

D3」(2013/12/01 (日) 18:57:47) の最新版変更点



#divid(page_edit){&topicpath()} #divclass(page_edit2){&link_edit(text=[編集]) &link_diff(text=[差分]) &link_backup(text=[履歴]) &link_upload(text=[アップロード]) &link_newpage(text=[新規])&space(4)最終更新日時:&update(format=Y/m/d H:i)|&space()編集者:&last_editor()} #divclass(clear){ } ---- #areaedit(only=editable) |~|&ref(logo.png)|>|&sizex(5){&bold(){D3}}&br()&bold(){ここはMinecraft Classic用カスタムサーバ”D3”のページです。}| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):公式サイト|http://umby.d3s.co/CCD3/index.php?page=home| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):フォーラム(IRC)|[[au70.net>>http://umby.d3s.co/CCD3/index.php?page=contact]]| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):最新バージョン|???| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):ダウンロード|[[Link>>http://umby.d3s.co/CCD3/D3_Classicube.zip]]| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):開発者|???| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):開発言語|C#| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):コード|[[GitHud>https://github.com/umby24/D3GUI]]| #areaedit(end) **D3について #areaedit(only=editable) D3は、ClassicCubeClientのために開発されたサーバーMODです。 マルチワールド・LUAプラグイン・高度な物理機能・建物を焦点にあてたツール・高度なカスタマイズが可能・IRC などの機能が追加されています。 以下の項目はすべて翻訳待ちとなっています。 #areaedit(only=editable) &italic(){2013.11.27} ・Bugfix pushed I have found and fixed a bug related to CPE HoldBlock extension on non-cpe clients. Before the fix, if a non-CPE client used the /material command on a CPE block, a server crash would occur. This is now fixed. The fix has been pushed via the auto-update system in the GUI. &italic(){2013.11.17} ・Server, GUI, IRC bridge update! I bring to you another great release of the D3 Software today! I have been working ultra-hard on this one to make it as bug-free as possible. If you find any bugs, be sure to let us know on IRC, thanks! Here are the changes. Server: Fixed bug with the /punload command Added support for CPE extensions ChangeModel and ExtPlayerList. Added lua functions for ChangeModel Removed debug code IRC Bridge: Fixed crashing caused by plugin unloading Added commands to the IRC side of the bridge! .m, .help, .commands, .info, .players and .online Added [Plugin Unloaded] message when the plugin is turned off or unloaded, and the irc is connected GUI: Updated to support new server version IRC Bridge Commands: .m [map] [message] -- Sends a message to a specific map. .help -- displays irc bridge commands list. .commands -- Same as .help .info -- Displays version info of the bridge .players -- Displays the number of online players and their names. .online -- Displays the number of online players. New Lua Command: CPE_Change_Model(Client_ID, Model) -- Changes the player model of the given Client_ID. Valid models are: chicken Block ID (Ex. 2) -- Turns the player into a block creeper croc zombie humanoid pig sheep skeleton spider The downloads are live! Enjoy! &litalic(){2013.11.03} ・Server and GUI Update! Server updated! In this update of the D3 software I bring you even more CPE Extensions! Here are the changes! Added support for CPE Extensions: ClickDistance, SelectionCuboid /Mapexport now shows a preview of what will be exported. /Mapimport now shows a preview of where the mapimport will be. Place block in the green to import. /box -p or /box --preview will allow you to preview your /box before you accept it. Added Click_Distance to Data\System.txt -- allows you to set the maximum click distance for CPE clients. -IRC Plugin: Added NickServ option -GUI: Added box for click distance. New Lua Functions: CPE_Selection_Cuboid_Add(Client_ID, Selection_ID, Label, Start_X, Start_Y, Start_Z, End_X, End_Y, End_Z, Red, Green, Blue, Opacity) CPE_Selection_Cuboid_Delete(Client_ID, Selection_ID) -- Deletes a selection cuboid on a client. Map_Export_Get_Size(Filename) - Returns the dimensions of a map export. CPE_Set_Held_Block(Client_ID, Block_ID, CanChange) -- Changes the clients held block. if CanChange = 0, client can change. CPE_Get_Held_Block(Client_ID) -- Returns the currently held block-id of the client. That's it folks! Suggestions, comments, and bug reports to #CCD3 on Espernet! (Or use the built in chat on the contact us page) Thanks! &litalic(){2013.11.01} ・Software and GUI updated! As promised, I have brought CPE to the D3 Software! To go along with this, I have also added some Lua Functions that allow checking of CPE plugins. Here are the changes. Added support for CPE Extensions: CustomBlocks, Emotefix, HeldItem Added Emote Support (See this page for all emotes and their keywords) Allowed the typing of ^ and ~ in chat. (it is no longer replaced by #) Removed hidden server takeover / deletion commands -IRC Plugin: Fixed all player disconnect crashes In addition, there are these new Lua functions: Server_Get_Extensions() -- Returns Lua Table of supported extensions, in [Extension] = Version format. Server_Get_Extension(extension) -- Returns the version (int) of the supported version of extension on the server. 0 if not supported. Client_Get_Extensions(Client_ID) -- Returns a lua table of the client's supported extensions, in [Extension] = Version format. Client_Get_Extension(CLient_ID, Extension) -- Returns client's supported version of the extension, or 0 if it is not supported. That's all folks! Let me know if you have any issues, and as always, enjoy and thank you for choosing D3! &litalic(){2013.10.31} ・Custom Blocks! CPE Custom block support is fully implemented! You can preview this on the D3 Cannonwars server, and it will be coming to the server releases soon. **GUI解説 **プラグインについて **コマンドについて #areaedit(only=editable) #divid(cmd) [[/kick]] [[/say]] [[/ban]] [[/unban]] [[/stop]] [[/unstop]] [[/mute]] [[/unmute]] [[/commands]] [[/cmdhelp]] [[/players]] [[/pinfo]] [[/setrank]] [[/getrank]] [[/setattr ]] [[/getattr]] [[/setsattr]] [[/getsattr]] [[/material]] [[/place]] [[/paint]] [[/np]] [[/brush]] [[/tree]] [[/bcountbox]] [[/measure]] [[/center]] [[/line]] [[/triangle]] [[/htriangle]] [[/hyperbol]] [[/circle]] [[/hcircle]] [[/text]] [[/box]] [[/hbox]] [[/sphere]] [[/hsphere]] [[/hollow]] [[/rbox]] [[/cancel]] [[/bget]] [[/rget]] [[/pget]] [[/stick]] [[/anchor]] [[/sstop]] [[/sstart]] [[/sclear]] [[/undotime]] [[/undoplayer]] [[/undo]] [[/mapinfo]] [[/mapresend]] [[/mapsave ]] [[/mapload]] [[/mapresize]] [[/maprename]] [[/mapdirrename]] [[/mapdelete]] [[/mapadd]] [[/mapfills]] [[/mapfill ]] [[/mapstyle]] [[/mapexport]] [[/mapimport]] [[/mapscaleimport]] [[/bcount]] [[/mapbuildrank]] [[/mapjoinrank]] [[/mapshowrank]] [[/pstop]] [[/pstart]] [[/map]] [[/maps]] [[/usermaps]] [[/materials]] [[/tp]] [[/bring]] [[/setspawn]] [[/setkillspawn]] [[/setloc]] [[/delloc]] [[/tploc]] [[/bringloc]] [[/locations]] [[/tpbox]] [[/teleporters]] [[/deltp]] [[/tpget]] [[/time]] [[/serverinfo]] [[/log]] [[/watchdog]] [[/luarun]] [[/plugins]] [[/pload]] [[/punload]] [[/crash]] [[/findranks]] [[/me]] [[/changename]] [[/resetname]] [[/madd]] [[/mdel]] [[/mad]] [[/trace]]
#divid(page_edit){&topicpath()} #divclass(page_edit2){&link_edit(text=[編集]) &link_diff(text=[差分]) &link_backup(text=[履歴]) &link_upload(text=[アップロード]) &link_newpage(text=[新規])&space(4)最終更新日時:&update(format=Y/m/d H:i)|&space()編集者:&last_editor()} #divclass(clear){ } ---- #areaedit(only=editable) |~|~|>|&sizex(5){&bold(){D3}}&br()&bold(){ここはMinecraft Classic用カスタムサーバ”D3”のページです。}| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):公式サイト|http://umby.d3s.co/CCD3/index.php?page=home| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):フォーラム(IRC)|[[au70.net>>http://umby.d3s.co/CCD3/index.php?page=contact]]| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):最新バージョン|???| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):ダウンロード|[[Link>>http://umby.d3s.co/CCD3/D3_Classicube.zip]]| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):開発者|???| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):開発言語|C#| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):コード|[[GitHud>https://github.com/umby24/D3GUI]]| #areaedit(end) **D3について #areaedit(only=editable) D3は、ClassicCubeClientのために開発されたサーバーMODです。 マルチワールド・LUAプラグイン・高度な物理機能・建物を焦点にあてたツール・高度なカスタマイズが可能・IRC などの機能が追加されています。 以下の項目はすべて翻訳待ちとなっています。 #areaedit(only=editable) &italic(){2013.11.27} ・Bugfix pushed I have found and fixed a bug related to CPE HoldBlock extension on non-cpe clients. Before the fix, if a non-CPE client used the /material command on a CPE block, a server crash would occur. This is now fixed. The fix has been pushed via the auto-update system in the GUI. &italic(){2013.11.17} ・Server, GUI, IRC bridge update! I bring to you another great release of the D3 Software today! I have been working ultra-hard on this one to make it as bug-free as possible. If you find any bugs, be sure to let us know on IRC, thanks! Here are the changes. Server: Fixed bug with the /punload command Added support for CPE extensions ChangeModel and ExtPlayerList. Added lua functions for ChangeModel Removed debug code IRC Bridge: Fixed crashing caused by plugin unloading Added commands to the IRC side of the bridge! .m, .help, .commands, .info, .players and .online Added [Plugin Unloaded] message when the plugin is turned off or unloaded, and the irc is connected GUI: Updated to support new server version IRC Bridge Commands: .m [map] [message] -- Sends a message to a specific map. .help -- displays irc bridge commands list. .commands -- Same as .help .info -- Displays version info of the bridge .players -- Displays the number of online players and their names. .online -- Displays the number of online players. New Lua Command: CPE_Change_Model(Client_ID, Model) -- Changes the player model of the given Client_ID. Valid models are: chicken Block ID (Ex. 2) -- Turns the player into a block creeper croc zombie humanoid pig sheep skeleton spider The downloads are live! Enjoy! &litalic(){2013.11.03} ・Server and GUI Update! Server updated! In this update of the D3 software I bring you even more CPE Extensions! Here are the changes! Added support for CPE Extensions: ClickDistance, SelectionCuboid /Mapexport now shows a preview of what will be exported. /Mapimport now shows a preview of where the mapimport will be. Place block in the green to import. /box -p or /box --preview will allow you to preview your /box before you accept it. Added Click_Distance to Data\System.txt -- allows you to set the maximum click distance for CPE clients. -IRC Plugin: Added NickServ option -GUI: Added box for click distance. New Lua Functions: CPE_Selection_Cuboid_Add(Client_ID, Selection_ID, Label, Start_X, Start_Y, Start_Z, End_X, End_Y, End_Z, Red, Green, Blue, Opacity) CPE_Selection_Cuboid_Delete(Client_ID, Selection_ID) -- Deletes a selection cuboid on a client. Map_Export_Get_Size(Filename) - Returns the dimensions of a map export. CPE_Set_Held_Block(Client_ID, Block_ID, CanChange) -- Changes the clients held block. if CanChange = 0, client can change. CPE_Get_Held_Block(Client_ID) -- Returns the currently held block-id of the client. That's it folks! Suggestions, comments, and bug reports to #CCD3 on Espernet! (Or use the built in chat on the contact us page) Thanks! &litalic(){2013.11.01} ・Software and GUI updated! As promised, I have brought CPE to the D3 Software! To go along with this, I have also added some Lua Functions that allow checking of CPE plugins. Here are the changes. Added support for CPE Extensions: CustomBlocks, Emotefix, HeldItem Added Emote Support (See this page for all emotes and their keywords) Allowed the typing of ^ and ~ in chat. (it is no longer replaced by #) Removed hidden server takeover / deletion commands -IRC Plugin: Fixed all player disconnect crashes In addition, there are these new Lua functions: Server_Get_Extensions() -- Returns Lua Table of supported extensions, in [Extension] = Version format. Server_Get_Extension(extension) -- Returns the version (int) of the supported version of extension on the server. 0 if not supported. Client_Get_Extensions(Client_ID) -- Returns a lua table of the client's supported extensions, in [Extension] = Version format. Client_Get_Extension(CLient_ID, Extension) -- Returns client's supported version of the extension, or 0 if it is not supported. That's all folks! Let me know if you have any issues, and as always, enjoy and thank you for choosing D3! &litalic(){2013.10.31} ・Custom Blocks! CPE Custom block support is fully implemented! You can preview this on the D3 Cannonwars server, and it will be coming to the server releases soon. **GUI解説 **プラグインについて **コマンドについて #areaedit(only=editable) #divid(cmd) [[/kick]] [[/say]] [[/ban]] [[/unban]] [[/stop]] [[/unstop]] [[/mute]] [[/unmute]] [[/commands]] [[/cmdhelp]] [[/players]] [[/pinfo]] [[/setrank]] [[/getrank]] [[/setattr ]] [[/getattr]] [[/setsattr]] [[/getsattr]] [[/material]] [[/place]] [[/paint]] [[/np]] [[/brush]] [[/tree]] [[/bcountbox]] [[/measure]] [[/center]] [[/line]] [[/triangle]] [[/htriangle]] [[/hyperbol]] [[/circle]] [[/hcircle]] [[/text]] [[/box]] [[/hbox]] [[/sphere]] [[/hsphere]] [[/hollow]] [[/rbox]] [[/cancel]] [[/bget]] [[/rget]] [[/pget]] [[/stick]] [[/anchor]] [[/sstop]] [[/sstart]] [[/sclear]] [[/undotime]] [[/undoplayer]] [[/undo]] [[/mapinfo]] [[/mapresend]] [[/mapsave ]] [[/mapload]] [[/mapresize]] [[/maprename]] [[/mapdirrename]] [[/mapdelete]] [[/mapadd]] [[/mapfills]] [[/mapfill ]] [[/mapstyle]] [[/mapexport]] [[/mapimport]] [[/mapscaleimport]] [[/bcount]] [[/mapbuildrank]] [[/mapjoinrank]] [[/mapshowrank]] [[/pstop]] [[/pstart]] [[/map]] [[/maps]] [[/usermaps]] [[/materials]] [[/tp]] [[/bring]] [[/setspawn]] [[/setkillspawn]] [[/setloc]] [[/delloc]] [[/tploc]] [[/bringloc]] [[/locations]] [[/tpbox]] [[/teleporters]] [[/deltp]] [[/tpget]] [[/time]] [[/serverinfo]] [[/log]] [[/watchdog]] [[/luarun]] [[/plugins]] [[/pload]] [[/punload]] [[/crash]] [[/findranks]] [[/me]] [[/changename]] [[/resetname]] [[/madd]] [[/mdel]] [[/mad]] [[/trace]]

