

紙媒体MDN時代のwaiwaiタイトル2001年 - (2008/08/13 (水) 00:17:21) のソース

|1|20010107|Call girls on wheels keep randy truckers rolling|Naigai Jitsuwa|January|関西発パーキングエリアで一発「トラックヘルスの快感プレイ|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|2|20010107|Sex-toy shops making a mint out of liberated ladies|Tokudane|1/25|アダルトグッズ店に群がる人妻・OLのエクスタシー事情|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|3|20010107|University students flunking enthusiasm test|Yomiuri Weekly|1/7-14|ここまできた「大学崩壊」|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|4|20010107|Hey robot, get me a beer, feed granny and dance a bit!|Yomiuri Weekly|1/7-14|トヨタが参入ロボット戦線|CC(Cheryl Chow)|
|5|20010107|Over the edge (Everyone's losing it, but who's got time to see a shrink?|Spa!|12/27|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|6|20010114|Tying the knot abroad a trip down aisle of anxiety|Shukan Bunshun|1/18|人気急上昇「海外ウェディング」失敗実例集|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|7|20010114|‘Love hotels' abuzz with tall tales of pleasure|Shukan Taishu|1/22|ラブホテルで起こったいまどきカップルの爆笑事件|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|8|20010114|Anonymous shoplifter faces 8 yrs. Over code of silence|Shukan Shincho|1/18|万引き黙秘で懲役8年求刑の男|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|9|20010114|Mind-boggling reasons for women to get hitched|Spa!|1/17|唖然!!女達が結婚に踏み切る「超ライトな理由」|YK(Yosuke Kadota)|
|10|20010114|Depth of despair (The hard times are over. Instead, the Good Ship Nippon will sink into nuclear winter.)|Shukan Gendai|1/20|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|11|20010121|Little elbow room for rising number of women in chains|Shukan Taishu|1/29|女性留置場「ただいま満杯」の深刻事情|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|12|20010121|Sleeping around the best policy for insurance sellers|Shukan Post|1/26|「私たちの〝下半身セールス″話します」|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|13|20010121|Willing wives help out with the odd job on the side|Shukan Jitsuwa|1/25|人妻たちの風俗ではないアルバィトの中身|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|14|20010121|Nibblers on trains may be missing a few marbles|Aera|1/22|電車で路上でも食う人々|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|15|20010121|What about the kids? (As divorce cases soar, deep scars leave their marks on innocent victims.)|Yomiuri Weekly|1/28|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|16|20010128|Wacky mental asylum has authorities scratching heads|Asahi Geino|2/1|「無診察でカルテを偽造し患者の貯金まで使い込んだ!」|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|17|20010128|Hey, all you foreigners, give us back our women!|Weekly Playboy|2/6|やまとなでしこの「海外流出を食い止めろ!」|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|18|20010128|Local Korean hostess trade packs plenty of Seoul|Shukan Post|2/2|大ブーム濃厚「コリアン・フーゾク」に連続潜入|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|19|20010128|Memory lane too slippery for today's forgetful youths|Spa!|1/24|これってもしかして、「若年性健忘症」!?|CC(Cheryl Chow)|
|20|20010128|The cold shoulder (Your worst nightmare. Guess who just moved next door?|Shukan Hoseki|2/1|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|21|20010204|Stressed-out university students close the chapter|Aera|1/29|大学生の自殺急増の今なぜ|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|22|20010204|Blokes find omiai parties not a match made in heaven|Yomiuri Weekly|2/11|見合いにだって適齢期がある|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|23|20010204|Bosses pulling hair out over young punks' antics|Shukan Taishu|2/5|非常識若者社員に上司はこう対処せよ!|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|24|20010204|Udder madness over plastic surgery with cow products|Shukan Bunshun|2/1|今夏は大流行プチ整形で狂牛病になる?|CC(Cheryl Chow)|
|25|20010204|Crime wave (According to the latest crime statistics, Japan used to be a safe place to live…)|Spa!|1/31|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|26|20010211|‘Japan Pompom' prove old folks have lots to cheer about|Fujinkoron|2/7|{「自称容姿端麗」「55歳以上」の女性募集中!}私たち、熟年チアリーダーです|CC(Cheryl Chow)|
|27|20010211|Modern-day Oils: Working real hard not to work!|Spa!|2/14|「仕事さぼり放題OL」たちの社内ブレイコウ白書|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|28|20010211|For some young studs, it's still a man's world|Spa!|2/7|「ヤリヤリクリン」下半身哲学を語る|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|29|20010211|Revolving sushi shops spinning to dizzy heights|Yomiuri Weekly|2/18|過熱!回転ずしビジネス最前線|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|30|20010211|A close shave (Strap on your seatbelts for a nightmare ride in overcrowded skies)|Aera, Shukan Gendai, Flash, Asahi Geino|2/12, 2/17, 2/16, 2/15|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|31|20010218|Executed criminals donate to Chinese 'organ Mafia'|Shincho 45|February|死刑囚の臓器を日本人に売る「上海カンパニー」|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|32|20010218|Local men find int'l marriage not always a bed of roses|Shukan Taishu|2/26|国際結婚した日本男児の夫婦生活トホホ実例集|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|33|20010218|Rip-off artists take glitter out of Sapporo night life|Shukan Jitsuwa|2/22|「ぼったくりのプロが「地方」で荒稼ぎする大胆手口|MK(Masuo Kamiyama)|
|34|20010218|Super-cheap 'fast-raunts' join lunchtime price war|Shukan Asahi|2/23|オフィス街昼食300円競争|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|35|20010218|Net prey (Waves of terror threaten to pound Cyber surfers)|Spa!|2/14|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|36|20010225|Mindless violence bruises ' I'm safe in Japan' image|Spa!|2/28|「殺されない」ための“必”自己防衛法|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|37|20010225|‘Home alone' fear keeps busy bees on the move|Spa!|2/28|「家に帰らない症候群」|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|38|20010225|Dream shopping jobs abroad turn into expensive nightmare|Yomiuri Weekly|3/4|主婦、OLがはまった海外バイトの甘い罠|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|39|20010225|Tough lady truckers keep on rolling for equality|Shukan Taishu|3/5|急増女性トラックドライバーの「女は度胸」泣き笑い奮戦記|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|40|20010225|Bridge bender (Hip youngsters flutter in and out of fickle friendships)|Aera|2/19|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|41|20010304|Track a fugitive, pounce on a pooch and bag big bucks|Tokusatsu Shinsengumi Extra|4/1|日本・世界の“一獲千金”一挙公開!「賞金稼ぎで一山当てろ!」|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|42|20010304|With book in hand, women warming to luxurious loos|Yomiuri Weekly|3/11|若い女性はトイレが大好き|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|43|20010304|‘Married singles' go to great lengths to keep the secret|Aera|3/5|偽装シングル増殖中|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|44|20010304|Are secret police files cuffing PM candidates?|Sunday Mainichi|3/11|総理候補者を脅かす警察の極秘ファイル|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|45|20010304|March crisis? (It's the period for closing the books…for good!|Shukan Taishu|3/5|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|46|20010311|Himo school guru claims 'no strings attached'|Shukan Taishu|3/19|「ヒモ道場」びっくり繁盛記|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|47|20010311|Shady gang money puts hospitals in the line of fire|Shukan Diamond|3/10|病院を骨までしゃぶり尽くす暴力団乗っ取り手口|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|48|20010311|Professional accident victims preying on the gullible|Shukan Taishu|3/19|関西系当たり屋の悪質手口|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|49|20010311|Dark shadows follow 'Lady Guard' stalker insurance|Shukan Asahi|3/16|新登場ストーカー保険お得か|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|50|20010311|Nekama nanpa (Cyber drag queens tugging on sex-starved libidos)|Aera|3/12|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|51|20010318|Truckers deliver the goods to seductive ladies of the house|Shukan Taishu|3/26|宅配業者を困らせる人妻、OL「昼下がり」迷惑|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|52|20010318|Gaijin grapplers muscle in on the sacred dohyo|Shukan Taishu|3/26|外国人力士ばかり増える大相撲|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|53|20010318|Independent women will lift the country from its knees|Yomiuri Weekly|3/25|景気回復の救世主は30代ノンパラ女性|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|54|20010318|Remember when Japanese folks were never, never late?|Da Capo|3/21|時間を守らない人が増えた?|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|55|20010318|Wicked wife (Home turns into hell for battered hubby|Asahi Geino|3/15|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|56|20010325|Jurassic Park-sized problems stamp on latest theme park|Shukan Jitsuwa|4/5|大阪経済の起爆剤「USJ」の悪い噂|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|57|20010325|Call girl service delivering sweet candy to disabled|Shukan Shincho|3/29|風俗嬢に協力要請 医大の苦心研究|RC(Ryann Connel)|
|58|20010325|Ruthless agencies bury ax into fragile starlets' careers|Shukan Post|3/30|消えたアィドルたちが犯した芸能界のタブー|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|59|20010325|Nation's fate still decided behind geisha house doors|Aera|3/26|またしても密室ですか?料亭でポスト森を探る理由|MS(Mark Schreiber)|
|60|20010325|Fishing for the gullible (Hustlers set lifestyle traps for today's youth)|Shukan Taishu|4/2|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|


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