

紙媒体MDN時代のwaiwaiタイトル1994年 - (2008/08/15 (金) 11:16:31) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

These are the reproduction of articles originally published on Mainichi Daily News' "WaiWai" section. Almost all of the articles were nothing but trumped-up stories.
Please DO NOT believe them!
Were these stories real? No Japanese readers would believe them.
Some immoral writers made up the story, taking from dubious "news" from tabloids and gossip magazines.
However, some readers unfortunately believed the articles.
There's no wonder--these stories were published by the Mainichi Newspapers, one of the Japanese major "quality" papers.
The writers and Mainichi seem to understand very well that fiction is stronger than reality
--at least for readers with little experience with Japan.
Don't believe Mainichi, never!
PLEASE WATCH MOVIE BELOW, it helps you to understand background of these problem.

番号 掲載年月日 表題(英語) 引用雑誌名 引用雑誌号数 表題(日本語) 署名(イニシャル)
1 19940109 ‘Charaoke' Flash 1/10 「カラオケ」で性格診断! MH(Michael Hoffman)
2 19940109 Simply being cute isn't enough. We give you the secret of increased popularity through accessories with supernatural powers. Dime 1/1 カワイイだけじゃダメ!「おまじないアクセ」流行のヒミツ、教えます IT(Ito Takeshi)
3 19940109 Economic report from the back alleys and restrooms Shukan Asahi 1/7 トイレから見るASEANの成長力 IT(Ito Takeshi)
4 19940109 AIDS report: private confessions of Mr. P Shukan Asahi 1/7 [緊急エイズ・リポート]感染者P氏の独白 MH(Michael Hoffman)
5 19940109 Some things never change (They're certainly bigger are they better? William Wetherall casts an alien's eye over Japan's weekly magazines.) - - - WW(William Wetherall)
6 19940116 Peculiar packages. Tour conductors report from the front line. Spa! 1/12 キワモノ・ツアー IT(Ito Takeshi)
7 19940116 Scoop! Secret CIA reports on Hosokawa and Ozawa Shukan Post 1/14 CIAの「細川・小沢」?報告書をスッパ抜く! IT(Ito Takeshi)
8 19940116 Okushiri spa recovers from quake and tsunami damage Focus 1/19 地震・津波の奥尻島に復旧したこんな「温泉」 MH(Michael Hoffman)
9 19940116 Japanese bachelors brave disappointment and high prices in search of Chinese brides. Friday 1/21 中国人花嫁を求めて MH(Michael Hoffman)
10 19940116 The importance of being ignorant (Sated on information? Brutus presents the advocate of lean cuisine for the mind. Michael Hoffman reports.) Brutus 1/1-15 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
11 19940123 The reason OLs flock to Hong Kong on ' employment tours' Dime 1/20 香港就職ツアーにOLが殺到する理由 IT(Ito Takeshi)
12 19940123 For great imported rice, try cooking it this way Shukan Asahi 1/28 「輸入米はこう炊けばウマい」 IT(Ito Takeshi)
13 19940123 Why former ozekis Konishiki and Kirishima can't retire Shukan Gendai 1/29 元大関 小錦・霧島が引退できない IT(Ito Takeshi)
14 19940123 Gas emergency crews work to allay uneasiness The 21 February ガスの緊急保安隊員 都市の抱える不安を追走する MS(Mark Schreiber)
15 19940123 Making an impression (Don't bother cultivating inner depths, Da Capo discovers. We're all at the mercy of first impressions. Michael Hoffman reports.) Da Capo 1/19 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
16 19940130 The Neon: Will it be the ' Japanese car killer' ? Shukan Gendai 2/4 脅威の“日本車キラー”になるのか MS(Mark Schreiber)
17 19940130 ‘Professional Baseball News' to be pulled Shukan Bunshun 1/27 プロ野球ニュース」打切り IT(Ito Takeshi)
18 19940130 The mechanics behind a four-day tour to Guam for 9,800 yen Shukan Shincho 1/27 グアム」四日間九八〇〇円のツアーを組んだ「からくり IT(Ito Takeshi)
19 19940130 A condemned prisoner's last morning Aera 1/24 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
20 19940130 Loving the alien (Michael Hoffman finds out how to make friends with foreigners in the pages of Da Capo. Da Capo 2/2 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
21 19940206 Don't worry! The wind's of change are on Akuma-kun's side! Spa! 2/2 だいじょうぶ!時代の風は悪魔君の味方だ! MS(Mark Schreiber)
22 19940206 Why are gays so popular now? Shukan Gendai 2/12 - IT(Ito Takeshi)
23 19940206 Ex-Professor Yano is sacked again; this time from a temple Shukan Asahi 2/11 修業先の寺も追われた矢野元教授 IT(Ito Takeshi)
24 19940206 Why is Tokyo's waste being dumped in Kyushu? Views 2/9 首都圏のゴミはなぜ九州に捨てられるのか MS(Mark Schreiber)
25 19940206 ‘Native foreigners' (From the Mercury clone to 'Amazon Japanese,' Denim takes a peek at the lifestyles of this motley crew. Michael Hoffman reports.) Denim March - MH(Michael Hoffman)
26 19940213 Why domestic air fares are higher than international fares Denim March 国内線と国際線の航空運賃逆転現象の不思議 MS(Mark Schreiber)
27 19940213 Endangered bloomers Shukan Asahi 2/18 ブルマー絶滅の危機 TI(Takeshi Ito)
28 19940213 Eating insects will save mankind! Weekly Playboy 2/22 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
29 19940213 The neo-refugees of Heisei Japan Spa! 2/16 平成ニッポンのネオ難民たち MS(Mark Schreiber)
30 19940213 ‘Desire is sad' (Michael Hoffman looks at what the world's oldest profession has to offer to Japanese businessmen and tourists abroad through the pages of Views.) Views 2/9 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
31 19940220 The day that Denen Chof becomes a ghost town Shukan Gendai 2/26 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
32 19940220 The withdrawal of guards for ex-prime ministers begins Shukan Asahi 2/25 政界再編の余波はここにも・・・・・・元首相たちのSPはずしが始まった TI(Takeshi Ito)
33 19940220 Council for destroying the Japanese language! Weekly Playboy 3/1 ニホンゴをぶっつぶせ審議会! TI(Takeshi Ito)
34 19940220 Parts omitted from the TV broadcast of the Crown Prince and Princess' press conference Shukan Yomiuri 2/27 雅子さま「ご病状」「ご懐妊」会見で放映されなかった部分 MS(Mark Schreiber)
35 19940220 Lost generations (Spa! Grapples with the moral ambiguities behind the selling of soiled skimpies. Michael Hoffman reports.) Spa! 2/16 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
36 19940227 Actual accounts of 'manshon' ghost stories Weekly Playboy 3/8 実録!「マンションの怪談」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
37 19940227 Will teetotaling men surpass those who drink? Spa! 2/23 「ノンアルコール野郎」は酒飲み男を超えるか TI(Takeshi Ito)
38 19940227 Senior high school girls turn to cosmetic surgery Shukan Post 3/4 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
39 19940227 Trying a full course of Japan's oldest palace-style meal Dime 3/3 平安建都1200年の味 日本最古の「王朝料理フルコース」を食す MS(Mark Schreiber)
40 19940227 Thick, stubby, sticky (Michael Hoffman digests Aera's feature on the government's attempts to 'purify' foreign rice.) Aera 2/21 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
41 19940306 The vexing reverse discrimination against handicapped people Spa! 3/3 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
42 19940306 JAL's domestic stewardesses cry over overseas reassignments Shukan Asahi 3/11 JAL国内線専門スチュワーデス 全員配転で聞こえる悲鳴 TI(Takeshi Ito)
43 19940306 What is the 'osoto tribe' Shukan Gendai 3/12 夫を拒否する妻の次は子供たちまでが…小・中・高生に激増する「おそと族」って何だ? TI(Takeshi Ito)
44 19940306 Can Japanese be given middle names? Denim April ミドルネームは付けられるのですか? MS(Mark Schreiber)
45 19940306 A lifestyle disease (Michael Hoffman diagnoses View' series of articles on cancer.) Views 3/9 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
46 19940313 Nowadays, Japanese women are over-charged with 'sexual voltage' Shukan Bunshun 3/10 最近、女性たちの性的ボルテージが上がり過ぎている MS(Mark Schreiber)
47 19940313 Odds stacking against Nagano holding successful Olympics Shukan Shincho 3/10 「長野五輪」は開催出来ないというこれだけの「事実」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
48 19940313 Drop dead Verdy! Shukan Gendai 3/19 くたばれ!ヴェルディ TI(Takeshi Ito)
49 19940313 Murphy's Law of Japan ASCII Publishing - - MS(Mark Schreiber)
50 19940313 Hiring adjustment (Dime warns that as corporations try to stay afloat, excess baggage is being thrown overboard at will. Michael Hoffman reports.) Dime 3/17 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
51 19940320 How the H-2 rocket will change the nation's future Bart 3/28 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
52 19940320 Plans for remodeling Ozawa Views 3/23 小沢一郎「改造」計画 TI(Takeshi Ito)
53 19940320 Sieg Heil! The initiation ritual into a Japanese neo-Nazi group Friday 3/25 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
54 19940320 Japanese student raped in London hotel Shukan Bunshun 3/17 日本人女子学生がロンドンのホテルでレイプされた TI(Takeshi Ito)
55 19940320 Where's my daddy? (Bart reveals the sad plight of 10,000 children in the Philippines abandoned by their Japanese fathers. Michael Hoffman reports.) Bart 3/28 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
56 19940327 Why has the nation's police force become so degenerate Shukan Gendai 4/2 ニッポンの警察はなぜこうまで腐敗してしまったのか MS(Mark Schreiber)
57 19940327 Japan injures Thais' pride Aera 3/28 「タイ米たたき」に思うタイ人の誇りを傷つけた日本 TI(Takeshi Ito)
58 19940327 Don't panic because there's no home-grown rice! Shukan Bunshun 3/24 コメがないくらいでオタオタするな! TI(Takeshi Ito)
59 19940327 Sex among schoolgirls… It's finally come to this Shukan Hoseki 3/31 ついにここまで・・・女子中高生の性 MS(Mark Schreiber)
60 19940327 Crumbling concepts (Michael Hoffman casts an eye over the changing roles of men and women in today's society through the pages of Spa! Spa! 3/23 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
61 19940403 The ' Sakura Front' moves northward Aera 4/4 さくら前線北上中 MS(Mark Schreiber)
62 19940403 Listening to CDs results in increased stress Shukan Asahi 4/8 「CDは音程が狂う」説に加え「ストレスがたまる」説!? TI(Takeshi Ito)
63 19940403 Investigative report on atrocious airport taxis at Narita Shukan Bunshun 3/31 「極悪非道」成田空港タクシーおっかなびっくり突撃レポート TI(Takeshi Ito)
64 19940403 ‘Dutch Wife' designers: Producing plastic sex media The 21 April ダッチワイフ設計者ウレタンの性メディアを創作する MS(Mark Schreiber)
65 19940403 Living in a cardboard box (Michael Hoffman looks at the condition of the homeless through the pages of Spa!.) Spa! 3/30 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
66 19940417 How to avoid being killed in America Shukan Gendai 4/16 アメリカで殺されないための生き方教えます MS(Mark Schreiber)
67 19940417 Dentsu's plan for reforming pro baseball is so interesting Shukan Post 4/22 コミッショナーの依頼で、天下の電通が密かに考案プロ野球改革案は仰天するほど面白い TI(Takeshi Ito)
68 19940417 Why have women's busts suddenly become big? Denim May バストはなぜ急に大きくなったのか? TI(Takeshi Ito)
69 19940417 Is Hi-Vision really necessary? Dime 4/21 ハイビジョンは本当に必要か!? MS(Mark Schreiber)
70 19940417 Murder archipelago (Michael Hoffman pries into the pages of the Sunday Mainichi searching for an explanation for the recent spate of murders rocking the country.) Sunday Mainichi 3/27 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
71 19940424 Le Japon's comments about sexual inactivity anger Japanese Shukan Gendai(or Shukan Bunshun) 4/21 「日本人の性の営みは不活発」とはよけいなお世話 MS(Mark Schreiber)
72 19940424 I was Kawasaki Verdy's private ' soap lady' Shukan Post 4/29 「私はヴェルディ川崎専用ソープ嬢」と名乗り出た女性 GB(Geoff Botting)
73 19940424 Some expensive products are still selling despite the recession Trendy May - GB(Geoff Botting)
74 19940424 Would introducing self-serve gas stations lower the price of fuel Denim May - MS(Mark Schreiber)
75 19940424 Distorted great power (Dr. (sic) Michael Hoffman takes the pulse of a nation of hypochondriacs through the pages of Bart.) Bart 4/25 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
76 19940501 Fukuoka beauty salon operator murdered the wrong person Shukan Asahi 5/6-13 美人美容師は人違いで殺された ML(Margaret Layman)
77 19940501 The number of women who don't bathe is increasing! Shukan Bunshun 4/28 風呂に入らない女が増えている!? GB(Geoff Botting)
78 19940501 The nightmarish days of a 17-year-old girl with AIDS Shukan Gendai 5/7-14 エイズになった17歳女子高生の「怯える日々 ML(Margaret Layman)
79 19940501 Seiko Matsuda's foreign lover to release 2nd book Shukan Post 5/6-13 ベッドの上の聖子」第2弾超過激!下書き原稿入手 GB(Geoff Botting)
80 19940501 Arranged marriages (Michael Hoffman plays go-between for a Da Capo editor who puts his bachelorhood on the line to cover dating game.) Da Capo 5/4 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
81 19940508 Dubious dentists are destroying patient's teeth Shukan Yomiuri 5/8-15 これでいいのか!歯科治療 ヘタな歯医者が歯を壊す TI(Takeshi Ito)
82 19940508 What's bothering the 'panty' shrine in Wakayama Monthly Plaboy june 別名パンティー神社の大いなる悩み TI(Takeshi Ito)
83 19940508 Japanese women taking their own Thai sex tours Views 5/11 タイ版“イエローキャブ”セックスに飢え、男を買う日本人女性の行状 GB(Geoff Botting)
84 19940508 More foreigner criminals are targeting Japan Flash 5/17 ここ数年激増中 外国人犯罪黒書Ⅱ GB(Geoff Botting)
85 19940508 The art of negotiation (Michael Hoffman attends Aera's seminar on how to succeed as a bargainer.) Aera 5/2-9 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
86 19940515 Beware of the dangerous traps of ' amateur crime' Bart 5/23-6/13 あなたを襲う「アマチュア犯罪」の危険な罠 MS(Mark Schreiber)
87 19940515 Miraculous vegetable soup fails to cure ailments Shukan Asahi 5/20 怪人の「野菜スープ」に泣いた人たちの痛憤 TI(Takeshi Ito)
88 19940515 The complete guide to the New Kansai Int'l Airport Aera 5/16 関西新空港9月開港を前に徹底ガイド TI(Takeshi Ito)
89 19940515 How old must one be to use the 'silver seats' on trains Denim june シルバーシートに相応しいお年寄りの基準 MS(Mark Schreiber)
90 19940515 Accepting homosexuality (In a society prides itself on conformity Views attempts to open the cast-iron doors to gays. Michael Hoffman reports.) Views 5/11 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
91 19940522 Price deceptions: The market of the absurd Spa! 5/25 わかっちゃいるけど腹が立つ!ムチャ高相場の値段のカラクリ MS(Mark Schreiber)
92 19940522 Sushi chef forced to use gloves in New York Aera 5/23 手袋して握った「SUSHI」の味は?NYで食文化めぐり日米摩擦 MS(Mark Schreiber)
93 19940522 High schoolgirl students finding no shortage of marijuana Weekly Playboy 5/31 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
94 19940522 21 Cabinet ministers put under the scope Shukan Gendai 5/28 これほど国民をばかにした内閣があっただろうか.いくら人材が不足とはいえ、寄せ集めの“欠陥”大臣たちに日本を委ねるわけにいかない 小沢・羽田“軽佻浮薄”内閣21人総点検 TI(Takeshi Ito)
95 19940522 Poisoned powerhouse (Michael Hoffman sloshes through Friday's feature on a nation sinking in industrial waste.) Friday 5/27 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
96 19940529 Thai women swarm to secret Shinjuku discos Shukan Yomiuri 6/5 新東京疎開ルポ<新宿・歌舞伎町>秘密ディスコで蠢くタイ女性の群れ MS(Mark Schreiber)
97 19940529 Why was Rev. Son Myong Moon granted a visa and Maradona not? Shukan Bunshun 5/26 文鮮明OKでマラドーナはなぜダメ TI(Takeshi Ito)
98 19940529 What criteria do airlines follow in selecting Japanese magazines? Dime 6/2 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
99 19940529 Michael Fay brings foreign culture back home to America Spa! 6/1 フェイ君が米国にもたらした異文化はアメかムチか!? MS(Mark Schreiber)
100 19940529 Land of opportunity? (Shukan Gendai urges the nation to wake up to the cries of impoverished illegals. Michael Hoffman reports.) Shukan Gendai 5/28 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
101 19940605 Department stores are fighting their last battle Diamond 6/4 百貨店最後の戦い MS(Mark Schreiber)
102 19940605 The Japanese version of the 'man-eating' bacteria Shukan Bunshun 6/9 日本版「人喰いバクテリア」は足が速い MS(Mark Schreiber)
103 19940605 The joys of nomadic living Denim july - TI(Takeshi Ito)
104 19940605 Osaka shop sells products made from marijuana Friday 6/10 「大麻はアサだ」とか大阪・ミナミに開店した「大麻専門店」の“アブナイ売り物” TI(Takeshi Ito)
105 19940605 Textbooks in disguise (Michael Hoffman scans the pages of Da Capo for insight into the national obsession with comic books.) Da Capo 6/1 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
106 19940619 Some married couples are paying each other for sex Shukan Gendai 6/26 おカネを払ってSEXする夫婦が激増する MS(Mark Schreiber)
107 19940619 The lazy lifestyles of 'cactus women' Spa! 6/15 大発生 サボテン女の生態レポート TI(Takeshi Ito)
108 19940619 The New Kansai Airport leaves some people crying Shukan Jitsuwa 6/23 『関西新空港』開港で泣く人空港周辺の住民国内線は残せ TI(Takeshi Ito)
109 19940619 Why do banks charge so much for their services Denim July 何にそんなに金がかかるのか? MS(Mark Schreiber)
110 19940619 The age of illicit love (A happily-married Michael Hoffman peruses through the pages of Da Capo to find that furin is running rampant in the workplace.) Da Capo 5/15 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
111 19940626 Lawlessness threatens Japan's northern and southern borders Aera 6/27 北と南「国境」侵す無法稚内でロシアマフィアが武器密売 MS(Mark Schreiber)
112 19940626 A travel chronicle aboard the world's 'No. 1' karaoke taxi Shukan Yomiuri 7/3 “世界一”のカラオケ・タクシー同乗記「何曲でもタダ記念写真も・・・」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
113 19940626 Some hints which may help you win a seat on a crowded train Shukan Hoseki 6/30 次の駅で降りる客の動作を探せ! TI(Takeshi Ito)
114 19940626 Learning English conversation doesn't make for a better life Spa! 6/22 「英会話至上主義」の愚 TI(Takeshi Ito)
115 19940626 Revolutionary talent (Flash commemorates the landing of the ' black ships' on the 200th anniversary of the birth of their illustrious leader, Matthew Perry. Michael Hoffman reports.) Flash 6/21 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
116 19940703 ‘5 laws' for women who work in the sex trade Spa! 6/29 風俗で働くオンナ「5つの法則」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
117 19940703 Appearances decide the outcome of elections Aera 7/4 「選挙は見た目が勝負だ」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
118 19940703 The bizarre lifestyles of weekend supermen Denim August われら週末スーパーマン TI(Takeshi Ito)
119 19940703 A business hotel's special service gets an audience rating of 100% Shukan Bunshun 6/30 AV視聴率100%!? 慕ビジネスホテルの特別サービス MS(Mark Schreiber)
120 19940703 A complex community (Michael Hoffman spotlights the lifestyles of Japanese expatriates' wives through the pages of Aera.) Aera 6/20 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
121 19940717 To bleep or not to bleep? That's the question Denim August ワイセツな方言の放送はどこまでひっかかる MS(Mark Schreiber)
122 19940717 Animal welfare association drugs 10,000 dogs to death Shukan Shincho 7/14 常陸宮妃殿下の日本動物福祉協会犬一万匹薬殺 TI(Takeshi Ito)
123 19940717 Miracle healer Hikaru Takatsuka tired of all the attention Shukan Hoseki, Shukan Asahi 7/21, 7/15 超能力・高塚光「もうやめたい!」と告白 TI(Takeshi Ito)
124 19940717 The dreaded outdoor boom Bart 7/25 怒るべし!!平成アウトドア大ブーム MS(Mark Schreiber)
125 19940717 Sex and the State (William Wetherall intercepts Shukan Kin'yobi's missives to couples pondering a June wedding.) Shukan kinyobi - - WW(William Wetherall)
126 19940724 Yakuza vs. the Chinese Mafia: Bloodshed in the darkness Asahi Geino 7/21 ヤクザVS中国マフィア「闇の流血」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
127 19940724 Peeping into the dense universe of mini communication journals Spa! 7/20 仰天企画続出!ミニコミ誌の濃密な内容を覗く TI(Takeshi Ito)
128 19940724 Some tell-tale signs of a gambling addict Aera 7/25 ああどうにも止まらない TI(Takeshi Ito)
129 19940724 Why Utsunomiya is the gyoza capital of Japan Dime 7/21 宇都宮が「餃子日本一」になった謎を解く MS(Mark Schreiber)
130 19940724 Invasion of the coneheads (Yokozuna Sig Pedersen grapples with the problem of silicone implants in sumo through the pages of Shukan Asahi.) Shukan Asahi 7/15 - Sig Pedersen
131 19940731 Increase in jaw dislocations a hard tale to swallow Bart 8/8 フェ××オというやつが日本から消える日!? MS(Mark Schreiber)
132 19940731 Why did North Koreans from every walk of life cry so much? Aera 8/1 身をよじる慟哭はなぜ TI(Takeshi Ito)
133 19940731 Why is the 'cut-wrist syndrome' so popular among young people? Shukan Gendai 8/6 若者に急増しているリストカット症候群って何だ TI(Takeshi Ito)
134 19940731 Is Makiko Tanaka really just your average housewife? Sunday Mainichi 8/7 田中真紀子って何だ! MS(Mark Schreiber)
135 19940731 Robbed of rain (Globetrotting Michael Hoffman tours the nation's drought-stricken areas through the pages of Weekly Playboy.) Weekly Playboy 8/9 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
136 19940807 Nigerian con artists finding Japan to their liking Shukan Asahi 8/12 金満ニッポンの闇の世界の新興勢力 ナイジェリア・マフィア MS(Mark Schreiber)
137 19940807 Yamaguchi-gumi drastically drops monthly gang dues Shukan Taishu 8/15 山口組『月会費』を大幅値下げ!! MS(Mark Schreiber)
138 19940807 How to choose an English conversation school Shukan Gendai 8/13 英会話学校の選び方 TI(Takeshi Ito)
139 19940807 The pleasures of collecting items of no commercial value Aera 8/8 B級コレクターの悦楽 TI(Takeshi Ito)
140 19940807 In one ear, out the other (Has communication become another throw-away item for the youth of the nineties? Spa! Seems to think so. Michael Hoffman reports.) Spa! 8/3 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
141 19990821 Japan is running out of water! Shukan Hoseki 8/18 日本列島は「水破産」する MS(Mark Schreiber)
142 19990821 Bound by excessive supervision Aera 8/15 華やかさの陰に情報過疎の悲哀 TI(Takeshi Ito)
143 19990821 Strange row between Murayama and Italian farmers Shukan Post 8/26 村山首相VS伊オリーブ 農家の奇妙なもめごと TI(Takeshi Ito)
144 19990821 Why are financial companies allowed to exchange blacklisted names? Denim September 銀行、クリジット会社・・・ブラックリスト情報を同業者間で勝手に流すのはプライバシー侵害じゃないか MS(Mark Schreiber)
145 19990821 Sorry, no women (Women face hard times in finding a job. They are humiliated and also discriminated against, says Bart. Michael Hoffman reports.) Bart 8/22 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
146 19940828 Novelist Ayako Sono is fed up with 'soul-searching' over the sins of the fathers during the war Shukan Post 9/2 呆れかえるのは村山首相以外ない MH(Michael Hoffman)
147 19940828 After the arrest of legendary terrorist Carlos, what lies ahead for the Japanese Red Army? Shukan Taishu 9/5 『カルロス逮捕』でどうなる日本赤軍! TI(Takeshi Ito)
148 19940828 Women's sexual aggression and alcohol - it's all in the hormones Shukan Gendai 9/3 『女は酒を飲むとスケベになる』 MH(Michael Hoffman)
149 19940828 Price destroyers make major inroads into the housing industry Shukan Asahi 9/2 価格破壊は住宅にも! TI(Takeshi Ito)
150 19940828 The cheaper the better (Shukan Hoseki gives the rundown on a wave of discount products hitting the market. Mark Schreiber reports.) Shukan Hoseki - - MS(Mark Schreiber)
151 19940904 Japan's no smoking zones: Go ahead and laugh Bart 8/22 お笑い!日本禁煙地帯 MS(Mark Schreiber)
152 19940904 Woman's sense of smell undergoing sudden changes Dime 9/1 突然起こった女たちの『ニオイ感覚異変』 TI(Takeshi Ito)
153 19940904 Can you really determine personalities from blood types? Aera 9/5 性格ブームはなぜ日本で起こる? TI(Takeshi Ito)
154 19940904 To hell with masculinity - Men's lib is taking root in Japan! Shukan Gendai 9/10 男らしさを捨てよ!『メンズ“リブ”』 MH(Michael Hoffman)
155 19940904 Fields of joy (Michael Hoffman spotlights a new breed of people turning to the country in their quest to find real life through the pages of Aera.) Aera 8/29 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
156 19940911 Infiltrating the front lines of the 'Tiananmen Mafia' Shukan Taishu 9/19 天安門マフィア『前線基地』に潜入! MS(Mark Schreiber)
157 19940911 From salaried workers to Ogasawara islanders Shukan Hoseki 9/15 小笠原島民になったサラリーマン9人! TI(Takeshi Ito)
158 19940911 Will high school girls bring this country to ruin? Shukan Gendai 9/17 『女子高生亡国論』 MS(Mark Schreiber)
159 19940911 Peddlers still pushing forged telephone cards in Ueno Aera 9/12 『変造カード』を追跡せよ TI(Takeshi Ito)
160 19940911 A new era dawns (From Woodstock Ⅱ to Japan's first gay and lesbian parade - the times they are a-changing. Michael Hoffman reports.) Weekly Playboy,Bart, Friday, Spa!, Shukan Shincho, Shukan Kinyobi 9/13, 9/12, 9/16, '92/12/30-'93/1/6・'94/9/7, 9/1, 8/26 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
Spa!('92/12/30-'93/1/6, '94/9/7)
161 19940918 Will the new Kansai Airport spur a foreign crime invasion? Shukan Jitsuwa 9/29 「関空」オープンで大阪ミナミは危険地帯 不良外国人が麻薬・売春・恐喝・窃盗 MS(Mark Schreiber)
162 19940918 Everything you need to know about the art of scouting Spa! 9/14 スカウトたちのスーパー人材発掘術 TI(Takeshi Ito)
163 19940918 The multimedia craze is not all it's cracked up to be Shukan Asahi 9/21 マルチメディアが描く夢の生活の大ウソ TI(Takeshi Ito)
164 19940918 The dangers of the overseas 'Eco-Tour' Boom The 21 October 「海外エコツアー」ブームの危険 MS(Mark Schreiber)
165 19940918 Active elders (Aera puts the scope on a range of senior citizens enjoying their longevity. Michael Hoffman reports.) Aera 9/15 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
166 19940925 Long commuting times contribute to a shorter lifespan Sunday Mainichi 10/2 「通勤時間」と「寿命」の因果な関係 MS(Mark Schreiber)
167 19940925 Japanese superheroes finding marketplace in Hollywood Dime 10/6 ハリウッド狙われる「ソフト大国」ニッポン TI(Takeshi Ito)
168 19940925 Life in Kansai is not easy for ignorant Tokyoites Aera 9/26 まかしとき関西人「ノリ」の良さを生むのはゆとり TI(Takeshi Ito)
169 19940925 Tom Clancy's new bestseller: Is a US-Japan war unimaginable? Shukan Shincho 9/22 トム・クランシーのベストセラー「新日米戦争」は荒唐無稽か MS(Mark Schreiber)
170 19940925 M. A. S. H. ed up operation (Japan at war: Just think of Henry Blake multiplied by 240,000, holding wooden rifles and shouting 'Bang! Bang!' Michael Hoffman reports.) Spa! 9/14 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
171 19941002 How to find employment in the 'pink' industry Da Capo 10/5 風俗ギャルの採用基準 MS(Mark Schreiber)
172 19941002 Japanese companies' reactions to love affairs at the office Views November 社内秘データでわかった有名50社「カイシャの掟」大公開 TI(Takeshi Ito)
173 19941002 The most comfortable city to live in Japan El Medio 10/1 快適都市ランキング TI(Takeshi Ito)
174 19941002 Gallery of the world's clandestine syndicates Sapio 10/13 地球を本当に操っているのは誰だ?世界シンジケート物語 MS(Mark Schreiber)
175 19941002 Demolished tradition (From the free marriage to the sexless marriage, Bart proclaims the institution, asa we know it, lives on as a relic. Michael Hoffman reports.) Bart 9/26 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
176 19941009 Japanese wives in the US endure physical abuse for a green card Shukan Jitsuwa 10/13 SEXの暴行殴る蹴るの暴力で日本人妻は泣いている MS(Mark Schreiber)
177 19941009 A lack of sleep is good for your body! Denim November 睡眠不足は体にいい TI(Takeshi Ito)
178 19941009 Pyongyang's secret spy training facility mimics Seoul Aera 10/10 平壌の地下に極秘のソウル TI(Takeshi Ito)
179 19941009 Japanese explorer finds going rough in South America Shukan Bunshun 10/6 南米自転車ひとり旅の難物は警官と犬と酔っ払いだ MS(Mark Schreiber)
180 19941009 Flying blind (Is Japan ready for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council? El Medio doesn't seem to think so. Michael Hoffman reports.) El Medio 10/8 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
181 19941016 Will the Giants CL victory revive the Japanese economy? Dime 10/21 「巨人が優勝すると景気が良くなる」説の根拠 MS(Mark Schreiber)
182 19941016 Who says funerals have to cost the earth? Sunday Mainichi 10/23 お葬式も個性化時代自分流でやれば総予算10万円 TI(Takeshi Ito)
183 19941016 Firms that decide everything based on superstition Shukan Asahi 10/21 「風水」で決める会社探検 TI(Takeshi Ito)
184 19941016 Capsule hotels retain their popularity amid the recession Da Capo 10/19 快適さで人気アップ カプセルホテルの評判 MS(Mark Schreiber)
185 19941016 The ODA illusion (Shukan Kinyobi casts doubt over Japan's claim of being the world's number-one aid donor. Michael Hoffman reports.) Shukan kinyobi 10/7 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
186 19941023 Sumo heads collude to exclude foreign grapplers Shukan Asahi 10/23 「外国人力士採用自粛」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
187 19941023 How far will Japanese girls go to please Hollywood stars? Bisho 11/12 K.コスナー悦楽 外タレ専用の「性の接待」組織があった TI(Takeshi Ito)
188 19941023 ‘Peace Boat' cruises aren't all they're cracked up to be Shukan Shincho 10/20 ピースボート豪華世界一周を「惨憺旅行」にした責任者 TI(Takeshi Ito)
189 19941023 Jilted Japanese males are turning murderous! Shukan Jitsuwa 10/27 妻の三下り半で多発する男の未練殺人事件特集 MS(Mark Schreiber)
190 19941023 It's a complex world (What's the world coming to? Spa warns the father complex and the Lolita complex are spreading like wildfire. Michael Hoffman reports.) Spa! 10/19 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
191 19941030 Innovative geniuses spawn new business successes Spa! 10/26 日常世界の天才仕事人 MS(Mark Schreiber)
192 19941030 Outrageous new rules for Tokyo apartments Shukan Taishu 11/7 マンション規則が山ほどある!! JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)
193 19941030 The feminine qualities of 'modern men' Bisho 11/12 「フェミ男クン」は「かわいい」か「トホホ」か!? JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)
194 19941030 Are new aspirants really filling farmers ranks? Dime 11/3 農家の後継者が7年ぶりに増えたのはナゼ!? MS(Mark Schreiber)
195 19941030 The plague hits Japan! (Only joking…but if the curtain of death did descend, Shukan Hoseki asks, just how would the government deal with it? Michael Hoffman reports.) Shukan Hoseki 11/3 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
196 19941106 Let's (not) get physical: Police cracking down on sex aids Shukan Shincho 11/3 ヘア解禁時代に開発された「おとなのおもちゃ」とは MS(Mark Schreiber)
197 19941106 Relationship turning sour? It's all in the refrigerator! Shukan Gendai 11/12 冷蔵庫を見ればわかる妻&彼女の「欲求不満度」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
198 19941106 Japan-US friction extends to nude photos in magazines Shukan Asahi 11/11 ヘアヌード誌の日米摩擦 TI(Takeshi Ito)
199 19941106 Document forgery flourishes among Chinese in Japan Bart 11/14 学生証からパスポートまで、在日中国人の闇の商売繁盛記。 MS(Mark Schreiber)
200 19941106 Chemically flavored (Views claims that contaminated foodstuffs are flowing into the nation unabated. Michael Hoffman reports.) Views December - MH(Michael Hoffman)
201 19941120 Japanese females targeted for Benetton's' colorful condoms Shukan Jitsuwa 11/24 イタリアのベネトンが日本女性をターゲットにコンドームを発売 MS(Mark Schreiber)
202 19941120 The pros and cons of sister city relationships Aera 11/21 泣き笑い姉妹都市 TI(Takeshi Ito)
203 19941120 The link between cancer and nuclear power stations Weekly Playboy 11/22 敦賀湾原発銀座「悪性リンパ腫」多発地帯の恐怖 TI(Takeshi Ito)
204 19941120 Is one Japanese man in five destined to be a bachelor for life? Shukan Asahi 11/18 「30男の5人に1人は生涯結婚できない説」を追う MS(Mark Schreiber)
205 19941120 Peaks of sorrow (Shukan Gendai warns that Japan's mountains between development and pollution are being stripped to death. Michael Hoffman reports.) Shukan Gendai 11/19 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
206 19941127 Monster gorilla battles JSDF at Rwanda refugee camp!! Spa! 11/23 巨大ゴリラ怪獣vs自衛隊!!ルワンダ難民キャンプの死闘 MS(Mark Schreiber)
207 19941127 Those who marry early in life are better off in the long run Denim December 早婚はふたり勝ち TI(Takeshi Ito)
208 19941127 Despite the recession, some of us are still striking it rich Dime 12/1 平成“成金”道 TI(Takeshi Ito)
209 19941127 Wanna part with your money? 1994's 30 best hit products Nikkei Trendy December 94年ヒット商品ベスト30 MS(Mark Schreiber)
210 19941127 Taking it to the streets (From jugglers to therapists, Tokyo is just one big endless performance. Michael Hoffman reports.) Aera, Spa! 11/14, 11/23 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
211 19941204 Hey, knives are lethal weapons too! (Except when they're not) Denim January 違法・合法・黙認 はっきりしない凶器にもなる(?)ナイフの取り締まり基準 MS(Mark Schreiber)
212 19941204 You too can own a Lassen print - for 800,000 yen! Shukan Bunshun 12/1 一枚八十万円「高級ポスター」バカ売れの裏側 TI(Takeshi Ito)
213 19941204 Who the hell is this guy who draws with his penis? Panja January こいつは何者だ TI(Takeshi Ito)
214 19941204 Five hundred geisha have vanished from Atami Shukan Yomiuri 12/4 熱海から500人の女たちが消えた MS(Mark Schreiber)
215 19941204 As think as you stoned we are (Aera snorts that Japan has become drug heaven. Michael Hoffman reports.) Aera 11/28 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
216 19941218 Japan's Meteorology Agency captures the 'Ignoble' Prize Sapio 12/22 大バカノーベル賞 MS(Mark Schreiber)
217 19941218 Would someone do us all a favor and retire Tora-san Shukan Gendai 12/17 車虎次郎をいいかげん安楽死させてや TI(Takeshi Ito)
218 19941218 Life's a bitch! The alternative lifestyles of kaji-tetsuo-kun Spa! 12/14 「カジテツオくん」の職業意識と人生観 TI(Takeshi Ito)
219 19941218 Japan's tattooed evangelists win new believers abroad Shukan Jitsuwa 12/22 聖書を片手に元暴力団員がアメリカ・カナダで“刺青伝導”ド迫力に信者も熱狂 MS(Mark Schreiber)
220 19941218 Jomon boom (Weekly Playboy claims nostalgia for a lost Golden Age is spurring people to turn to an alternative lifestyle. Michael Hoffman reports.) Weekly Playboy 12/20-27 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
221 19941225 Ranking the best and worst firms and products of 1994 Shukan Diamond 12/17 94年ベストとワースト企業と商品 MS(Mark Schreiber)
222 19941225 Which one's the dictator, Verdy or J. League? Aera 12/26 読売対Jリーグ「独義者」はどっち TI(Takeshi Ito)
223 19941225 Price destruction is now spreading to domestic tours Shukan Shincho 12/22-29 国内旅行で始まった「半額パンピング価格破壊ツアーの内容 TI(Takeshi Ito)
224 19941225 Fin de siecle Japan is like a kite with a snapped string Weekly Playboy 1/1-10 糸の切れた世紀末ニッポン MS(Mark Schreiber)
225 19941225 Gaijin groupies (Spa! Discovers that more and more Japanese girl s are turning to foreign men to fill a gap in their lives. Michael Hoffman reports.) Spa! 12/21 - MH(Michael Hoffman)




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