Erotic sushi' bar serves up tantalizing treats

「Erotic sushi' bar serves up tantalizing treats」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Erotic sushi' bar serves up tantalizing treats - (2008/10/05 (日) 13:26:16) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
※ この和訳はあくまでもボランティアの方々による一例であり、翻訳の正確さについては各自判断してください。

"'Erotic sushi' bar serves up tantalizing treats"



Nothing like the fragrance of fresh fish to stimulate one's appetite, right guys? We're talking, of course, about sushi, one of the more popular comestibles to grace the Japanese table at mealtimes.
男性諸君、新鮮な魚の香りほど食欲をそそるものはないと思わないか? もちろんここで言いたいのはスシ、日本の食卓を飾る人気の

But only in Japan, perhaps, could one find such an creative means to appeal to two distinctly different physical urges. To find out more, a reporter for That's Dan (February) journeys to Otaru, the Hokkaido port city on the sea of Japan, where he has heard an underground establishment is offering an erotic twist to this traditional fare. In fact, that's the name of the shop: Ero Sushi-ya.
受けられるだろう。詳細を知るため、That's Dan(ザッツダン)2月号の記者が北海道の日本海側の港である小樽を訪れ、そこでこの伝

The enterprise attracts its male clientele by posting a flyer around the town that reads (photo supplied) "All you can eat. 10,000 yen for 40 minutes." Those who phone the number indicated on the flyer are given directions to the shop, located on the 3rd floor of a building in the city's restaurant district. (The same building has a real sushi shop on the ground floor, but for reasons you'll see in a moment, our reporter prefers to pass.)

Ero Sushi-ya commences service from 8 p.m. From the outside, its sign reads "sushidokoro" and it appears no different from any other sushi establishment. Upon entering, the visitor is welcomed with a warm "irrashai." And just as in any conventional sushi shop, its interior decor features a counter with stools.

The resemblance, however, ends there: Behind the counter, the visitor will not see chefs brandishing knives or applying dabs of wasabi to balls of vinegared rice, but rather, encounter a smiling madam and a half dozen fetching females clad in happi coats with nothing underneath.

"Hi," greets the madame warmly. "Are you a tourist? The course at our shop provides 40 minutes, including 'honban' (the 'real thing' i.e., intercourse) for 10,000 yen."
「こんにちは」マダムは暖かく出迎えてくれる。「旅の方ですか? うちの店は本番(日本語でセックスの意)ありの40分コースを1万円

By Tokyo standards, that price may perhaps be a bit on the high side for sushi, but quite reasonable as far as the going rate for nookie is concerned.

At most brothels, it's common for women to work under a professional name. But the reporter notes with a grin that instead of "Fifi" or "Ginger," the mouthwatering denizens at Ero Sushi-ya have adopted appellations related to local marine life. Posted on a sushi-style wall menu are names that evoke the salient characteristics of the ladies who toil therein: There's "Maguro" (tuna) --- an untrained newcomer who just lies there; "Tako" (octopus --- apparently a reference to the "sucker-like" action of her "trap"); "Ebi" (prawn) --- who goes in for twisted positions; "Uni" (sea urchin) --- whose crotch is endowed with straight black hair that resembles the spines of her namesake); "Katsuo" (bonito) --- who goes in for S&M (as this fish is typically served "beaten") and so on.
寿司屋風の壁掛けメニューには、働いている女の子の名前が目立つように書かれている。そこには「鮪 - 不慣れな新人で寝ているだけの
子」、「蛸 - "吸い付くような"テクで男を落とす子」、「海老 - 体をひねった体位でしてくれる子」、「ウニ - 股間の黒々とした陰
毛がうにの針に似ているところからついた」、「鰹 - SM担当(鰹は叩くものだから)」といった名前が並んでいる。

At the recommendation of the madam, the reporter opts for Miss Tokobushi (abalone). After a five-minute wait in a Japanese-style "play room," she enters and greets him in a surprisingly husky voice. The action commences immediately. After wiping his "son" clean with a hot towel, she is soon sucking away. At her spirited encouragement, he manages to consume not one but two servings of, uh, abalone, in the allotted 40- minute period.

Satiated and grinning from ear to ear, the delighted reporter tells That's Dan readers that there's no better way to beat the cold of Japan's frozen northland than a healthy diet of sea food, Otaru-style


Ero Sushi-ya commences service from 8 p.m. From the outside, its sign reads "sushidokoro" and it appears no different from any other sushi establishment. Upon entering, the visitor is welcomed with a warm "irrashai." And just as in any conventional sushi shop, its interior decor features a counter with stools.
The resemblance, however, ends there: Behind the counter, the visitor will not see chefs brandishing knives or applying dabs of wasabi to balls of vinegared rice, but rather, encounter a smiling madam and a half dozen fetching females clad in happi coats with nothing underneath.
"Hi," greets the madame warmly. "Are you a tourist? The course at our shop provides 40 minutes, including 'honban' (the 'real thing' i.e., intercourse) for 10,000 yen."
「こんにちは」マダムは暖かく出迎えてくれる。「旅の方ですか? うちの店は本番(日本語でセックスの意)ありの40分コースを1万円でやっております」


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