

**Sex among schoolgirls... It's finaly come to this 

Shukan Hoseki 3/31

"The other day I played hooky from physical education class. While by myself in the classroom,
my new science teacher summoned me... He snapped a pair of toy handcuffs on my wrists and
then, before I could put up any resistance, he stripped me to the buff. And with me still an inno-
cent virgin..."
Heralded by the English subtitle "High School Girl, Mature in Body and in Mind." [sic]Shukan
Hoseki says the above passage might be typical of the 200 weekly submissions to a magazine read by
junior high school girls. Among the numerous publications in print, this one called "Luna teen"(the
similarity of the magazine's name to "Loony Tunes" is believed purely unintentional), is rated
tops in its "etchi-do"(degree of earthy indelicacy).
"Most of our readers are junior high students, I'd say 99.percent are female, "Kinji Akimoto, "Luna
teen's" editor, tells Shukan Hoseki. "For some reason, the magazine sells better in rural areas than
in major cities."

According to Akimoto, his magazine receives some 400 reader submissions a week, of which
"about half" can be described as "etchi taiken" (loosely translated as sexual experiences). "I think
most of them are based on true accounts, although I suppose that the more exaggerated ones in which
girls are raped and so on are mostly young virgins' fantasies." 

Many of these aspiring young authors, moreover, supplement their articles with shockingly explicit illustrations.
Initially most reader submissions to "Luna teen" had been in essay form, but as the younger generation has become increasingly visually
oriented, contributors now supplement their stories with drawings that feature everything from nudity and masturbation to sadomasochism and
rape. Shukan Hoseki provides photographic evidence of this budding adolescent creativity in the form of snapshots taken from reader's sub-
missions, among which are stories from one girl who enjoyed watching a porno video purchased via mail order, or another, who discovered the
pleasures offered from an "adult toy." i.e. battery-powered sex aid.
"I wonder if these fantasies are exaggerated only for the parts that are not true experiences." speculates Akimoto. "For a lot of these girls, I
suppose it represents their own psychological desires."
Shukan Hoseki reports with no added commentary that "Luna teen" has also received at least one account of a "true experience" from a
sixth-grade elementary schooler. (MS) 





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