

垂直落下/Plummet - (2021/11/08 (月) 03:42:11) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


"You are the grandest of all," said the archdruid to the trees. They became so proud of bark and branch that they suffered no creature to fly overhead or perch upon a bough.


"Let nothing own the skies but the wind."
――Dejara, Giltwood druid


The elf's blade carved deep into the Eldrazi drone's fleshy lattices. Without a sound, the drone lost equilibrium and tumbled from the sky.


"Still, the pterodon chasing the clouds from its skies must bow to the great forest below."
――Mahuiz, Sun Empire archer


An arrow from Nylea's bow never fails to find its mark.


Scavengers follow in Skysail's shadow, feasting on the carcasses of monsters that attacked the floating city.


The dragon's noxious breath withered the forest. The whistle of a hundred arrows filled the air. The ground roiled as if shaken by an earthquake. The tyrant fell from the sky.


"A creature of stone was never meant to fly. And I see the Ulvenwald agrees with me."
――Halana, Kessig ranger