

紙媒体MDN時代のwaiwaiタイトル1991年 - (2009/01/10 (土) 12:05:32) の最新版との変更点



#include(CAUTION!!) ---- |番号|掲載年月日|表題(英語)|引用雑誌名|引用雑誌号数|署名(イニシャル)|表題(日本語)|| |1|19910107|A New World Order|Toyo Keizai|12/26-1/5|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|変貌する世界秩序と日本の役割|年間を通じて1コマ漫画(by Takahashi Haruo)あるいは4コマ漫画(「Mappira-Kun」 by Kato Yoshiro)掲載| |2|19910107|A New Outlook|Spa!|12/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|-|| |3|19910107|The refusal to run was another TV performance - Masuzoe-sensei's political sense|Shukan Asahi|1/4-11|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |4|19910107|I sold torikabuto(aconite) to that man|Sunday Mainichi|12/30|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |5|19910107|Creeping poverty - Is poverty a trend?|Aera|1/1-8|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |6|19910107|If I though about AIDS, sex would be impossible|Sunday Mainichi|12/30|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |7|19910114|The Two Tsutsumis|Shukan Gendai|1/5-12|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本一の“兄弟ゲンカ”|| |8|19910114|Nearly Time For Tea|Shukan Asahi|1/4-11|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|-|| |9|19910114|Rikishi Business|Shukan Hoseki|1/24|AF(Adam Fulford)|「小錦」は飛行機のトイレに入れないって、ホント?|| |10|19910114|Please, Meet With His Highness Once More|Josei Jishin|1/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「もう一度、殿下と会ってください」皇太子妃選び激動!あの小和田雅子さんに|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |11|19910114|Yakushimaru Hiroko and Tamaki Koji's Blitz Wedding in Hawaii|Josei Jishin, Shukan Hoseki|1/22, 1/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|薬師丸ひろ子と玉置浩二とハワイの教会で電撃挙式!|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |12|19910121|Cleaning Up Their Acts|Toyo Keizai|1/12|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|環境衆愚経営の始まり|| |13|19910121|Towards the Reef of Marriage!|Josei Jishin|1/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|独創水面下スクープ!中山美穂(20才)田原俊彦(29才)早くも囁かれる「結婚暗礁へ!」の厳しい現実5話 挙式直前交通事故死!|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |14|19910121|“Cancer of the Esophagus" Announced by Prince Tomohito of Mikasa Himself|Shukan Shincho|1/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|三笠宮寛仁殿下が自ら公表した「食道ガン」|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |15|19910121|Osaka To Tokyo In A Quarter Of A Century|Aera|1/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|気質の違いか文化の違いか 大阪発東京行き自動改札の25年|| |16|19910128|Forgot To Mind His Mantras?|Shukan Gendai|1/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|クビ!|| |17|19910128|These are the secrets of certain juken success - all the strategies!|Sunday Mainichi|2/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|これが受験必勝“マル秘”全戦略|| |18|19910128|New Wave Pachinko|Aera|1/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ニューウェーブなパチンコ|| |19|19910128|Isomura Seeks Higher Office?|Themis|1/23|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|-|| |20|19910204|Early Detection And Treatment Of Big Industry Disease|Spa!|1/30|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|大企業病の早期発見と早期治療法|| |21|19910204|Understand 3,000 Years Of Middle East History in Five Minutes!|Josei Jishin|2/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|5分で分かる中東3千年の歴史!|| |22|19910204|Kiko-sama's Hand-crafted Hairstyle Transformation! From Bob To Chignon.|Shukan Josei|2/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|紀子さま手づくりニューヘアー変身!(ボブ→シニヨン)この春“紀子さまシニヨン”がトレンド|| |23|19910204|Cohabiting Middle-Aged Mitsugu-kun Arrested!|Themis|2/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|同棲中の中年ミツグ君逮捕!|| |24|19910218|Takashima Hatsuhisa - Kume Hiroshi Gulf War Reports - This Is Where I'll Win or Lose |Shukan Bunshun|2/14|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ニュース戦争で激突 独占インタビュー NHK高島肇久・テレビ朝日久米宏 湾岸報道私はここで勝負する|| |25|19910218|This Year's Hay Fever Will Hit Early and Hit Hard!|Themis|2/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|今年の花粉症は早くてひどいぞ!すぐできる即効療法から完全根治の手術まで|| |26|19910218|Should We Allow Euthanasia of Pet Dog and Cats?|Shukan Asahi|2/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|議論沸騰 犬、猫の安楽死は許されるか|| |27|19910218|Don't Come Here, Japanese! Hussein is Our Hero!|Shukan Gendai|2/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ニッポン人は来るな!フセインは英雄だ|| |28|19910225|Japanese Think Tanks - a healthy appetite but no brains|Aera|2/19|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|報告書の盗用も。政策提言なし。湾岸戦争に無力。星占いも採用。日本のシンクタンクは無芸大食|| |29|19910225|Extra: Hussein goods over-the-counter free for all|Shukan Asahi|3/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WAR EXPRESS フセイン・グッズで場外乱闘番外編|| |30|19910225|[[The "Peace Boat" is a "Pink Boat" !?>反戦・平和の船が「ラブホテルまがいだった」という証言続出 ピースボートは「ピンクボート」だ!?]]|Themis|2/27|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[反戦・平和の船が「ラブホテルまがいだった」という証言続出 ピースボートは「ピンクボート」だ!?]]|| |31|19910225|[[You too can be "One Couple, Two Names">ワーキング・ウーマン大流行 あなたもできる「夫婦別姓」]]|Shukan Asahi|3/1|AF(Adam Fulford)|[[ワーキング・ウーマン大流行 あなたもできる「夫婦別姓」]]|| |32|19910225|The true state of the geinokai drug disgrace|Sunday Mainichi|3/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「これが芸能界麻薬汚染の実態だ」|| |33|19910304|Baseball's Moneymen - Kuwata Masumi and Ochiai Hiromitsu's money war|Flash|3/5|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|(****)球界の金権マン桑田真澄と落合博満のマネー戦争|(****)は判読不能| |34|19910304|Crown Prince, Don't Give Up!|Shukan Asahi|3/8|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|がんばれ皇太子|| |35|19910304|Relationships That Hastened Kobayashi Kazuyoshi's Death|Themis|3/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|小林一喜氏の死を早めた人間関係 久米氏と「私語「雑談」を交わさない「ひどいいじめが」という人も|| |36|19910304|This is what we hate about Ginkoman/Ginkoin!|Themis|3/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|結婚したくない職業の上位貯金は笑顔送金はフン 銀行マン(イン)ここが大嫌い!|| |37|19910311|Giants uncovered: Cromartie's shocking confessions|Shukan Bunshun|3/7|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|巨人軍の内幕独占第2弾!クロマティ衝撃の告白手記|| |38|19910311|Scoop! President Saddam Hussein's wife was in Japan!|Shukan Josei|3/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|スクープ フセイン大統領サジダ夫人が心臓病治療で日本にいた!!|| |39|19910311|With the rank of Ozeki before his eyes, Kotonishiki performs a Dutch roll with "two women."|Flash, Spa!, Josei Jishin, Themis|3/19, -,-,-|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|大関目前なのに・・・琴錦が“2人の女”でダッチロール|| |40|19910311|Wasting resources and garbage pollution: Cars used and thrown away - a crime against the Earth|Spa!|3/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ZOOM UP 資源のムダ遣いとゴミ汚染 クルマの使い捨ては地球への犯罪だ|| |41|19910318|The pitiful fate awaiting Japanese studying at U.S. high schools|Aera|3/12|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|米国高校留学の無残|| |42|19910318|[[Gold Coast men brag: Raping Japanese girls is easy!">ゴールドコーストの男たちはうそぶく 「日本ギャルのレイプなんか簡単だ!」]]|Themis|3/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[ゴールドコーストの男たちはうそぶく 「日本ギャルのレイプなんか簡単だ!」]]|| |43|19910318|Over the top! The battle for popular cram school instructors. We'll even pay an annual salary of 70 million yen.|Shukan Asahi|3/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|過激!予備校人気講師の引きぬき合戦 年収七千万円でも欲しい|| |44|19910318|“Tate-meshi" for lunch today?|Aera|3/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WORD 今日のランチは「タテメシ」?|| |45|19910325|Threats used by shady shareholders and gangsters. Companies and elite employees: Don't be cowed!|Themis|3/20|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「ヒットマンが来る!」「光進」の恐喝は序の口 黒株主・暴力団脅しの全手口 怯むな企業&エリート社員|| |46|19910325|①Kiko-sama: Congratulations on your pregnancy!! ②Inside the "Princess Kiko's Pregnant" fever|①Josei Seven, ②Shukan Post, Shukan Shincho, Josei Jishin, Shukan Myojo|①3/28, ②3/29,-,-,-|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|①本誌独占スクープ!紀子さまご懐妊(*)おめでとう!!②「紀子妃ご懐妊」フィーバーの内幕|一つの記事に2つの表題がある。| |47|19910325|Learning from famous couples: We want a younger man|Shukan Myojo|4/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|有名人カップルに学ぶいま年下のカレがほしい!!|| |48|19910325|The town where Japanese-Brazilians are working|Aera|3/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日系ブラジル人八百人が働く町 群馬県大泉町。学校には子どもが三十人。人材派遣で所得六千万の人も|| |49|19910401|Nuclear power: Cracks caused by red tape pollution|Shukan News|4/1|PN(Peter Nowak)|原発 レッドテープ汚染でヒビ割れ|| |50|19910401|Where's the loo?|Shukan PingPong|4/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|トイレはどこ!?|| |51|19910401|Shinjuku Station - Design stolen from Escher|Let's! DOING|4/1|AF(Adam Fulford)|エッシャーの盗作 新宿駅|| |52|19910401|New World Order: New Word Order|Shukan Kanshu|4/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ニュー.ワールド・オーダー,ニュー・ワード・オーダーに|| |53|19910401|The ultimate tanshin funin assignment: Okinotorishima|Shukan Weekly|4/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|究極の単身赴任地 オキノトリシマ|| |54|19910408|Compulsory reading for yan-egu(young executives) The successful man gets the best out of the women around him.|Themis|4/3|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|新入社員・ヤンエグに告ぐ 3日で名前を覚えてブスにも優しく デキるい男ほど女を活用している|| |55|19910408|Flash!! Kiko-sama Princess Mama|Josei Jishin, Shukan Josei, Shukan Myojo|4/16, 4/16, 4/18|-|紀子さま応援連載 紀子さまの「プリンセスママ」への道 紀子さまの「つわり」対策は美智子さま直伝の「日本そば」|| |56|19910408|A beret makes a man look sharp|Aera|4/9|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|男がかぶってサマになるベレー帽|| |57|19910408|What's happening to the America that raised us? Love and hate in America|Spa!|4/10|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|愛と憎しみのアメリカ ボクらを育ててくれたアメリカはどこへ行く?|| |58|19910415|Salarymen's lifestyle comparisons. Salary, holidays, expense account: The most profitable and easiest companies to work for.|Themis|4/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|給与×休日×交際費でみる一番トクでラクな会社 サラリーマン生活徹底比較|| |59|19910415|Investigating the true state of sexual fatigue among the young: the myths and reality of sex in the home.|Spa!|4/10|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ZOOM UP “若年性倦怠期”の実態調査 家庭内SEXの理想と現実|| |60|19910415|Scoop! Plans to send an expeditionary force to the Gulf war had gotten this far.|Shukan Post|4/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「湾岸派兵計画」はここまで進んでいた|| |61|19910415|We love flashy colors.|Aera|4/16|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ケバい色が好きやねん|| |62|19910422|Families torn apart by tanshin funin: Wives start to rebel|Shukan Asahi|4/19|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|家族を引き裂く単身赴任 妻たちの反乱が始まった|| |63|19910422|Homos are cool? Shinjuku 2-chome: Holy ground for gays. A report on the new wave.|Spa!|4/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ホモってかっこいい!?ゲイの聖地・新宿2丁目ヌーベル・バーグ体験ルポ|| |64|19910422|From S&M: The chic appeal of "bondage"|Aera|4/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WORD SM出身「ボンデージ」のオシャレ|| |65|19910422|The PRICE|Spa!|4/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|バブル(**)の日陰にひっそり花咲く夢とロマンと不条理のプチワールド あなたの知らない、めくるめく値段の世界を今、ここに! THE 値段|(**)は判読不能| |66|19910429|Reluctant Bachelors look for the elusive "perfect" wife. Tokyo's full of Asian Brides.|Asahi Journal|4/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|結婚できない男が求める幻の大和撫子「アジアの花嫁」が東京にいっぱい|| |67|19910429|In the Tokyo/Osaka environs: These are the areas with houses "salarymen" can buy.|Shukan Gendai|5/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|東京・大阪圏「サラリーマンが買える家はここだ」|| |68|19910429|Pocket pagers are good for jobs and love, too!|Themis|5/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ポケベルで「仕事」も「恋」も即キャッチ!|| |69|19910429|Seiko: Escape from "Unpopularity Hell" "This is it!" COMPLETELY NUDE (see through) PHOTO!|Josei Jishin|5/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|入手初公開!聖子“不人気地獄”脱出へ「これで勝負!」の全裸写真!|| |70|19910513|ODA exports destruction of livelihoods: The case of the giant Philippine project|Asahi Journal|5/3-10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ODAが輸出する「生活破壊」フィリピン最大のカラバルソン計画に見る|| |71|19910513|Japan: A childish power Why do only "kawaii" things sell?|Spa!|5/15|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|BUSINESS 子供っぽい大国ニッポン “かわいい”ものばかり売れるのは「なぜ?」|| |72|19910513|The big Japan-Korea textbook gap|Aera|5/14|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日韓教科書の大きなギャップ「植民地支配」をめぐる感覚|| |73|19910513|Revealed: The secret of Takahanada's rapid development|Shukan Hoseki|5/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|高花田 藤島部屋トレーナーが明かす“急成長の秘密”|| |74|19910520|The Lie of the Super-Efficient Nation, Japan|Aera|5/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「効率国家日本」のウソ|| |75|19910520|Now you see it, now you don't. Araki's "hair" photos on different TV networks.|Shukan Shincho|5/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|出したり隠したりテレビ局で違った荒木「ヘア」写真|| |76|19910520|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①The baby's room is next to the catfish pond! ②Kiko-sama's residence is stuffed toy heaven! ③Prayers for easy delivery! The same iwata-obi [maternity sash] from Tairiji in Nara as used by the Empress: Present to 40 readers|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin,Bisho|5/28, 5/28, 5/25|-|-|記事表題だけ3本| |77|19910520|Find the origins of those trends!|Spa!|5/15|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ZOOM UP アッシー、三高、人面魚・・・・・・の「著作権者」はオレだ!あの流行の元祖を探せ!|| |78|19910527|Sharp increase in crimes committed by young people and salarymen addicted to Dial Q2.|Shukan Gendai|5/25|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|“ダイヤルQ2中毒”青少年サラリーマンの犯罪が激増|| |79|19910527|The real reason why Chiyonofuji quit.|Shukan Post|5/31|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|警告通り!本誌だけが知っている千代の富士引退「本当の理由」|| |80|19910527|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Kiko-sama's five-month test! The baby's development is fine. She's not showing, she's even going out for walks in jeans…②A confectioner in Nagoya sends a cute baby-lookalike cake. ③Present! Kiko-sama's "easy delivery" char|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin|6/4, 6/4|-|-|記事表題だけ3本| |81|19910527|The tragic Li U-nye.|Josei Jishin|6/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|悲劇の李恩恵!|| |82|19910603|Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima universities turning into slums: Japan's national universities are boffin coffins.|Aera|5/28|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|SPECIAL 頭脳の棺桶 国立大学 東大も京大も阪大も広島大もスラム化する|| |83|19910603|Read the future: The latest words needed by businessmen.|Shukan Post|6/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|POST最新ビジネス要語未来を読む 企業幹部も就職学生も必読|| |84|19910603|A collection of Japan-bashing jokes. We'd so like to laugh it all away.|Aera|6/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日本たたきジョーク集 本当に心から笑い飛ばしたい|| |85|19910603|Tokyo and Osaka - Use your bonus intelligently: The art of buying the four big favorites.|Shukan Gendai|6/8|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ビデオカメラ BSチューナー付きテレビ エアコン ゴルフセット 東京大阪ボーナスを賢く使う4大人気商品マル得買い物術|| |86|19910610|Big Japanese newspapers are U.S. publicity sheets!|Shukan Post|6/7|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|大新聞はもはやアメリカの宣伝紙だ!|| |87|19910610|Are you a jilting bourgeois or a jilted prole? Entering the age of class-struggle love.|Spa!|6/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ENTERTAINMENT キミは「フルジョワジー」か「フラレタリアート」か?恋愛階級闘争の時代に突入|| |88|19910610|This is it. This year we'll really master English!|Themis|6/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|これが最後だ 今年こそ「英会話」をマスターするぞ!|| |89|19910610|Fresh Outbreak of "British and U.S. Devils" symptoms|Aera|6/4|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「鬼畜米英」の兆し再び|| |90|19910610|“I was eaten by my credit card" (Housewife) "We're not breaking any laws" (Card industry)|Shukan Post|6/14|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「カードに食いものにされた」(主婦)「違法行為はない」(カード業界)|| |91|19910624|Exposed: The secret Imperial Family meeting on June 2|Shukan Bunshun|6/20|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|六月二日天皇家の「秘密会議」をスッパ抜く|| |92|19910624|Homing in on the enigma of gaijin street merchants and performers|Spa!|6/26|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|STRANGE NEIGHBORS シリーズ「奇妙な隣人」第3弾 やたら目につく路上のガイジン物売り(ストリート・セラー)と芸人(ストリート・パフォーマー)の謎に迫る|| |93|19910624|Morning "wide shows": (which is) the most provocative?|Themis|6/26|AF(Adam Fulford)|朝のワイドショーどこが一番シゲキ的か!|| |94|19910624|Shukan Bunshun is lily-livered in the face of the Kunaicho protest|Shukan Asahi|6/28|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|宮内庁の抗議に腰くだけの週刊文春|| |95|19910701|Takeshita's comeback depends on containing scandals|Shukan Shincho|6/27|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|特集「竹下復権」にはスキャンダル制圧|| |96|19910701|We love you, so we dare to say this! Hey, Manga! Bring back adventure and ambition.|Spa!|7/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|OPINION 大好きだからこそ、あえて言う!マンガよ!冒険と大志を取り戻せ|| |97|19910701|High-tech search for Japanese roots Riddle of the giant shinden buried in the sand dunes of Tottori|Shukan Asahi|7/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ハイテクで探る日本人のルーツ⑦ 鳥取の砂丘に埋もれた巨大な古代神殿の謎|| |98|19910701|“History" of pluck and thrills revealed by exhibition of cheating techniques|Flash|7/9|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|カンニング・テクニック展にみる度胸とスリルの“歴史”|| |99|19910715|Nagano's Winter Olympic purchase outrage|Shukan Gendai|7/6|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|長野冬季オリンピック買い付けの大ひんしゅく|| |100|19910715|The Mob walks tall on Main Street|Aera|7/16|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|表街道をのし歩く暴力団|| |101|19910715|Lest We Forget|-|-|MS(Mary Smith)|-|| |102|19910715|The "killer" net around NHK chairman Shima|Sunday Mainichi|7/21|MS(Mary Smith)|NHK島会長を“狙撃”する包囲網|| |103|19910722|Where homeless cars are headed|Shukan Asahi|7/19|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ホームレス・カーの行方|| |104|19910722|Kiko-sama Princess Mama Flash!! ①Kiko-sama's resolution: breast massage! ②Kiko-sama's seven-month check-up: The baby's weight has doubled, and it's now 5 centimeters longer (30 cm)|Josei Jiahin, Shukan Josei|7/23, 7/30|-|-|記事表題だけ2本| |105|19910722|Lest We Forget (Part Ⅱ)|Shukan Asahi, Sunday Mainichi, Aera, Shukan Post, Friday, Shukan Shincho|7/19, 7/21, 7/23, 7/19, 7/19, 7/18|MS(Mary Smith)|-|| |106|19910722|Our Hinomaru and Kimigayo|Spa!|7/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ボクたちの「日の丸」「君が代」|| |107|19910729|Filipinos pass themselves off as Japanese|Shukan Asahi|7/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本人になりすますフィリピン人|| |108|19910729|Sketch and photo: mistakes and omissions - Misery for Prime Minister Kaifu at the Summit|Flash|8/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|似顔絵(イラスト)・写真間違いや無視・・・海部首相、サミットの哀愁|| |109|19910729|-|Josei Jishin|-|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|女性自身|| |110|19910729|The "Second Standard Japanese" - Osaka-ben - on the brink of ruin|Aera|7/30|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「第二標準語」大阪弁の没落の危機|| |111|19910812|Gaijin we like Gaijin we hate|Spa!|8/7|-|好きな外人・嫌いな外人|| |112|19910812|The envelopes, please!|-|-|-|-|| |113|19910812|Ten steps to being a successful gaijin|Spa!|8/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|成功するガイジンのための10か条|| |114|19910812|Borderless World|Aera|8/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ボーダレス・ワールド|| |115|19910819|Enjoy car life: Avoid the big jams by leaving after 7 p.m.|Shukan Gendai|8/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|(GENDAI ENJOY CARLIFE)|| |116|19910819|It's not all sumo and period dramas. Please understand Japan!|Dime|9/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|スモウに時代劇だけじゃない(Please understand Japan!)|| |117|19910819|Even if Japanese forget We will never forget|Aera|8/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日本人は忘れても私たちは忘れない|| |118|19910819|Not "evil', "not "monsters" - Foreigners take over the streets: Tales to make you laugh and cry|Shukan Gendai|8/17|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|“害人”でも“怪人”でもアリマセ~ン 外人さんに占拠された街角「泣き笑い」エピソード|| |119|19910826|The Answers to 50 Riddles of Convenience Stores|Spa!|8/28|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|コンビニ50の謎を解明|| |120|19910826|[[Loaded Japanese Gals "Buy" Men in Bali>バリ島で男を“買う”金満日本人ギャル]]|Shukan Asahi|8/30|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[バリ島で男を“買う”金満日本人ギャル]]|| |121|19910826|The Spread of the Salaryman's Disease: "Just Can't Get Up in the Morning"|Shukan Hoseki|9/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「朝、起きられない」“サラリーマン病”が急増|| |122|19910826|They Used to be Cute Yaeba; Now They're Dracula Teeth|Shukan Asahi|8/30|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|昔、可愛い八重歯も今はドラキュラの歯|| |123|19910902|Chairman's speculation mania destroys TBS|Shukan Bunshun|8/29|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|社長の財テク狂いがTBSをダメにした|| |124|19910902|The Bootleg: Ushering in an age of chaos what IS all this about pirate versions?|Spa!|9/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|THE BOOTLEG カオスの時代を挑発する海賊版感覚って何だ!?|| |125|19910902|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Exclusive: Kiko-sama and 1,500-gram baby in "happy" return (to Mejiro) home (stays over) ②Kiko-sama: Preparations for delivery - mother's milk, diapers, and a baby bed…|Shukan Josei, Bisho|9/10, 9/14|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|-|| |126|19910902|Manga: Comicate popular among the young in spite of a head wind|Aera|9/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|漫画 逆風の中でも若者に人気のコミケット|| |127|19910909|Powerful country with declining births - an emaciated Japan|Aera|9/3|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|SPACIAL 少産大国 ニッポンの衰弱|| |128|19910909|Are you simply tired?|Shukan Asahi|9/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|あなたは疲れているだけですが|| |129|19910909|In the age of anti-hanayome shugyo the emphasis in class is on mastering Japan|Shukan Asahi|9/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|アンチ花嫁修業時代「お教室」は日本を究めるのがポイント|| |130|19910909|Have Japanese women's bodies evolved?|Spa!|9/11|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|CULTURE ニッポンの女のボディは進化したのか?|| |131|19910916|Great laugh! Words and actions of industry people|Spa!|9/11|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ギョーカイ人大笑い言動録|| |132|19910916|The shin-shinjinrui are sweeping over the sports world|Shukan Yomiuri|9/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|新新人類がスポーツ界を席巻する|| |133|19910916|A message for Kageyama Tamio|Shukan Bunshun|9/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|幸福の科学正会員 景山民夫さんに申し上げる 野坂昭如|| |134|19910916|The birth of the age of gangs? Bottomless "pigeon-style violence"|Shukan Asahi|9/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|団塊世代が生んだ!?底なし「ハト型暴力」|| |135|19910930|Luxury cars in the midst of a depression|Shukan Bunshun|9/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|2億円もしたフェラーリF40が1億円以下 高級乗用車ただ今、暴落中|| |136|19910930|Super popular! This fall, convertibles fly like the wind!|Shukan Asahi|10/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|大人気!この秋、オープンカーが風を切る|| |137|19910930|“Global JAL": Catch up and overtake ANA|Aera|9/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|航空 ANAに追いつき追い越せ「世界のJAL」|| |138|19910930|Leyton House: Formula One owner pulls out of the race|Aera|10/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|F1オーナーのコースアウト レイトンハウス|| |139|19911014|Japanese reporters are mere company employees|Aera|10/1|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本の記者は単に会社員|| |140|19911014|Herding boys and girls: "Rules and pleasures"|Spa!|10/9|AF(Adam Fulford)|SPECIAL REPORT パーキング族、レディース、チーム、追っかけ・・・ 群れたがる少年・少女の“規律と快感”|| |141|19911014|A must-see for delinquent high-school students: "Dance Koshien" mania|Shukan Shincho|10/17|AF(Adam Fulford)|不良高校生必見番組「ダンス甲子園の熱狂」|| |142|19911014|We love grade-C journalism!|Spa!|10/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|スキャンダル、ゴシップから出る“マコト”C級ジャーナリズムが好きだっ!|| |143|19911021|Japan gorges itself into diabetic ruin|Aera|10/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|SPECIAL 飽食日本に兆す糖尿病亡国|| |144|19911021|Buck naked for N-billion yen: Miyazawa Rie is finally completely nude!|Shukan Hoseki|10/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|宮沢りえがついに全裸ヌード!ん億円のスッポンポン|| |145|19911021|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Kiko-sama: A Tour of the delivery room. All preparations complete. The birth could be tomorrow… ②From 0 grams to 2,400: Expecting mother Kiko-sama's "Happiness Album"|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin|10/29,10/22|-|-|記事表題だけ2本| |146|19911021|What do they do normally?|Spa!|10/9|AF(Adam Fulford)|彼らは普段何をしているのか?|| |147|19911028|The reason why the mass media "loves" Obayashi Masako|Shukan Asahi|11/1|AF(Adam Fulford)|スキャンドル|| |148|19911028|Miyazawa Rie: A first kiss with Motoki Masahiro abroad amid the nude brouhaha|Flash|10/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|宮沢りえ、ヌード騒動渦中に海外で本木雅弘と初キス|| |149|19911028|Is "dead cert" Miyazawa Kiichi a "cold genius"?|Shukan Gendai|10/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|“大本命”宮沢喜一は“冷たい大秀才”なのか|| |150|19911028|Evening in Shinjuku: Shin-Tocho is the new dating spot|Aera|10/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|夜の新宿 新都庁舎はデートの新スポット|| |151|19911104|The most distinguished servant of the Miyazawa administration is badly tainted|Shukan Bunshun|11/7|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|独占スクープ 東京地検特捜部の捜査の進展 宮沢政権最大の功労者に重大汚点|| |152|19911104|My 10 months with Kiko-sama: The secrets I heard from Kiko-sama.|Shukan Bunshun|11/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|私と紀子さまの十ヵ月 紀子さまに聞かれてしまったナイショの話|| |153|19911104|Dictionary of hackneyed news reporting|Spa!|10/30|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ニュース報道「紋切型辞典」|| |154|19911104|Witnessed by "Freeters": The details of dangerous part-time jobs|Spa!|11/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|フリーターが目撃したバイト先のヤバイ仕事内容|| |155|19911118|Omae Ken'ichi says: Presidents and employees - Shift the emphasis from work to living|Shukan Post|11/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|大前研一の「社長も社員も労使思考から生活者思考に転換せよ」|| |156|19911118|Miyazawa Rie: "Blood discharge" from injury and "downy hair" in photos|Josei Jishin|11/26|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|撮影中の出血(ケガ)と産毛(うぶげ)|| |157|19911118|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Mako-chan likes music boxes. ②The Mako-chama Constitution. ③Mother's looking out for her baby; Masako-sama's layered clothing was mother's request.|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin, Josei Jishin|11/26, 11/26, 11/26|-|-|記事表題だけ3本| |158|19911118|Foreign correspondents are waiting expectantly for Mitchy's next slip|Shukan Asahi|11/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|外国特派員が手ぐすねひくミッチーの“次の失言”|| |159|19911125|Why Japanese rugby can't catch up with the rest of the world|Spa!|11/20|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本ラグビーが世界に追いつけない理由|| |160|19911125|The Japanese Manhattan: Shinjuku is sinking!?|Shukan Asahi|11/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日本のマンハッタン 新宿が沈む!?|| |161|19911125|What's the difference between this and just plain water?|Shukan Bunshun|11/28|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「タダの水」とどこがどう違う?|| |162|19911125|Bell-bottoms make a comeback along with Yamamoto Linda|Aera|11/26|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|山本リンダとともにカムバック ラッパズボン|| |163|19911202|Dementia and brain hemorrhage can be prevented by the "brain docks"|Shukan Bunshun|11/28|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|予約は1年先までいっぱい ボケ・脳卒中は「脳ドッグ」で防げる|| |164|19911202|Geino Special Report: This is how I blew "Kohaku"!|Josei Jishin|12/10|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|芸能特捜班企画 私はこれで「紅白」を棒にふりました!|| |165|19911202|[[Making toys out of their patients: Otaku doctors and akkera-kangofu>患者をオモチャにするオタク医者とアッケラ看護婦]]|Spa!|12/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[患者をオモチャにするオタク医者とアッケラ看護婦]]|| |166|19911202|Casting light on 50 riddles about taxis|Spa!|12/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|Business Beat 今年も来るゾ、タクシー待ち地獄。年末の酔っぱらいに贈る 上級者向け極秘情報 タクシー50の謎を解明|| |167|19911209|Foreign gangsters eating into the Japanese market|Aera|12/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|マフィアの上陸 日本市場を喰い分ける外国人ヤクザ|| |168|19911209|Kayama Yuzo(54) at a loss for words over father's (Uehara Ken) personal effects! The name of Msami's lover (of 10 years) was on the underwear (pants)! Unforgivable!|Josei Jishin|12/17|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|許せない!加山雄三(54才)父(上原謙)の遺品に絶句!下着(パンツ)の裏に雅美さんの「愛人」の名が!|| |169|19911209|Men adrift in virtual sex|Asahi Journal|12/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|仮想現実の性を漂うオトコたち|| |170|19911209|Sense of crisis for Sumo Association. National sport being overwhelmed by 30-strong gaijin force.|Shukan Shincho|12/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|外国勢30人に席巻される国技「相撲協会」の危機感|| |171|19911223|Alcohol harassment at end-of-year parties|Aera|12/17|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「アルハラ」という嫌がらせ|| |172|19911223|①Ah, the Xmas bakappuru ②Hotels at year-end are do-it-all-you want playthings for Oils and college coeds ③She'll be completely gone! The ultimate "Christmas-ful course."|Josei Jishin, Shukan Post, Friday|12/24-1/1, 1/3-1/10, 12/27|-|年末のホテルはOL、女子大生やりたい放題|| |173|19911223|The riddle of the fiance who deceived Azuma Chizuru|Shukan Hoseki|1/2-1/9|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|東ちづるが騙された結婚相手の謎!|| |174|19911230|The first Spa! '91 Red and White News Song Contest|Spa!|12/18|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ENTERTAINMENT 第1回SPA!’91紅白ニュース歌合戦|| |175|19911230|91: The worst 3 of everything you loved and hated|Spa!|11/27|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WORST GRAND PRIX 中野翠・宅八郎・大槻ケンヂ・四方田犬彦・・・・・・ら辛口論者が独断で選ぶ ’91年愛と怒りのなんでもワースト3|| |176|19911230|The Japan face of the year|Friday|12/27|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「日本の顔」(ザ・フェイス・オブ・ザ・イヤー)|| |177|19911230|Beat Takeshi '92 Nippon. Aah, great prophecies|Flash|1/7-1/14|AF(Adam Fulford)|ビートたけし 92年“ああニッポン大予言”|| ---- *関連ページ #related()
#include(CAUTION!!) ---- |番号|掲載年月日|表題(英語)|引用雑誌名|引用雑誌号数|署名(イニシャル)|表題(日本語)|| |1|19910107|A New World Order|Toyo Keizai|12/26-1/5|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|変貌する世界秩序と日本の役割|年間を通じて1コマ漫画(by Takahashi Haruo)あるいは4コマ漫画(「Mappira-Kun」 by Kato Yoshiro)掲載| |2|19910107|A New Outlook|Spa!|12/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|-|| |3|19910107|The refusal to run was another TV performance - Masuzoe-sensei's political sense|Shukan Asahi|1/4-11|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |4|19910107|I sold torikabuto(aconite) to that man|Sunday Mainichi|12/30|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |5|19910107|Creeping poverty - Is poverty a trend?|Aera|1/1-8|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |6|19910107|If I though about AIDS, sex would be impossible|Sunday Mainichi|12/30|HH(Horino Haruko)|-|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |7|19910114|The Two Tsutsumis|Shukan Gendai|1/5-12|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本一の“兄弟ゲンカ”|| |8|19910114|Nearly Time For Tea|Shukan Asahi|1/4-11|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|-|| |9|19910114|Rikishi Business|Shukan Hoseki|1/24|AF(Adam Fulford)|「小錦」は飛行機のトイレに入れないって、ホント?|| |10|19910114|Please, Meet With His Highness Once More|Josei Jishin|1/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「もう一度、殿下と会ってください」皇太子妃選び激動!あの小和田雅子さんに|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |11|19910114|Yakushimaru Hiroko and Tamaki Koji's Blitz Wedding in Hawaii|Josei Jishin, Shukan Hoseki|1/22, 1/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|薬師丸ひろ子と玉置浩二とハワイの教会で電撃挙式!|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |12|19910121|Cleaning Up Their Acts|Toyo Keizai|1/12|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|環境衆愚経営の始まり|| |13|19910121|Towards the Reef of Marriage!|Josei Jishin|1/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|独創水面下スクープ!中山美穂(20才)田原俊彦(29才)早くも囁かれる「結婚暗礁へ!」の厳しい現実5話 挙式直前交通事故死!|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |14|19910121|“Cancer of the Esophagus" Announced by Prince Tomohito of Mikasa Himself|Shukan Shincho|1/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|三笠宮寛仁殿下が自ら公表した「食道ガン」|MEDATSU MIDASHI(Headlines from the Weeklies)| |15|19910121|Osaka To Tokyo In A Quarter Of A Century|Aera|1/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|気質の違いか文化の違いか 大阪発東京行き自動改札の25年|| |16|19910128|Forgot To Mind His Mantras?|Shukan Gendai|1/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|クビ!|| |17|19910128|These are the secrets of certain juken success - all the strategies!|Sunday Mainichi|2/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|これが受験必勝“マル秘”全戦略|| |18|19910128|New Wave Pachinko|Aera|1/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ニューウェーブなパチンコ|| |19|19910128|Isomura Seeks Higher Office?|Themis|1/23|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|-|| |20|19910204|Early Detection And Treatment Of Big Industry Disease|Spa!|1/30|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|大企業病の早期発見と早期治療法|| |21|19910204|Understand 3,000 Years Of Middle East History in Five Minutes!|Josei Jishin|2/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|5分で分かる中東3千年の歴史!|| |22|19910204|Kiko-sama's Hand-crafted Hairstyle Transformation! From Bob To Chignon.|Shukan Josei|2/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|紀子さま手づくりニューヘアー変身!(ボブ→シニヨン)この春“紀子さまシニヨン”がトレンド|| |23|19910204|Cohabiting Middle-Aged Mitsugu-kun Arrested!|Themis|2/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|同棲中の中年ミツグ君逮捕!|| |24|19910218|Takashima Hatsuhisa - Kume Hiroshi Gulf War Reports - This Is Where I'll Win or Lose |Shukan Bunshun|2/14|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ニュース戦争で激突 独占インタビュー NHK高島肇久・テレビ朝日久米宏 湾岸報道私はここで勝負する|| |25|19910218|This Year's Hay Fever Will Hit Early and Hit Hard!|Themis|2/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|今年の花粉症は早くてひどいぞ!すぐできる即効療法から完全根治の手術まで|| |26|19910218|Should We Allow Euthanasia of Pet Dog and Cats?|Shukan Asahi|2/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|議論沸騰 犬、猫の安楽死は許されるか|| |27|19910218|Don't Come Here, Japanese! Hussein is Our Hero!|Shukan Gendai|2/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ニッポン人は来るな!フセインは英雄だ|| |28|19910225|Japanese Think Tanks - a healthy appetite but no brains|Aera|2/19|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|報告書の盗用も。政策提言なし。湾岸戦争に無力。星占いも採用。日本のシンクタンクは無芸大食|| |29|19910225|Extra: Hussein goods over-the-counter free for all|Shukan Asahi|3/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WAR EXPRESS フセイン・グッズで場外乱闘番外編|| |30|19910225|[[The "Peace Boat" is a "Pink Boat" !?>反戦・平和の船が「ラブホテルまがいだった」という証言続出 ピースボートは「ピンクボート」だ!?]]|Themis|2/27|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[反戦・平和の船が「ラブホテルまがいだった」という証言続出 ピースボートは「ピンクボート」だ!?]]|| |31|19910225|[[You too can be "One Couple, Two Names">ワーキング・ウーマン大流行 あなたもできる「夫婦別姓」]]|Shukan Asahi|3/1|AF(Adam Fulford)|[[ワーキング・ウーマン大流行 あなたもできる「夫婦別姓」]]|| |32|19910225|The true state of the geinokai drug disgrace|Sunday Mainichi|3/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「これが芸能界麻薬汚染の実態だ」|| |33|19910304|Baseball's Moneymen - Kuwata Masumi and Ochiai Hiromitsu's money war|Flash|3/5|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|(****)球界の金権マン桑田真澄と落合博満のマネー戦争|(****)は判読不能| |34|19910304|Crown Prince, Don't Give Up!|Shukan Asahi|3/8|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|がんばれ皇太子|| |35|19910304|Relationships That Hastened Kobayashi Kazuyoshi's Death|Themis|3/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|小林一喜氏の死を早めた人間関係 久米氏と「私語「雑談」を交わさない「ひどいいじめが」という人も|| |36|19910304|This is what we hate about Ginkoman/Ginkoin!|Themis|3/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|結婚したくない職業の上位貯金は笑顔送金はフン 銀行マン(イン)ここが大嫌い!|| |37|19910311|Giants uncovered: Cromartie's shocking confessions|Shukan Bunshun|3/7|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|巨人軍の内幕独占第2弾!クロマティ衝撃の告白手記|| |38|19910311|Scoop! President Saddam Hussein's wife was in Japan!|Shukan Josei|3/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|スクープ フセイン大統領サジダ夫人が心臓病治療で日本にいた!!|| |39|19910311|With the rank of Ozeki before his eyes, Kotonishiki performs a Dutch roll with "two women."|Flash, Spa!, Josei Jishin, Themis|3/19, -,-,-|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|大関目前なのに・・・琴錦が“2人の女”でダッチロール|| |40|19910311|Wasting resources and garbage pollution: Cars used and thrown away - a crime against the Earth|Spa!|3/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ZOOM UP 資源のムダ遣いとゴミ汚染 クルマの使い捨ては地球への犯罪だ|| |41|19910318|The pitiful fate awaiting Japanese studying at U.S. high schools|Aera|3/12|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|米国高校留学の無残|| |42|19910318|[[Gold Coast men brag: Raping Japanese girls is easy!">ゴールドコーストの男たちはうそぶく 「日本ギャルのレイプなんか簡単だ!」]]|Themis|3/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[ゴールドコーストの男たちはうそぶく 「日本ギャルのレイプなんか簡単だ!」]]|| |43|19910318|Over the top! The battle for popular cram school instructors. We'll even pay an annual salary of 70 million yen.|Shukan Asahi|3/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|過激!予備校人気講師の引きぬき合戦 年収七千万円でも欲しい|| |44|19910318|“Tate-meshi" for lunch today?|Aera|3/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WORD 今日のランチは「タテメシ」?|| |45|19910325|Threats used by shady shareholders and gangsters. Companies and elite employees: Don't be cowed!|Themis|3/20|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「ヒットマンが来る!」「光進」の恐喝は序の口 黒株主・暴力団脅しの全手口 怯むな企業&エリート社員|| |46|19910325|①Kiko-sama: Congratulations on your pregnancy!! ②Inside the "Princess Kiko's Pregnant" fever|①Josei Seven, ②Shukan Post, Shukan Shincho, Josei Jishin, Shukan Myojo|①3/28, ②3/29,-,-,-|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|①本誌独占スクープ!紀子さまご懐妊(*)おめでとう!!②「紀子妃ご懐妊」フィーバーの内幕|一つの記事に2つの表題がある。| |47|19910325|Learning from famous couples: We want a younger man|Shukan Myojo|4/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|有名人カップルに学ぶいま年下のカレがほしい!!|| |48|19910325|The town where Japanese-Brazilians are working|Aera|3/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日系ブラジル人八百人が働く町 群馬県大泉町。学校には子どもが三十人。人材派遣で所得六千万の人も|| |49|19910401|Nuclear power: Cracks caused by red tape pollution|Shukan News|4/1|PN(Peter Nowak)|原発 レッドテープ汚染でヒビ割れ|| |50|19910401|Where's the loo?|Shukan PingPong|4/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|トイレはどこ!?|| |51|19910401|Shinjuku Station - Design stolen from Escher|Let's! DOING|4/1|AF(Adam Fulford)|エッシャーの盗作 新宿駅|| |52|19910401|New World Order: New Word Order|Shukan Kanshu|4/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ニュー.ワールド・オーダー,ニュー・ワード・オーダーに|| |53|19910401|The ultimate tanshin funin assignment: Okinotorishima|Shukan Weekly|4/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|究極の単身赴任地 オキノトリシマ|| |54|19910408|Compulsory reading for yan-egu(young executives) The successful man gets the best out of the women around him.|Themis|4/3|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|新入社員・ヤンエグに告ぐ 3日で名前を覚えてブスにも優しく デキるい男ほど女を活用している|| |55|19910408|Flash!! Kiko-sama Princess Mama|Josei Jishin, Shukan Josei, Shukan Myojo|4/16, 4/16, 4/18|-|紀子さま応援連載 紀子さまの「プリンセスママ」への道 紀子さまの「つわり」対策は美智子さま直伝の「日本そば」|| |56|19910408|A beret makes a man look sharp|Aera|4/9|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|男がかぶってサマになるベレー帽|| |57|19910408|What's happening to the America that raised us? Love and hate in America|Spa!|4/10|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|愛と憎しみのアメリカ ボクらを育ててくれたアメリカはどこへ行く?|| |58|19910415|Salarymen's lifestyle comparisons. Salary, holidays, expense account: The most profitable and easiest companies to work for.|Themis|4/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|給与×休日×交際費でみる一番トクでラクな会社 サラリーマン生活徹底比較|| |59|19910415|[[Investigating the true state of sexual fatigue among the young: the myths and reality of sex in the home.>“若年性倦怠期”の実態調査 家庭内SEXの理想と現実]]|Spa!|4/10|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ZOOM UP [[“若年性倦怠期”の実態調査 家庭内SEXの理想と現実]]|| |60|19910415|Scoop! Plans to send an expeditionary force to the Gulf war had gotten this far.|Shukan Post|4/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「湾岸派兵計画」はここまで進んでいた|| |61|19910415|We love flashy colors.|Aera|4/16|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ケバい色が好きやねん|| |62|19910422|Families torn apart by tanshin funin: Wives start to rebel|Shukan Asahi|4/19|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|家族を引き裂く単身赴任 妻たちの反乱が始まった|| |63|19910422|Homos are cool? Shinjuku 2-chome: Holy ground for gays. A report on the new wave.|Spa!|4/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ホモってかっこいい!?ゲイの聖地・新宿2丁目ヌーベル・バーグ体験ルポ|| |64|19910422|From S&M: The chic appeal of "bondage"|Aera|4/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WORD SM出身「ボンデージ」のオシャレ|| |65|19910422|The PRICE|Spa!|4/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|バブル(**)の日陰にひっそり花咲く夢とロマンと不条理のプチワールド あなたの知らない、めくるめく値段の世界を今、ここに! THE 値段|(**)は判読不能| |66|19910429|Reluctant Bachelors look for the elusive "perfect" wife. Tokyo's full of Asian Brides.|Asahi Journal|4/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|結婚できない男が求める幻の大和撫子「アジアの花嫁」が東京にいっぱい|| |67|19910429|In the Tokyo/Osaka environs: These are the areas with houses "salarymen" can buy.|Shukan Gendai|5/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|東京・大阪圏「サラリーマンが買える家はここだ」|| |68|19910429|Pocket pagers are good for jobs and love, too!|Themis|5/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ポケベルで「仕事」も「恋」も即キャッチ!|| |69|19910429|Seiko: Escape from "Unpopularity Hell" "This is it!" COMPLETELY NUDE (see through) PHOTO!|Josei Jishin|5/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|入手初公開!聖子“不人気地獄”脱出へ「これで勝負!」の全裸写真!|| |70|19910513|ODA exports destruction of livelihoods: The case of the giant Philippine project|Asahi Journal|5/3-10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ODAが輸出する「生活破壊」フィリピン最大のカラバルソン計画に見る|| |71|19910513|Japan: A childish power Why do only "kawaii" things sell?|Spa!|5/15|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|BUSINESS 子供っぽい大国ニッポン “かわいい”ものばかり売れるのは「なぜ?」|| |72|19910513|The big Japan-Korea textbook gap|Aera|5/14|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日韓教科書の大きなギャップ「植民地支配」をめぐる感覚|| |73|19910513|Revealed: The secret of Takahanada's rapid development|Shukan Hoseki|5/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|高花田 藤島部屋トレーナーが明かす“急成長の秘密”|| |74|19910520|The Lie of the Super-Efficient Nation, Japan|Aera|5/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「効率国家日本」のウソ|| |75|19910520|Now you see it, now you don't. Araki's "hair" photos on different TV networks.|Shukan Shincho|5/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|出したり隠したりテレビ局で違った荒木「ヘア」写真|| |76|19910520|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①The baby's room is next to the catfish pond! ②Kiko-sama's residence is stuffed toy heaven! ③Prayers for easy delivery! The same iwata-obi [maternity sash] from Tairiji in Nara as used by the Empress: Present to 40 readers|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin,Bisho|5/28, 5/28, 5/25|-|-|記事表題だけ3本| |77|19910520|Find the origins of those trends!|Spa!|5/15|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ZOOM UP アッシー、三高、人面魚・・・・・・の「著作権者」はオレだ!あの流行の元祖を探せ!|| |78|19910527|Sharp increase in crimes committed by young people and salarymen addicted to Dial Q2.|Shukan Gendai|5/25|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|“ダイヤルQ2中毒”青少年サラリーマンの犯罪が激増|| |79|19910527|The real reason why Chiyonofuji quit.|Shukan Post|5/31|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|警告通り!本誌だけが知っている千代の富士引退「本当の理由」|| |80|19910527|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Kiko-sama's five-month test! The baby's development is fine. She's not showing, she's even going out for walks in jeans…②A confectioner in Nagoya sends a cute baby-lookalike cake. ③Present! Kiko-sama's "easy delivery" char|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin|6/4, 6/4|-|-|記事表題だけ3本| |81|19910527|The tragic Li U-nye.|Josei Jishin|6/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|悲劇の李恩恵!|| |82|19910603|Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima universities turning into slums: Japan's national universities are boffin coffins.|Aera|5/28|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|SPECIAL 頭脳の棺桶 国立大学 東大も京大も阪大も広島大もスラム化する|| |83|19910603|Read the future: The latest words needed by businessmen.|Shukan Post|6/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|POST最新ビジネス要語未来を読む 企業幹部も就職学生も必読|| |84|19910603|A collection of Japan-bashing jokes. We'd so like to laugh it all away.|Aera|6/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日本たたきジョーク集 本当に心から笑い飛ばしたい|| |85|19910603|Tokyo and Osaka - Use your bonus intelligently: The art of buying the four big favorites.|Shukan Gendai|6/8|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ビデオカメラ BSチューナー付きテレビ エアコン ゴルフセット 東京大阪ボーナスを賢く使う4大人気商品マル得買い物術|| |86|19910610|Big Japanese newspapers are U.S. publicity sheets!|Shukan Post|6/7|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|大新聞はもはやアメリカの宣伝紙だ!|| |87|19910610|Are you a jilting bourgeois or a jilted prole? Entering the age of class-struggle love.|Spa!|6/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ENTERTAINMENT キミは「フルジョワジー」か「フラレタリアート」か?恋愛階級闘争の時代に突入|| |88|19910610|This is it. This year we'll really master English!|Themis|6/12|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|これが最後だ 今年こそ「英会話」をマスターするぞ!|| |89|19910610|Fresh Outbreak of "British and U.S. Devils" symptoms|Aera|6/4|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「鬼畜米英」の兆し再び|| |90|19910610|“I was eaten by my credit card" (Housewife) "We're not breaking any laws" (Card industry)|Shukan Post|6/14|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「カードに食いものにされた」(主婦)「違法行為はない」(カード業界)|| |91|19910624|Exposed: The secret Imperial Family meeting on June 2|Shukan Bunshun|6/20|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|六月二日天皇家の「秘密会議」をスッパ抜く|| |92|19910624|Homing in on the enigma of gaijin street merchants and performers|Spa!|6/26|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|STRANGE NEIGHBORS シリーズ「奇妙な隣人」第3弾 やたら目につく路上のガイジン物売り(ストリート・セラー)と芸人(ストリート・パフォーマー)の謎に迫る|| |93|19910624|Morning "wide shows": (which is) the most provocative?|Themis|6/26|AF(Adam Fulford)|朝のワイドショーどこが一番シゲキ的か!|| |94|19910624|Shukan Bunshun is lily-livered in the face of the Kunaicho protest|Shukan Asahi|6/28|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|宮内庁の抗議に腰くだけの週刊文春|| |95|19910701|Takeshita's comeback depends on containing scandals|Shukan Shincho|6/27|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|特集「竹下復権」にはスキャンダル制圧|| |96|19910701|We love you, so we dare to say this! Hey, Manga! Bring back adventure and ambition.|Spa!|7/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|OPINION 大好きだからこそ、あえて言う!マンガよ!冒険と大志を取り戻せ|| |97|19910701|High-tech search for Japanese roots Riddle of the giant shinden buried in the sand dunes of Tottori|Shukan Asahi|7/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ハイテクで探る日本人のルーツ⑦ 鳥取の砂丘に埋もれた巨大な古代神殿の謎|| |98|19910701|“History" of pluck and thrills revealed by exhibition of cheating techniques|Flash|7/9|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|カンニング・テクニック展にみる度胸とスリルの“歴史”|| |99|19910715|Nagano's Winter Olympic purchase outrage|Shukan Gendai|7/6|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|長野冬季オリンピック買い付けの大ひんしゅく|| |100|19910715|The Mob walks tall on Main Street|Aera|7/16|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|表街道をのし歩く暴力団|| |101|19910715|Lest We Forget|-|-|MS(Mary Smith)|-|| |102|19910715|The "killer" net around NHK chairman Shima|Sunday Mainichi|7/21|MS(Mary Smith)|NHK島会長を“狙撃”する包囲網|| |103|19910722|Where homeless cars are headed|Shukan Asahi|7/19|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ホームレス・カーの行方|| |104|19910722|Kiko-sama Princess Mama Flash!! ①Kiko-sama's resolution: breast massage! ②Kiko-sama's seven-month check-up: The baby's weight has doubled, and it's now 5 centimeters longer (30 cm)|Josei Jiahin, Shukan Josei|7/23, 7/30|-|-|記事表題だけ2本| |105|19910722|Lest We Forget (Part Ⅱ)|Shukan Asahi, Sunday Mainichi, Aera, Shukan Post, Friday, Shukan Shincho|7/19, 7/21, 7/23, 7/19, 7/19, 7/18|MS(Mary Smith)|-|| |106|19910722|Our Hinomaru and Kimigayo|Spa!|7/24|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ボクたちの「日の丸」「君が代」|| |107|19910729|Filipinos pass themselves off as Japanese|Shukan Asahi|7/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本人になりすますフィリピン人|| |108|19910729|Sketch and photo: mistakes and omissions - Misery for Prime Minister Kaifu at the Summit|Flash|8/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|似顔絵(イラスト)・写真間違いや無視・・・海部首相、サミットの哀愁|| |109|19910729|-|Josei Jishin|-|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|女性自身|| |110|19910729|The "Second Standard Japanese" - Osaka-ben - on the brink of ruin|Aera|7/30|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「第二標準語」大阪弁の没落の危機|| |111|19910812|Gaijin we like Gaijin we hate|Spa!|8/7|-|好きな外人・嫌いな外人|| |112|19910812|The envelopes, please!|-|-|-|-|| |113|19910812|Ten steps to being a successful gaijin|Spa!|8/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|成功するガイジンのための10か条|| |114|19910812|Borderless World|Aera|8/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|ボーダレス・ワールド|| |115|19910819|Enjoy car life: Avoid the big jams by leaving after 7 p.m.|Shukan Gendai|8/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|(GENDAI ENJOY CARLIFE)|| |116|19910819|It's not all sumo and period dramas. Please understand Japan!|Dime|9/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|スモウに時代劇だけじゃない(Please understand Japan!)|| |117|19910819|Even if Japanese forget We will never forget|Aera|8/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日本人は忘れても私たちは忘れない|| |118|19910819|Not "evil', "not "monsters" - Foreigners take over the streets: Tales to make you laugh and cry|Shukan Gendai|8/17|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|“害人”でも“怪人”でもアリマセ~ン 外人さんに占拠された街角「泣き笑い」エピソード|| |119|19910826|The Answers to 50 Riddles of Convenience Stores|Spa!|8/28|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|コンビニ50の謎を解明|| |120|19910826|[[Loaded Japanese Gals "Buy" Men in Bali>バリ島で男を“買う”金満日本人ギャル]]|Shukan Asahi|8/30|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[バリ島で男を“買う”金満日本人ギャル]]|| |121|19910826|The Spread of the Salaryman's Disease: "Just Can't Get Up in the Morning"|Shukan Hoseki|9/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「朝、起きられない」“サラリーマン病”が急増|| |122|19910826|They Used to be Cute Yaeba; Now They're Dracula Teeth|Shukan Asahi|8/30|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|昔、可愛い八重歯も今はドラキュラの歯|| |123|19910902|Chairman's speculation mania destroys TBS|Shukan Bunshun|8/29|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|社長の財テク狂いがTBSをダメにした|| |124|19910902|The Bootleg: Ushering in an age of chaos what IS all this about pirate versions?|Spa!|9/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|THE BOOTLEG カオスの時代を挑発する海賊版感覚って何だ!?|| |125|19910902|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Exclusive: Kiko-sama and 1,500-gram baby in "happy" return (to Mejiro) home (stays over) ②Kiko-sama: Preparations for delivery - mother's milk, diapers, and a baby bed…|Shukan Josei, Bisho|9/10, 9/14|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|-|| |126|19910902|Manga: Comicate popular among the young in spite of a head wind|Aera|9/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|漫画 逆風の中でも若者に人気のコミケット|| |127|19910909|Powerful country with declining births - an emaciated Japan|Aera|9/3|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|SPACIAL 少産大国 ニッポンの衰弱|| |128|19910909|Are you simply tired?|Shukan Asahi|9/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|あなたは疲れているだけですが|| |129|19910909|In the age of anti-hanayome shugyo the emphasis in class is on mastering Japan|Shukan Asahi|9/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|アンチ花嫁修業時代「お教室」は日本を究めるのがポイント|| |130|19910909|Have Japanese women's bodies evolved?|Spa!|9/11|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|CULTURE ニッポンの女のボディは進化したのか?|| |131|19910916|Great laugh! Words and actions of industry people|Spa!|9/11|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ギョーカイ人大笑い言動録|| |132|19910916|The shin-shinjinrui are sweeping over the sports world|Shukan Yomiuri|9/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|新新人類がスポーツ界を席巻する|| |133|19910916|A message for Kageyama Tamio|Shukan Bunshun|9/19|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|幸福の科学正会員 景山民夫さんに申し上げる 野坂昭如|| |134|19910916|The birth of the age of gangs? Bottomless "pigeon-style violence"|Shukan Asahi|9/20|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|団塊世代が生んだ!?底なし「ハト型暴力」|| |135|19910930|Luxury cars in the midst of a depression|Shukan Bunshun|9/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|2億円もしたフェラーリF40が1億円以下 高級乗用車ただ今、暴落中|| |136|19910930|Super popular! This fall, convertibles fly like the wind!|Shukan Asahi|10/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|大人気!この秋、オープンカーが風を切る|| |137|19910930|“Global JAL": Catch up and overtake ANA|Aera|9/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|航空 ANAに追いつき追い越せ「世界のJAL」|| |138|19910930|Leyton House: Formula One owner pulls out of the race|Aera|10/1|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|F1オーナーのコースアウト レイトンハウス|| |139|19911014|Japanese reporters are mere company employees|Aera|10/1|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本の記者は単に会社員|| |140|19911014|Herding boys and girls: "Rules and pleasures"|Spa!|10/9|AF(Adam Fulford)|SPECIAL REPORT パーキング族、レディース、チーム、追っかけ・・・ 群れたがる少年・少女の“規律と快感”|| |141|19911014|A must-see for delinquent high-school students: "Dance Koshien" mania|Shukan Shincho|10/17|AF(Adam Fulford)|不良高校生必見番組「ダンス甲子園の熱狂」|| |142|19911014|We love grade-C journalism!|Spa!|10/3|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|スキャンダル、ゴシップから出る“マコト”C級ジャーナリズムが好きだっ!|| |143|19911021|Japan gorges itself into diabetic ruin|Aera|10/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|SPECIAL 飽食日本に兆す糖尿病亡国|| |144|19911021|Buck naked for N-billion yen: Miyazawa Rie is finally completely nude!|Shukan Hoseki|10/23|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|宮沢りえがついに全裸ヌード!ん億円のスッポンポン|| |145|19911021|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Kiko-sama: A Tour of the delivery room. All preparations complete. The birth could be tomorrow… ②From 0 grams to 2,400: Expecting mother Kiko-sama's "Happiness Album"|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin|10/29,10/22|-|-|記事表題だけ2本| |146|19911021|What do they do normally?|Spa!|10/9|AF(Adam Fulford)|彼らは普段何をしているのか?|| |147|19911028|The reason why the mass media "loves" Obayashi Masako|Shukan Asahi|11/1|AF(Adam Fulford)|スキャンドル|| |148|19911028|Miyazawa Rie: A first kiss with Motoki Masahiro abroad amid the nude brouhaha|Flash|10/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|宮沢りえ、ヌード騒動渦中に海外で本木雅弘と初キス|| |149|19911028|Is "dead cert" Miyazawa Kiichi a "cold genius"?|Shukan Gendai|10/26|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|“大本命”宮沢喜一は“冷たい大秀才”なのか|| |150|19911028|Evening in Shinjuku: Shin-Tocho is the new dating spot|Aera|10/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|夜の新宿 新都庁舎はデートの新スポット|| |151|19911104|The most distinguished servant of the Miyazawa administration is badly tainted|Shukan Bunshun|11/7|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|独占スクープ 東京地検特捜部の捜査の進展 宮沢政権最大の功労者に重大汚点|| |152|19911104|My 10 months with Kiko-sama: The secrets I heard from Kiko-sama.|Shukan Bunshun|11/7|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|私と紀子さまの十ヵ月 紀子さまに聞かれてしまったナイショの話|| |153|19911104|Dictionary of hackneyed news reporting|Spa!|10/30|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ニュース報道「紋切型辞典」|| |154|19911104|Witnessed by "Freeters": The details of dangerous part-time jobs|Spa!|11/6|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|フリーターが目撃したバイト先のヤバイ仕事内容|| |155|19911118|Omae Ken'ichi says: Presidents and employees - Shift the emphasis from work to living|Shukan Post|11/15|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|大前研一の「社長も社員も労使思考から生活者思考に転換せよ」|| |156|19911118|Miyazawa Rie: "Blood discharge" from injury and "downy hair" in photos|Josei Jishin|11/26|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|撮影中の出血(ケガ)と産毛(うぶげ)|| |157|19911118|Kiko-sama Princess Mama FLASH!! ①Mako-chan likes music boxes. ②The Mako-chama Constitution. ③Mother's looking out for her baby; Masako-sama's layered clothing was mother's request.|Shukan Josei, Josei Jishin, Josei Jishin|11/26, 11/26, 11/26|-|-|記事表題だけ3本| |158|19911118|Foreign correspondents are waiting expectantly for Mitchy's next slip|Shukan Asahi|11/22|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|外国特派員が手ぐすねひくミッチーの“次の失言”|| |159|19911125|Why Japanese rugby can't catch up with the rest of the world|Spa!|11/20|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|日本ラグビーが世界に追いつけない理由|| |160|19911125|The Japanese Manhattan: Shinjuku is sinking!?|Shukan Asahi|11/29|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|日本のマンハッタン 新宿が沈む!?|| |161|19911125|What's the difference between this and just plain water?|Shukan Bunshun|11/28|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「タダの水」とどこがどう違う?|| |162|19911125|Bell-bottoms make a comeback along with Yamamoto Linda|Aera|11/26|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|山本リンダとともにカムバック ラッパズボン|| |163|19911202|Dementia and brain hemorrhage can be prevented by the "brain docks"|Shukan Bunshun|11/28|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|予約は1年先までいっぱい ボケ・脳卒中は「脳ドッグ」で防げる|| |164|19911202|[[Geino Special Report: This is how I blew "Kohaku"!>芸能特捜班企画 私はこれで「紅白」を棒にふりました!]]|Josei Jishin|12/10|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[芸能特捜班企画 私はこれで「紅白」を棒にふりました!]]|| |165|19911202|[[Making toys out of their patients: Otaku doctors and akkera-kangofu>患者をオモチャにするオタク医者とアッケラ看護婦]]|Spa!|12/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|[[患者をオモチャにするオタク医者とアッケラ看護婦]]|| |166|19911202|Casting light on 50 riddles about taxis|Spa!|12/4|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|Business Beat 今年も来るゾ、タクシー待ち地獄。年末の酔っぱらいに贈る 上級者向け極秘情報 タクシー50の謎を解明|| |167|19911209|Foreign gangsters eating into the Japanese market|Aera|12/10|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|マフィアの上陸 日本市場を喰い分ける外国人ヤクザ|| |168|19911209|Kayama Yuzo(54) at a loss for words over father's (Uehara Ken) personal effects! The name of Msami's lover (of 10 years) was on the underwear (pants)! Unforgivable!|Josei Jishin|12/17|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|許せない!加山雄三(54才)父(上原謙)の遺品に絶句!下着(パンツ)の裏に雅美さんの「愛人」の名が!|| |169|19911209|Men adrift in virtual sex|Asahi Journal|12/13|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|仮想現実の性を漂うオトコたち|| |170|19911209|Sense of crisis for Sumo Association. National sport being overwhelmed by 30-strong gaijin force.|Shukan Shincho|12/5|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|外国勢30人に席巻される国技「相撲協会」の危機感|| |171|19911223|Alcohol harassment at end-of-year parties|Aera|12/17|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|「アルハラ」という嫌がらせ|| |172|19911223|①Ah, the Xmas bakappuru ②Hotels at year-end are do-it-all-you want playthings for Oils and college coeds ③She'll be completely gone! The ultimate "Christmas-ful course."|Josei Jishin, Shukan Post, Friday|12/24-1/1, 1/3-1/10, 12/27|-|年末のホテルはOL、女子大生やりたい放題|| |173|19911223|The riddle of the fiance who deceived Azuma Chizuru|Shukan Hoseki|1/2-1/9|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|東ちづるが騙された結婚相手の謎!|| |174|19911230|The first Spa! '91 Red and White News Song Contest|Spa!|12/18|TK(Tanaka Kiyoko)|ENTERTAINMENT 第1回SPA!’91紅白ニュース歌合戦|| |175|19911230|91: The worst 3 of everything you loved and hated|Spa!|11/27|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|WORST GRAND PRIX 中野翠・宅八郎・大槻ケンヂ・四方田犬彦・・・・・・ら辛口論者が独断で選ぶ ’91年愛と怒りのなんでもワースト3|| |176|19911230|The Japan face of the year|Friday|12/27|AJB(Anthony J . Bryant)|「日本の顔」(ザ・フェイス・オブ・ザ・イヤー)|| |177|19911230|Beat Takeshi '92 Nippon. Aah, great prophecies|Flash|1/7-1/14|AF(Adam Fulford)|ビートたけし 92年“ああニッポン大予言”|| ---- *関連ページ #related()




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