

帰化/Naturalize - (2021/06/05 (土) 00:08:11) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


"From here, let the world be reborn."

―― ウィリアム・シェークスピア

"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
――William Shakespeare,
Troilus and Cressida


"Well, it also makes a very nice flower pot. . . ."
――Arcum Dagsson, Soldevi machinist


The idols of old are rich in minerals and magic. They are torn apart when nature aims to eat well.


If you want to destroy something lifeless, make it live.


"The scholars wept when we destroyed the hedron. I had no such pity. What would this world be like had we done so sooner?"
――The War Diaries


"Nature does not need adornment."
――Garruk Wildspeaker


"When your cities and trinkets crumble, only nature will remain."
――Garruk Wildspeaker


"Stone and thought fade into ruin. Only the wind in the leaves will endure."
――Tomb inscription


"And if you threaten me again, your shiny steel trousers will be sprouting daggerthorn vines."
――Iveta, rooftop runner


The remains of ancient sky tyrants now feed the war-torn land.


The remains of ancient civilizations litter the run-down land.


"Better to let the sword go than to lose the arm with it."
――Captain Lannery Storm