Schoolgirls' sex lives:steamy but stunted

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>Schoolgirls' sex lives are a staple of the average Japanese man's fantasies, but the recent publication of a book detailing the nether niceties of these nubile nymphs could be more of a nightmare, if Shukan Gendai (2/16) is on the mark.

>Parents would apparently be shocked to learn of their daughters' doings, the weekly suggests, based on the findings of "Ichimannin ni Kiita Onna no ko no Ecchi" (Ten Thousand Tell of Girl's Sex Lives), a book analyzinga detailed sex questionnaire completed by 10,000 girls ranging in age from 12 to 20.
両親は自分の娘達がしていることを知ると、明らかにショックを受けると、12歳から20歳の世代の1万人の少女に対する詳細な性のアンケートを分析した本「一万人にきいた女の子のえっち[*1]」(Ten Thousand Tell of Girl's Sex Lives)に基づき週刊誌は指摘する。

>Shukan Gendai notes that of the 10,000 schoolgirls, 61.1 percent were sexually experienced, while almost half lost their virginity at 15 or 16. Of those with experience, 87.7 percent had also performed fellatio, while 72.2 percent had been to a love hotel.

>Some of the opinions of the girls were astounding. When it came to the first time, orthodox beliefs such as remaining chaste until finding true love existed, but the majority of virgins were keen to imbibe in the pleasures of the flesh.

>"Every time I read a magazine questionnaire or look at a comic book, I think I'd better hurry up and get it over with or I could be in trouble," one 14-year-old girl says in reference to her virginity, while another 16-year-old moans that she must have sex quickly as she's "getting too old."

>It also seems some of the girls' worries about physical intimacy could be a bit better founded.

>"I always wonder about my socks," a 15-year-old girl says. "What are you supposed to do with them? Do you take them off yourself, or what?"
「私はいつも私の靴下について不思議に思うの」15歳の少女は言う。「あなたは一体これをどうするの? あなたが自分で履いてみるの? それとも?」

>Among the ideal "first times" Shukan Gendai outlines are desire from a 14-year-old girl to "do it with my favorite teacher," and a girl just one year older who insists "he'll have to enter me from behind." More alarming is the 16-year-old girl who wants to "sit on his lap, while he tells me what a good little girl I am and slowly undoes my buttons. If I've gone that far, I'd probably also ask him to do it to me anally."

>Others came across as somewhat more practical.

>"Just as long as he gets it into the hole," was one 16-year-old girl's response.

>Schoolgirls' impressions of their first sight of a lover's private parts were also notable.

>"It's not like Daddy's," was a 14-year-old girl's opinion, while a more seasoned 19-year-old thought "it looked like Darth Vader."

>Another 18-year-old girl was repulsed.

>"Ever since then, I've never been able to look at a hot dog again," she says.

>Most shocking of the information contained in the book, according to Shukan Gendai, is the sheer lack of knowledge many of the young girls had about what they were doing.

>"I thought if you climaxed, you'd get pregnant," one 14-year-old recalls. "I climaxed twice and just couldn't stop crying."

>Even an 18-year-old was somewhat bewildered.

>"When people talked about scatology, I thought they were referring to the missionary position," she says.

>Wako University sexologist Kim Myung Gun blames education for the lack of awareness.
和光大学のsexologist、Kim Myung Gunは性認識の欠如について、教育を非難する。

>"Japan's sex education works on the mistaken premise that high school students couldn't possibly be having sex, so the kids are never really taught about sexual awareness," he tells Shukan Gendai. "As this book seems to indicate, schoolgirls are being starved of correct sexual awareness."
February 5, 2002





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