Victim of virgin-killer children's home teacher tells a tale

「Victim of virgin-killer children's home teacher tells a tale」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Victim of virgin-killer children's home teacher tells a tale - (2008/08/04 (月) 10:02:44) のソース

&bold(){"Victim of virgin-killer children's home teacher tells a tale of sex and obsession"}


>"She suddenly slid into my futon and began kissing me. Then she went all the way. Even now I shudder at the thought of it. It was the worst experience of my life. It was nauseating. I was raped by my female teacher," the teen identified only as Boy A tells Shukan Asahi (3/30).

>Boy A, now 19, was placed in the care of a children's home operated by the Wakayama Prefectural Government after his parents were jailed for their involvement in a crime.

>The home, which the weekly doesn't identify, housed about 60 children aged from around 3 to about 18.

>Boy A's "nauseating" experience started on a cold February night in 2003. He was in his dormitory shared by eight children. Boy A, then a child in the final year of junior high school, slept furthest from the door, but that didn't stop his teacher, a woman identified only as Teacher K, from finding him.


>Teacher K was then in her early 20s. She had graduated from a junior college and earned qualifications to be a nursery school teacher. A big, hefty woman, Boy A soon noticed when she sidled up to him, began talking about the new CD player he'd bought and then quickly slid under his sheets.

>"She kissed me, fellated me and then had sex all the way to the end. It must have lasted 10, 20 minutes. After she'd finished with me, she told me over and over, 'don't tell anybody, don't tell anybody," Boy A tells Shukan Asahi, adding that he had never been with a woman before that time. "I wanted my first time to be with a woman I liked."


>After that, every time Teacher K worked night shift, she would creep into Boy A's futon, strip his pajamas off him and have her way with him. She also began sending him love letters, all of which ended by imploring him to keep her actions a secret.

>Even after Boy A entered high school and his extra-curricular activities increased, Teacher K's demands remand unceasing, as did her illicit and invasive extra-curricular activities with the child in her charge.

>"I'd be getting home at 10 or 11 at night and sleeping at 12. She'd sneak in to my room around 2 in the morning and stay in my futon until 5 or 6. I had so little sleep, I felt listless all the time and I truly thought I was going to die," Boy A tells Shukan Asahi. "To avoid Teacher K, I'd deliberately stay out until after midnight. Sometimes, I slept in my friend's car so I wouldn't have to go back to the home."

>Teacher K was nearly caught with Boy A on a number of times, but continued on regardless."I guess most people would say I should have just spurned her affections, but it wasn't that simple," Boy A says, noting that Teacher K repeatedly brought up talk of his parents' conviction to remind him that the home was the only place he had to go. She also threatened to have him sent to a stricter home.

>At the same time, Teacher K was also lavishing the teen with presents like CDs, cigarettes and a mobile phone, to which she sent e-mail messages, sometimes up to 30 a day. When she moved out of her parents' home and began living alone, Teacher K would get into her white compact car and wait for Boy A on the streets.

>"She'd be in that car and wait for me, telling me to get in when I came along. One night, she drove to a love hotel in the next town. I was shocked!" he says. "She took me into her apartment, too, showing me dirty movies and demanding I give myself to her."

>Teacher K's ministrations continued for two years. Then, one night, Boy noticed Teacher K slip into the room of another pupil in the home, identified only as Boy C. Boy A peeked into the room.

>"She was having sex with Boy C," he tells Shukan Asahi. "It was about this time that she stopped visiting my room as much. I knew Boy C fancied her. Boy C was still only in his first year at junior high school at the time."

>Boy A says that he knew of three other boys at the home that Teacher K was sleeping with at the time.

>In 2005, just before his final year at high school drew to a close, Boy A told his older sister that Teacher K had been forcing him to sleep with her. His furious sister confronted home operators.

>"Teacher K denied everything at first, but when the head of the home presented her with the letters she'd sent, she owned up," the sister tells Shukan Asahi.

>Shortly after, the operator of the home sent Boy A's incarcerated parents a letter of apology, admitting that Teacher K had gone beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior and informing them that she had been dismissed immediately. Teacher K also sent the parents an apology, but in the same letter said that the strain of losing her job had damaged her health to the extent that she would not be able to say sorry in person.

>Boy A finished high school and left the home just as authorities were urging him to end the case by accepting an apology payment from the home and Teacher K. Left to negotiate the deal by himself, Boy A wasn't able to come to a suitable conclusion.

>Boy A's parents remain outraged.

>"We were shocked to hear what had happened. The boy's sister had to deal with this at a time when her parents weren't around and the stress became so great for her she fell ill. For the past two years, we've been telling Teacher K to come to us and apologize face-to-face, but every time we've tried calling her home, her parents just hang up on us. We've just about reached the end of our tether," one of Boy A's parents tells the weekly.

>Boy A says he and his family are considering legal action against Teacher K and the prefectural government that employed her.

>"I was going to keep my mouth shut about this shameful incident for the rest of my life. But whenever I ask the home to talk about the case, they ignore me. We've been trying to get Teacher K to come over and apologize and she won't. Everything's being thrown back at me," Boy A tells Shukan Asahi. "All the other guys are scared of someone getting back at them if they sue her, so they haven't done anything. But Teacher K still has valid credentials as a daycare teacher. She might find work at another facility. I want to make sure I'm her only victim."

>Teacher K, meanwhile, has other things on her mind when the weekly approaches her for a comment.

>"Not now, I'm busy," she tells Shukan Asahi and heads off to her vehicle - the same white compact car she used to drive Boy A to the love hotel.

(By Ryann Connell)
March 26, 2007


Victim of virgin-killer children's home teacher tells a tale of sex and obsession

The Mainichi Shimbun
March 26, 2007
納品:7/16 (SpilyayA5)


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