テキストファイルへのリンクをきれいに貼れなかったけど、その辺は詳しい人にお任せするお おっおっおっ(^ω^ ) -- 名無しさん (2010-08-26 14:53:24)
  • おっおとか言っちゃう人はVIPにお帰りください -- 名無しさん (2010-08-26 17:04:31)
  • とりあえずリンク張りなおしといた -- 名無しさん (2010-08-26 17:09:36)
  • 日本語化ファイル(第1章までの字幕ファイル付)をうp。使用は自己責任で。 -- 名無しさん (2010-09-15 19:11:11)
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  • 下側でチャプター2の翻訳始めました。ページ分離するべきでしょうか? -- 名無しA (2010-09-15 22:47:45)

翻訳 Mafia II Chapter 2

字幕 Mafia II Chapter 2
Chapter 2

201000010:A few years later, the Nazis put a bullet in me. I was in a hospital for a bit, then I got a month's leave so I could go home... at least for a little while.
201000020:Vito! Over here!
201000040:He, heh, hey! Welcome home, buddy!
201000050:How'd you know?
201000060:I got my sources. Come on, let's take a ride.
201000070:Nice car.
201000080:Comes with the territory.
201000090:I know you're itching to get home, but first, let's get a beer.
201000100:Yeah, sure.

?302012000:There it is... Empire Bay. Tell the truth. You miss it?
302012010:Hey, does a bear shit in the woods? Not like this place ever done me any favors, but anything's better than a foxhole. What's with this shitty weather?
302012020:They're saying this is the coldest winter on record. Papers say it's gonna keep up like this for weeks. Don't worry though, a drink'll warm you right up. How long's it been since we had a drink together, Vito? Two years?
302012030:Almost three. Tony Sachelli's party, right?
302012040:Come on, Vito, come on. The last drink we had together was right after your old man's funeral, right before you shipped out. You remember.
302012050:Ah, five minutes, we're already talking about my deadbeat father. Can we change the subject please?

ソ302010780:So tell me pal, what was it like over there anyway? I kept reading the papers to see what was going on, and you know how much I hate reading...
302010781:Yeah, I know.
302010782:You guys kicked Mussolini's ass, right?
302010783:Ah, sort of... We had a little help from a guy named Don Calo.
302010784:No shit! Don Calo... I heard of him!
302010786:You bet. I know guys like him over here. Wiseguys. You work for them, you're set. You fuck with 'em, you die.
302010787:Nice to see you been busy!
302010788:Yeah, and I heard you got a medal, right?
302010789:From Old Man Patton himself.
302010790:Whoa, so you're a real war hero, huh! Hahaha... And then what, you screwed a couple of Sicilian broads and came home?
302010791:Yeah, right...
302010792:Hehehe! The old country. Over here you can screw anything with a heartbeat - No one gives a shit. What a country! Here's to the US of A, and to having you back home.

201000232:A'salute Cent'anni.
201000241:So how come you're back? They let you out early for good behavior?
201000250:Na, I took a bullet a couple of months back, spent some time in the hospital, and now I'm on leave.
201000260:Wait, wh-wh-wh-hold it... you mean you gotta go back?
201000270:Hehe, what did you think? The war ain't over yet.
201000280:You don't want to go back, do you?
201000290:Ah, of course not, but what can I do?
201000300:One minute! Wait right here...
201000301:Hey, Giuseppe, it's Joe. Remember last week, you know ...
201000302:... the guy, the guy's name is Vito Scaletta ...
201000305:Thanks, Giuseppe. Alright, I'll see you later.
201000310:OK, listen up. It "appears" that your injury is much more "serious" than it first appeared and the doctors say you can't fight no more.
201000320:What!? Oh, whoa, whoa - Did you just...!?
201000330:Like I said, I know people. You get all the official paperwork tomorrow. When it comes to the right stamps and signatures, it's just a question of money...
201000340:You're kidding me, right? Isn't that a bit risky? It's me that could end up in the slammer, you know. And how am I going to pay for it?
201000350:I got it covered. Think of it as a welcome home present. And don't worry. The documents will be clean. Trust me.
201000360:Well... thanks...
201000370:You're welcome. Come un frate, you're like a brother to me...
201000380:Now you can start thinking about what you're gonna do next.
201000390:Sure, but first I gotta go home.
201000400:Alright. You want a ride?
201000410:No thanks. I want to walk around a little, see what's changed since I been gone.
201000420:No problem. Say hello to your sister for me. Come see me tomorrow. We got a lot to talk about.
201000430:I can't believe you just got me out of the service. Thanks again.
201000440:No problem.
201000445:I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

Here we are.
All right,thanks. Keep the change.

  • ファイルから取り出した英語字幕です。
  • 最後まで進んだらtxtファイルに纏めます。
  • 暇な人続きやってください。(自分もするつもりです)
  • どのファイルから取り出したかも一応メモしておきました。
  • とりあえずタクシーから降りるとこまでです。
  • Here we areのところをScript_02_Home_fmv_subtitles.binとscript_02のファイルから検索してみても見つかりませんでした。(たぶん俺の手違い)別のファイルに含まれてたりするのかな?
