

渦まく知識/Brainstorm - (2023/05/26 (金) 21:50:26) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


"I reeled from the blow, and then suddenly, I knew exactly what to do. Within moments, victory was mine."
――Gustha Ebbasdotter, Kjeldoran royal mage


"I reeled from the blow, and then suddenly, I knew exactly what to do. Within moments, victory was mine."
――Gustha Ebbasdotter, Kjeldoran royal mage


"I see more than others do because I know where to look."
――Saprazzan vizier


The mizzium-sphere array drove her mind deep into the thought field, where only the rarest motes of genius may be plucked.


The mizzium-sphere array drove her mind deep into the thought field, where only the rarest motes of genius may be plucked.

imageプラグインエラー : ご指定のファイルが見つかりません。ファイル名を確認して、再度指定してください。 (Brainstorm6.png)

"I have a plan. Actually, I have three."

Signature Spellbook: Jace


"In all my years of research, I have yet to accurately quantify that baffling mental process known as ‘inspiration.'"
――Elmora, mage-analyst


Infinite ideas flow through the Multiverse, waiting for an open mind."
――The Biblioplex: An Introduction


The Changer of Ways often sends glimpses of possible futures to his most loyal acolytes, visions that would destroy lesser minds.

imageプラグインエラー : ご指定のファイルが見つかりません。ファイル名を確認して、再度指定してください。 (Brainstorm10.png)

"The secret is simply to know what you’re going to do before you even see the possibilities."
――Porlema'ko, mind mage